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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECOBD <br />APPROVALS DATE IDiSIG.COMMENTS <br />I. rr oancrolthc pro[lcrly, or nrycnrlloyccs wilh *agc( rs rhcir sh .onrPcn\arn,n, wilt do rh. *orl urd ltE (nrluN h nol <br />inrcnid orofcrcd,or slc (Se 7(N.t. Btsitu:s and lrrcfcssions C()d.: Th. Conttrois Liicnsc Llw doc\ noi qrp], h Mo$dcr.f <br />rhctmFny shr huikh or irvn'rc\ rhm$n, rftl *h) d{r\ !rl, rod( hinrrdlfor hci\clfor ihtoDgi hk ot hcr o*nc' <br />Drovnhd lhd such i'n!rctcrxft0rmr inrcMcdorofc'ld lhrsalc ll h.*ctr. rhchuildirgorin{n.vcmnr isdd+irhi onc Far <br />ofconrkri.n. rh. Ow cr Auiud *rll hrvr rlf, hudcn of F)vin8 rhd hc or shc rii, mt h,ikl or i,\roE rh. pn,Fny nn rhc rurF,{ of <br />_l.arorn$ofrhc!rupcny,rncrclhrvclycotur.rnrgsirhlicutr*d.onrdcktrsloonslruclrhctn,ic.l(S(7llt4,$ <br />rl Pn,f.ssrr Codc Th.Cotrlracrors Liccnsc L{s (nrcs nor rtplyro rtrotrntr.fprot t wh. build\ or ir.prclcs lhcrcon. <br />rnd who conrmck ror su.hri&.rswrh. cbnrrucrorls) lkcn*d purnhnr ro rhc Cnnrraclols l-kcns. tiw). <br />I a'n.x.nrpr un .r S.di, <br />]IaB(EBlIaMfliNS/U[]N <br />tlECttxAIIaN <br />I hrdhy drfirnund$ l.nrlrt orp.rjuryo.c.lrhc nnhpiri8 l..lnmtiotrs <br />I havc{d *illnuinrsinr Ccflifi.arc.l Coi*d n, Sctlli\ud litrsorkcF comtcnsarion. as povidedfi,hySdlionl7U)ofrh. <br />lj6or (id., tur rhc Fnbnmmc ofrhc N.rk tur whi.h rh. p&mir i\ icsucd <br />lh.!condwillnminloinworkcrsconrpcnrltioniNurancc.osrcquitcJhySccrn,n:r70Oof(h.L0hoiCodc.l()rrhcptrfonnrccol <br />rrE worktbrwhichthk p.iorit is isss! My$orkcs .omncneliqr i'$ ond Flicy nu,nhct ne: <br />-l <br />c.nity rhll n, rh. Ilofn'utr.. ofrhc work tu whirh thn Fnnir i\ i\\ucd. I drll nor cmploy 3try ncrnr i', rny nrnrcr <br />s, ,\ t, h.o r sxhicr ri rhc sorkcr' .onrFn\nrio,r l.* .f C.lifdnir. in<l iSE llur if I sl$old hL(Dr {hlcd ro lhc <br />sorkm .onllc \rri(,r pmvi\n,N ol sc.r iLnr 1700 ol lhc trlxtr C,nlc. I n$ll. rihh\ iri .onrdy wirh rh.s flovisios <br />WARNIN(; F,ilur. ro surc *orkcrs'co.D.nsdi(in.o\crr8. is utrlnwrul. !0d lhtrll slhjc.r ar' c'nPkJr.r b dnniml Pctrrhil md <br />civil iincs ut ro on. hundrcd rhousa d dollrs (SI(Xl.0lX)). in.ddiiion ro rnc con ofcomp.nsdnn. drm8.s !s Droviled ior lnc <br />serio 10T6 llhc hh.r Codc. inlcrc( !.d ltrormy'r r'e\ <br />l)Htc: /\DDli(rnl: <br />LMlMllNlltl.uBDr(l BltlllN <br />,n rtu lluri',rs rnll\ol.\r' L\(i{r. rllnr}! i\ i'i rr ll rri.. xrLl .l ..r <br />CONSIEUCIIANIENDINC.ACEBCI <br />IhcEhy.ffirmunderpenllryofpcrjurythutlhcrcL\,coniru.rionkndine.e..ylorrhcPc, fotwhi.hihit Fnnn h <br />issucd (S.c.1097. Civ C ). <br />AfIL&ANLIIECL/$AfIoN <br />I hcE$y allirm urder Fnolty oi i,€rjlry onc oflhc folhwio8 <br />Dcmliri.nPfin rsAsb.sosNoiincarion FcdcBl Rcnularions(Iirlc41).Pon6) <br />Rcqutcrl t ncr of NoifEorion <br />_lccniiyrhii rhc fc{lcrrlreguhrion\ rq&li',A ashldo\ r.R,vrl arc nor lPpli.iblc tu rhis fm]ccl <br />-lccnifythnr <br />I h^ rhtapl,li.dn ,nd far. rhd rh.trt \r infornrrion n corcd I nSre h cohpl, wirh all cny ,nd County <br />ordinlnccs und Siarc l"aws rclriing h building coD{ru.ri.n. rd h.rchyaurhdizc rqEscnrdilci ofliis Cir, Dnd C.unryr. cnrcr upon ihc <br />atn,vc nf,nliorcn popcrly n, i'1sF.rion lurF)sca <br />]\pDlicnnl or AEcnl SiInature <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Lile Salety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bondino / Groundino / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Rool Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soflit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouoh) <br />lvleter Release <br />"/t: <br />tt2iH 6 <br />Rouqh 4Z''i * <,,.'Y-\.evF.9 <br />Service Ir/eter <br />FINAL t1 _.{L(n ,r4 )------------vNotes, Remarks, Etc <br />Communications Cable <br />Air Conditioners <br />OWNER BUILI'ER DELCARAI'ION <br />I hcrcby afinn undcr pcnslly ol'pciury thll I am crcmpl lron lh. Conk,ctin l-i.cns bw lor Ihc follorine rclv,n rscc 7l-rl t <br />Businc$ ad l,rofc$ion Code): Any Ciry u Co! y whi.h Eqxncs I Firni to consrrucl- slle!. imp!ov.. dcn)li*h or rl.n iny <br />srrucrlrc. pri,r ro irr irsu,n....l$ rcquncs lh. arllic0 rbr surn [E.nrir lo fiL! sirn.d darcftnr rhd hco. shc n liccnscd Nrsulnr <br />ro rhc prolisions ofrhc Conrdcrocs Lic.nscd tiw (chnflfi 9. ComnrrcinB wirh Scclion ?O(n or Di$liotr :r ofrhc Businc$ $nd <br />Pofcsions Codc) or th.l lEorshc tcrrmpl rhclcrror and lhc$o\iq fttr rhc slltgcd cxcq)ridr. AnrviolationofSarion 70:ll5 hyin, <br />q,plicanr fn ! ncnnihul,jN( rh. appli.anr h a.i!ilpcndlryornor morcrhin fivc hundrcddollar ($5{x,). <br />CMEr:- <br />Liccnsc chss:-Liftnrc Nun rr: <br />- <br /> (onrmclorl)lri