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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE COMMENTS OWNEN BU!LDER DELCAIIATION <br />I hcrcby smnn undcr Fmh, .l pcrjory rhrr I m .xc.!rr rtud (hc Co ncro6 Liccns tiw for rhc,qin!,n (s..7011.5 <br /> and Pr.a.ssion c.dc): Atry Cily or Counry {hich rcquncs a t'gmil ro consr cr. ah( nlllmv.. dcmlth or rcran my <br />srruclurc. lrior to iis issu!rcc. rls rquiEs rheappliconr aor such,lemir to file asigtud i,t.mnr rhd hc or shc h liccnscd rurru!.r <br />ro rh. pmva\i.ns ofrh Contlr.roas Li.rns.d ljw (Chiprrr 9. connmrcins wilh Scction 70ff of Divhion:r or lh. Busilcs rn4 <br />Pbrcssio.\ codc) or rhur rf, or sh. is crcnDr rhcrcriom ond rhc bosn for rhc,llcscd rxcdflio. Anyvi{rarionorssrion 7i}lrl! hy an.i <br />.rpli.anr for a lemir subj<rs rhc aprliclnr k, acivilDenrlryofnornh..rhan rive hundrcd dollus (3500) <br />l. as owftr orrhc pmlrny. or mycmplorrcs wirh woscr $ rhcir solc co.nrcDsurion- willdo rrt wolk lnd lh. slrutN irml <br />inrcnrh or olTcrcd for slc (Sa.7Ol4- Bu\inc$ lnd Profcsion\ Cdc, Th. conk&roi s Lietre tiw dNs nol apdy ro a. owncr .r <br />rlk pDl.ny lho hildqor h{mws rtEMn. nnd uho des nEh wo* himsclaor h.r*lfor rhmuBh hn or h.r own cnPloyce\. <br />pr.vidcd rhar sxch i'hptur rnB m nor ir .dtc{ .r oftci.d lor $lc. ll how.vcr. rh. buitling or nrpmwmnr ir sB wniin ,,nc ytr <br />ofcotr{,brion. rhc O$rcr Blilder will haw lh. bxnlci or ln,vin8 rhr lt or rhc dn ret buiH or inpmrc lhc rrFny nn rh. ,uqnc of <br />l- s.sturofrhc pn,p.ny. a rxclusiv.lyroitd.ri,rB qirl liccnscd c. ndor to condrucr r hc pn)F.r rsc. 7(11-1. BNtrc$ <br />rtrd hdfc$irtr Codc: Thc Conlracrois l,icctrrc l,!w rl.c\ tror rt,rly k' ar owmr orri()P.rl, wno huild\ o, inrnroms rhd.on. <br />ri,l who co acr\ ntr \u.h tn,ic.r Rirh 0{ls) licctr\cd puNmnl lo rhc Conkrcln \ t-kcnr li,s ) <br />I rn, cr.n,pr undcr Sc.r <br />,^,",)-7/o?,49,,"". <br />lllllrtsll]a! <br />I hcr.hI rlllrI um].r ncM rv.ltf,rjurv on. rrrlr k'lL($i"g,l..lrrrrtrnN <br />I hrvc od Bill nEinlain . CcnilEarc of Con*nr lo SclflNtrrc fttr eork.r' .on{rns.r ion. m pmvided aor hy s<ri(,n :1700 ot rhc <br />tibor cdq ror rhc p.rrormrc. of lhc work n, which lfu ,'crmi h nsucd <br />_l h,k rnd will roinrrin *orkr* .o.rrcnr0r ion iNurr .c, rs rcquircd by Scdiotr :l7ul or rhc lill, codc, rM rhc lsr{mEncc oi <br />rhc oork for whkh rhis Fmir ic isrcd. My workn{ con[cns.lion i$urane cuicr aid Fliry nunb.r .: <br />Pnl'.vNumbcr <br />-ErDir. <br />-l <br />ccnify rhal in Ihc pcdolMnce ofrhc $ork i{tr which rhn n rnir is i\sucd.l shall Dol cnDloy 0try pcrv,n in utry nDtrmr <br />Rr r, bcmm strl,j.rr t, rfic qorkcs .o,nr.nsarion l.vr of c.|r'ornir. r asrcc lharirI.tx,xlJ r.( ruhFdlorhc <br />sorkdl cohpcisrtion n$vi\n,ns ol Sc.hor l?m of rh. titrrr Cdc. I nEll. ion huirh .annply wirh rtb\c lrcvhions <br />civil lincs nt lo om hnndrcd rhNsr lollars (51(X).(rl)O). i'r rtltliri,nr t) rhc co{ ul .(irnr. drnug.s r\ to!trl.d lnr rh. <br /> 1l)76 nlrh.lahor (t'dc i' cr.(xnddr <br />"^,.,1-llna//'?*on**'. <br />I hereby ailirm undcr Fnalry nfFrjury rhd I dm li€n*rl und.r povlsio,r ofch.pler 9(conrmncins sirh S*rion 7(xr(D ol Diliio..l <br />ot $c ausircs snd Prcfcsions Code- and nry liccnrc i\ in lnll tne ,d cfftur <br />AIIUCi lNLDr,l!:lABAIIotr <br />I h.Nhy altirD utrdcr rcn{[v ol pcr iury onc ol rhc trll,'wira.lcc]arrri,,d\ <br />Dc olirioi P.i,hirs Adf,{.s Norili.!riotr I;cdcrrl RcguIrion( (lirlc.l(]. Pan6) <br />Rcqln.d l1trd of N.rifi c.tion <br />lccnifyrhar thc lcdcnl.cguhrtrns mgiding rsh.{o\ rcn$hl arc norrtpli.rblc b rhis !tr&.r <br />I c.nifyrh[ lhNc rLad rhi\ aDp]i..tion md {larc rhd lhc xtrc inlorourion i\com.r I rgr(t,.!mflysirhrllCilyrrl(i,unry <br />ordm,kcs and srrrc tjss Elilina to hu ildirc consrrucrbn. rl h.rcbya ivcs ofrhis Ciy ond Counryro cnrer !runtlr <br />,h.!c rnn.n.d rmpcny ror irstccljon purposcs <br />.rpplitnrl nr ,\ Sisnaltrre <br />Perm er nanEtpnNl: <br />A ",2 <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Sions (monument) <br />Life Salety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Translormers <br />Torqueinq <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Faclory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouoh) <br />Itleter Release <br />Rough ll//)ll{51\ft <br />( <br />FINAL >/z/tq g74a*,/62_ <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc 77 <br />ID/SIG. <br />Service Meter <br />g)NSIf,UCUQNIENDSCIGENCI <br />I h.Eb, a,fim under IlcMlty ol pcrjury rhar rhcE h ! .o.dd.rion Lnding sgctrcy for thc Dcrfomne of I hc wotl tur *hicn lhis If,rnrit is <br />nsucd(Scc. 1097.Ci!. C ).k.d.i! \rtr.- <br />Lcndcis AdCrcs: <br />- <br />--------r------= <br />+