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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE COMMENTS oWNF]N BINI,DN:R DE!-(:ARAToN <br />I hcrcby 3flirm undcr Fnrxy.l lrc jury thd I am cxcnBl fr.m thc Conrracl{m\c lf,s ld rhc rollorin8 icls'n (Scc 70.115 <br />ausincss lnd Plora$i.n Conu) Any Cn, or Cotnl, shicl rcquircs r Fmrir ro .o {fl.r. tlrcr. inr,,rove- d.mlnh or rcPrn $, <br />( ciurc, prix r. iri i\ruan.., aho rqutcsih. n, u.h Frnrir to n[ r siSncd srarcnrcnr rior lEor\hc h lien*d prFunnr <br />ro rhc Folhions of rlE Conhcroas l-iccned Inu rcharrcr ,. G,! wirh sc.ri(,. 7fix) of Oivision ] of lhc B!rinc\\ lnd <br />Pmfcsiois Codc)orthrr hcor\hc is.rcmrr rhcrclro'n and rhc ha\is tar thcrlhScncx.mplion AnyviolationolSccriotrT(l.1l.5hydny <br />amli.,nr lor a p.nnir subjccF lhc rptlicanl lo ncivilpcml'yo, nol nFrclh8n livc hrnd..d d.llar (s500J. <br />_1. rs .*ncrofrhc pnrlrdy. (tr n1y cnployc.r virh wr!.r as rhcn sob.onpcnsirion. *illdo rtE $ork and rhc {fldurc a nur <br />inrcodd.roffcrcdfoisrL(S.!7(t4,r.Busi.NsnndProfc$nrr(-odcrThcConrrucrnsl.iccnscljldn.rnor{tlyrn romrol <br />rhc pmrcny wtu ttril& or irnprorcs rhcN( ad wh, d{f,s st.h \ort himsclf or hcrell or rlrou8h his or hcr own cn, Dyces. <br />pn,lidcd rhar su.h imntuEnrnheft)i i.tendcd o..lTcql for {k ll k)trrkr. rhc }rrikling Dr in{x,vcnror k $kl $ihi'r onc )tr <br />ol d,tr{'krion. ihc O*n.r Buil .r *ill horc rh. hordcn of l)n)ling rh.r hc or shc dil n.l ttrild or illlpro}r rfie poF{y fo. r}r nu lFt ol <br />I.r\owncro{ihrln,ncny,nrcrchsncly.otrtr.ritrEsirhlicci$d.onrru.rnsro.otr{ru.rrh.pmFci(Sc..7(}r,t.llun&\( <br />rtrd AolBion Codc IhcConrrrror\liccnsclawdoc\norafplybriotncroft(,l]cnysh.huikh.rtnfRrc\rhcrtotr, <br />!trd who cont(ttursuchptujc.tswirhrQnnck*(()h.cnscdfurrur0rlorhcConrrcrtr\l-irci\clrN) <br />I a6cx.frpr und.r S.crion- B. & P.C. ior thh rcan,n <br />Drl.r OPEr: <br />]TOAKE&::COMTIINIATIAN <br />DE TIAAIA! <br />I h.rcby iflii,n undcr |xn,lrt oll)crjury om oflhc,ollo*in8 d(lirilions: <br />I l[tr nM will nuirtiin tr Ccnificlrc ol C.nscnr n, s.lrr lnsft fin w.rkcr! .odNtrsi!.D. rs F,vidcd fu iy s(r i,nr :l7lx, o I !h. <br />it)1:l7lX) ol lh.l-ihor Cotlc. f(tr rhc ff,nnnnxrc.l <br />icr iri,hcrm: <br />2A <br />I ccnify rhlr in rh. pcrrortun d ofrhc work f(r whkh rhr Nnnir F k{cd. I shall nor cuploy rny in.., nrMncr <br />$ N tu {bj.d b thc uo.tcn compcnsar ior lx*s .I Cilili)rni!. aad 4nt rhdr ir I \hduld k..oit suhic' ro <br />'hc{.lkcis'..mpcnsnrionlnvi\iosofSccrion.lTO0otrhctnhrCodr.l\hrll.fonhwirhconrDlywithlho{trolhion\ <br />WARNIN(;: Failor b $.ur. w.rk.F .omp.trs nnr (ovcrr8. is unh*Iul. a rhrll sohjcd an cnploycr o ai iDnl n!ml'i.\ dnd <br />rivil lidc\ trt t, odc huidrcd thousnDd dolhrs l$lllJ(Xx)). ln ol ..ntr qrn{. drnrFc\ r\ llivi(l( l,n rlr:::3W:: <br />I hcrcht 0ttm unncr tcmllloiFrjury rhrr I Jm lChaprcr 9 (.onnm.cin8 +irh Seri,n 70(Xr.IDirision 1 <br />or <br />'hc <br />Busincs\ and Pk,r.ssi nsCodc. lnd rryliccns h ir iullr cc mdctielr <br />.).1-a,1- <br />I lrrcbyalfirmundcr pcnllryolFqtryrhd rh.rc ktcointudi)n LidinSaB.myforlhclcrlhrronccolrh. so n Ehi.hrhtrcrmi! ( <br />Lctrd.isAddcs <br />- <br />AIIITCAXLDICI.ANAIIQN <br />I hddry ailinn u ndcr rcn0lt, ol !.rjury om olrhe folk,win8 dcchrlrions <br />Dcnxrirtrn Pdnir\ ,^\h.qros Notificnrn r'cdcml Rcguldnrs (Iillc40. Pan6) <br />Rcquicd lracr or Noriierir <br />I r.'lilv rhrr I hx!. rcrd r[n ]tflrxri,nl <br />,tr,lrxDc.\ xftl Srnr I r{\,rLdi'r! (,lJtr'l r <br />hni\roro.r lrsrek,.oillltwirh.llCilyindCouniy <br />rhorizcrcprescnrrrir.sof rhi\Cny dCounlyl(icnlcruponlhc <br />7 8:224 <br />Set Backs <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/Vent/l nsu lation I <br />Roof Sheathing ?hn/n r-turrH ,+- - <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Enerqy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lalh <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL <br />Certilicate ot Occu nc <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />ID/SIG. <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />turhc pcrrbnnrmcolihc *o ror whichlhc ncnnn n isucd <br />ind sill n nin *Itrltr'\' <br />/)/- <br />/ <br />rsu.d (Scc 1(})1. Civ C.) <br />I .rlir'\ Nrnr <br />_l ccnifyrhrr rhc hdcral rgulrri.ns medrdin8 a$.ros rcfr)vrlurc nol atrli.lhlc ro lhis nmFd