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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE I IDiSIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUILDER T}ELCARATION <br />I hclcby ailrnr undcr pcnrh, ol pcdury rhlr I m excmpl from rh. C{,ntado^' Ltcnsc tiw f(tr rhc rbllo*ing rcasnr (s(?l):1115 <br />Busincs flrn Pmfcssion Codc): Any Ciry or Cou', which r.qxirc\ r ,.rnril lo .onsIrucl. altcr. inrprxt. dcnoli{h nr rqhn uiy <br />dtu.rric. lritr ro irs i\sua(o. dl$ squircsthc applicr lbr su.h pcnnirto iih u \igrcJ e c,tutrr rhai h..r sh. is liccnsd Duisu0nl <br />ro rhc pmvi\hns ofrhc Conrr.roa\ l-i.cnsd tiw (Chrrrd 9, Comrnctrcins wnh Sc.lio! ?OOO ol Dili\ion I of lh. Au$ncrs and <br />Pofcs\i.nsCodc)orlhrrh.orshcncxemalrhcrcfromandrhcb!\hforrh.Jks.dcxonprnr!.AntriolalionofSccli,,tr?0.ll5hyany <br />ltplic rfttrrpcn.irsibj(*rh.amli..nrroacivilp.n.lryorormorclhatrlivchundrcddollnrs5m) <br />l.$.wncrrirlrl]n),)crty.ortrrycnrpl(Dccs*irhsrscs!slhcirv,h.onlldistrtr .Billdorhcrvork d llEnMlurc i\ nor <br />trcndcd oro0crcd li)r $lc (S( 71!.,r. Bxri.cs hd Pnnasi('n\ Codcr Thc Conna.tois l,iccnse l,a* do.\ norlmly b !n.qkrol <br />rhc lrnJFny wh. t{ilds or iirrre\q rh.rcn.ond who dfts such work hinrcllor hcrclror rltrotsh hn or hrr owfl cnrth}t$. <br />nrovidcd rhrr such irnprovcnEnr\ uc ft,r i.rctrdcd or olltEd lor rrlc Il hosclci rh. tDikliis or i'1v'ovcnEN t nild wirhi', otrc )utr <br />of..trDldir,. rh Oumr BuilJcr qillhavc lh. tilrdcn ol'florir8 (llln hc or \hc Jid nor hxild or i'nProvc rhc nmtisly lor rhc Pu'Ix,eol' <br />-1. "\oNncr ofrhc ptuI4ny. ar.rclusivcly.otuaclirle wirh$d conrmclon b con{ru.r rhc floFr lSc.. ?Ol-1. Bu\i'Er\ <br />.M Pnrssrn Codc: Thc Conlrdois Liccnsc La* docs.olaDnly b !no*ncr or l()r.dy who huilds or inl)ro\ct rhqcon, <br />ind ,ho conrrudi nn such roj.{h snh ! Conrtoct,(s) liccnsd fuNurtrl torhc ('onlnrlo s Liccnsc hw) <br />-l <br />ancxenrpr uoder Secrion <br />iraB(!x5tcoM8[Nsa.r]o! <br />I hcrcby,riirm uktcr pcmltyolp"'j,.y on" nrrh" rntl,*hglffiil*3s <br />lfr r"* ,nu *, rr n*.t, u C"nr licorc ol Concnr h l.surc lor wortm .!mptn$rn,n. as ,mvidcd lor by Sccrn,n :r7u, ur rhc <br />hbor Gxlc, ror r hc p.rformncc ol lhc wort for which lhc n rorit h isslcd. <br />,l hivcn"du'illnuinrain *o.kcF cnmtf,.\ tun i.rnr!i.., r\ 6qxnL{ hy sccr iM l70o of rhc l-Itn{ Gde, ntr rhc P.rrormrcc of <br />rhc work lor whth thhFnnir is is{cd Myworkc^ co'nP.trqdnnr nrurnn c cndcr ffdt'olty nnm$..m. <br />Iua Cn )n0r> <br />I.cnifyrlrrir,trpcrloflMtrrc.lrhcw.rklorshichlhnNrmir i\ i\!ocd.I nrlltror cqtoy.ny Pct\on h!n,nBnncr <br />s s r() hcconrc \'hrcr r,) rhc *ork.B'..'nruis lio lasofCrlinrtria.rM.8rccrhoriiIsh.uldtrc.nrsubj..rrorlk <br />sork.6 oDr|Itrs3r ion pn)vir ni of Sd nnr :1700 ol rh. tjtxtr Codc. I (hr ll. lbrrh* irh conDl, wirh rh.{ ,n)visds <br />W\nNlNG I'rilurc Io krurc Boricr conrpcnsdnu covcrlgc is tnh\efol. rnd shxll subi..r ,r) cnrllorr n' mnii'rl If,Dlri\ r d <br />.ivil inr.sunn)Dmlrndrcdlhousinddollnn($|U)-UX))-i.rddiri.nk,rhcc.nof.omFn\nli(.d0nrlcsa\FrvnhJturrh.";:;::,{#ri:. <br />L](INI!LS]}! ts]]-I1]!! <br />DECIASAIION <br />I hcrchy dmrfl und.r p.nllryofrcrjurylhar I om liensn undcr pmvnio. ofChaFlcr 9 (commftinE sith Se-'rhn 7m0).rDivhioi l <br />ol rhc Brsincs rnd Phf.$ions Cod...Jld my licnsc ( nr tull ior.c nxlcflccl <br />Z c/-c) <br />con(redor )< <br />CAX,SIBIJCIIOI{I.EIDIIC.ACENCI <br />Ihcrchyoffinnundcr!€nlltyofpcrj!ryrh rhdeirrcoNr crion Lnding r8cncy lor lns p€riotmn corrhcw.rkrilrahichlhhpcntr[ n <br />issucd (!. c ). <br />AIILICANLDEIIIAAIION <br />I [EEL, afllm ututrr Fnnky of pcqury oN ol rhc followinB dcclnr ions <br />Dcn'lin,n lcrmik Ashcit.s N.rin.rrion RcBUl ions lTnlc40, Pan6) <br />-Req!tcd <br />llrrer.t Norif@ri,,o <br />I cc'rifyrlrrrh.fcdchlrceulrliors rc3fldin3!sb!\r.srcmovrl!r. ror rp!licrhlc ro rhi\ t)tuiNr <br />ff*:lrl**r;;l*r;yr: <br />rt !c truind tn,pcnylor iNpcct <br />Appliclnl or SiSnolnre:L <br />i(rnrr {rrc rharrltr ihnc rJorunri,{ ir c.trccr I!!rsro <br />b0ildin! con{ru.rn,n. nnd hcRbtrlrnnzc rcDr$c ilir.\ oi r <br />comdy wirh rU Cnrand Coutrry <br />hn Ciry rftl (nunry ricnr$ uF,n rhc <br />,^,".11ty <br />Set Backs , <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Ereclion Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loorvenVlnsu lation <br />Roof Sheathinq <br />Shear Wall <br />Framinq <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt- Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif . <br />FINAL <br />Cerlif icate ol Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />z-lL <br />,r,"', g:q ,,l./Ll- <br />tJn'j.''\ Addrs'-