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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENT-S OIYNXR AUII,DER t'Et,CARATI1)N <br />I hcEby.lltnr uM.r |xnrlr! ol pcrirtr! rl l tun cxcmpr ko,n rl[ C.nri.tni t.icctrr t * n)r rh. tollo*ins r.rvnr 1s..7).rl5 <br />Bu\inc$ ann hoi!$nrn Codc) Any Ciry or Coufly Lvhi.h rcquircs r pcnnil k, con{tuci. rlrtr, i pi(,vc. dcnFlt[ or q{ir rn, <br />(tu.rurc. p'itrt, i( i\surnc., rls. r.qunc\ rhc lPpliciir for such ocnnir b lilc r {gncd e.rcntr rlmlh.orshc h liccnscd puNUanr <br />ro rhc provkiotrs ol rhc Conlrrcrors L-iccf$d t w (Chlprcr e. Conn.crcins sirh Sccrion 7000 or Divni{ 1 ol rhc Bu{inc$ rtrd <br />Profcssn,n\ Codc)o,ihartr or shc i\ crcmpi rh.rcfrom,nJ rhc ha\i\ f{,rhc rllcgcd ctunDrio. Atryvnndrir olScdiorT0ll5hyuy <br />q' r...lfnnn suhj.rrs rhc lpflr.trrto r.ivilocDilryolrnr m.dhN liv. humjicddolla,!(S5{x}) <br />_t.uso*ncrolrhcpot^-.dr-,trn1yctrpk,rcc\\rhcirv'lc.of(n\rri( .willd.rh.wo drhcNtrxrchlor <br />idc,xhd orolTcr.dfor\rlc(Sd.70.1,{.BusircsrdPfu,.\\nnrCodc'rhcCoftrrclr{.sl-iccnscljwdo.snotapdybMo*ncrol <br />rlrI)ft)IEny sho 6uild\ ar iry,()vc\ thcNn, dni wno dms ni.h Lvor* himsclfor hcBclfor rhmugh hh or h$ uqi cmpk,yccs. <br />F)vidcd rhrr such inpn)EnEnllorc n.r irlcfrlcd .r.rcRl ntr ]N+$!'. rlf, hui[ irg or i]npn*urtrr ir s)U *irhi'L{r Jarr <br />olcon{hlinrit O*mr Buildn will hrvc rlf, t{rdcn of nrovi grhd lr or \hc dil trol huikl o. in[mrc lhc rmlEny for rhc pur]M of <br />I. i\ ouErolrh. Jlnrfdy. .nr cx.[nncly.ofii.r ii! Firh lrcnscd conrNrrs ro.otr(rucr rhc pmjccr tse. To+r.l]tr\tro{s <br />xt ltraesion Codc l hc conrlcin s l-iccnsc l-a* docs n.r npplrkr rno$trcrol nroNnysho buil&.r i'nprovcsrhcrcon. <br />rtrd who .onkr.h tu s!.h pn+ck silhaConrnckin li.. scd Dutrurtrr lorh.Cotrrrlcktr s l,icctr\c l:'s) <br />-l <br />ancrcmfl ulldcr Sstion-. B &PC turrnhrcNu <br />Dsl€: orne.: <br />woRKF'is' (oruPENSAl loN <br />ll[!trt3arl0! <br />I hcrcbyrr'rirtrru dcr|f rlryoiD.rjuryorcolrhctblloqinrdcchflri(nN: <br />,K*:; <br />for thc pcrronnince ollhc uort ln, shich lnc pcrnril h is\trcd <br />sorkc^ .o'nf \rrn,n ntruBtrcc. r\ rquncd b\ Sc.ri( l7(X).1rhc lnho'(itrlc. inrhc nc'tunnm(of <br />nnr r $su My*.rkci\i\ nnr irNtr.rtr .on'cr rtrl plicy nun,lrr xrc <br />ZL% <br />b 0 <br />I.c,rilr rhnr ir rhc tcrf.rmrcc ol'rlt work ln shi.h rhis t[nni n i$u.l. I \h!11 D.r crplo) rnt |I,\tr, nr r.y innmr <br />(i nr hc(rr shjcd hrh.$orkr conlrn\dnn, l s\ol Crlil,ntrix. r xgto.rh iflshould h.onE \rhrccr rolhc <br />*ukc.l,nr.nsJri,nrprovi\i{in\ofScrri{)n:lTllooIIl[l]htr(i)d..lshlllft'rhwirh..rflywirhrho$r,rovhi.ns <br />WARNINC lirilurc h *.trrc workcm conrENiriotr ..r.rx!c is <br />.ivil ftrcs uD ro onc hundrcd rhousrnd dolhrs (1l(x).ux)). nr nd <br />rD .nr0Loycr t, fi trrl r{ r|ltr\ rrd <br />n\rrntr!. dxmgr\ x\ I',trrl.d nr r[c <br />:"'}^8"-y'q:)y': <br />I hcfthy rfrirnrrndcr ncialry.fNrjurt rhrr I lxr'!,I nlChrfh 9! $irl, s..ri(]n rrxXrr,'l t) 1^(trr I <br />uf rh.Bu\i'tr\\ I,'ofcr\n ( Codc, rki ry li.cN is n lllllntuc dnlcllccr <br />Li.cnscc,.s., '45 <br />,',,," -8'23' <br />I hcEbyatfinnundcrncnillyofpcrjurylhd lhcrc is0 con(rudion lcndin8 ucnc, turrhc ri.rrontunct.lrhcsork ror whichrhir |trn n <br />issu.d (s*. J097. Cir. C.). <br />Lcndcls NanE: <br />- <br />dIILICANIIJIICLI.BAI]QIi <br />I ttRhy rfilnn utulcr lrmli! ol p.rjur! o c of rhc f()lbq i'rs dccldd nnrs: <br />D!aEliriotr ltrnrih A\hc\ros Norifi.ari,n,Ijcdcrxl R.gnhri,,n\ (lirl.i0. Pd6) <br />RcquncJ lrrrrr ol Norili.arhn <br />Iccail'_vrh rlD tnorlrcgtrliriotrs 'cr di'rg {\h.{os r.NrHlnrc not xfplicxhl. r, rhi\ prcjccr <br />Ic.difyilrd I hrlc r. rlns rflJlnrii rid sr crh rhcrh^nndi,$ is.ortr'.r I r!r.ct,.ordy\rirhrLlCirr"rnd Ci r- <br />orthnrD.c\ rnd srr(.1r\! ftlnri,r! kr h!,1 ,dhorizcrcprcscnr!rivcsollhhCiry d Counlylocnlc.lrxnirhc <br />llhn nEDrioncd I'n)lEn, nn i e4r <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/Vent/lnsulation rl <br />Rool Sheathing I llto lt?b.trrYltr*+/fu-- <br />Shear Wall I <br />Framinq <br />lnsulation/Ene rgy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coal <br />l\4aso n ry <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Depuly Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certil <br />FINAL c '/rl//..{Anx'L Y/ TL. <br />Certilicate ol Occu pancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />Erection Pads <br />Pool Fence <br /><//2d<5