<br />Site-Work
<br />Underground
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Light Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Fountains
<br />Signs (monument)
<br />Life Safety /Low Voltage
<br />Fire Alarm / Dam pers
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Building
<br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER
<br />Transformers
<br />Torqueing
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Roof Top Equipment
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rough)
<br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouqh
<br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough)
<br />Meter Release
<br />Rough
<br />Service Meter t
<br />FINAL 6/u.ni .JMt)
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. /
<br />()wNER BUtt,lrlR DUl,( R t l()N
<br />I h.rctry afinm lndd penikt of Frjury lhai I on crenrpl tron rlr (i'nlmcroB l icense Ii\e fir lhc foll,Nirrr rcrq( (s( 70.115
<br />Busincs a*l ProlBion Codc) Any Cilr" or Counl! snicn re1un6 tr pon,il lo consrrcr. a[tr- nnp(rc ddmlish or Epait my
<br />structue. prirrro its hsusnco. ako Eqtrns the aptli..nt lor nrchFuirk) file a slgtrd (drcnrr.r rlrrhtor nR ls li!-N.J pureur
<br />ro lh. Irolistuns of rh. Conrradr-s l.icc.*d l-as (Cn!ri6 ,r. (tmnicn.in! $iI s..rion 70{)l) oa l)nisi(n 1 .l lhe &'iin*.Jtnd
<br />PofessionsCodc)orrhdh.orsh.Llctm rhd.aiom aid rlB hasis aor th. allcrcd c\cn'Oion AtrvlidfllnrorS(ri(nr70ll.5byany
<br />applicant lor a pd.ril sublRa rhe appli.anl lo flci!ilDcn.lq oltr.rnw.rh.n li\cr,tr .l'dd.lla's($500)
<br />l.mo\vmroarlEpmp.nt.orrny.mployssllhw0s6.sllrtn,leconrcnsdi.n,\illioihrNo'kid(l[srtr.rtr,.irrd
<br />inl6{H or ofin€d for elc (Sa 7044, Busi'rs and hr rssions ( d. I hc Co6r.do, s Li.cnsc L0\ d.6 nor a ,l) n, .n o\mr of
<br />lh€ pNp61y $hohrildeorinpro\6lh6on.ruttrhod(6uhtro hi seltorh!r.laf, rh'orr[hisor h&o\tr.nrDl.\ts.
<br />providdl rh.r su.h nnI'o$fnh e nor iddd.J o' olT. dl f,r nrrc I I no$ d.r. r1[ hrildi,B .r i |]r o\ cDe iss)ld\irhi one)@
<br />ol co'nplcrion. Ilrc Owns BliEd \ lU haE rh! htrdo ofriovins rhar h. or sllc did Rn Lrild or nnt!(\e rlE pqEl} n, lhc pu'B,F of
<br />I. &r owns ol rhe pr.tcly, tui.iclLsncLy.onkacring silh I'cens.d.ont..krsro.o.nrocrrlrci\,i(l (S.{ 7o'l I lnrr8r
<br />.nd lhfeion ( oLlc rh.( ontraclors l-icetrF l,.\'do6noi 6prlvlo ano$nq olr()n.n),(lh il&.ri frolcslrFc.n.
<br />atrd sh! contra(rlorsuch[roj<B\dhaconrrrctn(r) li.thr.rl Nrsmtrr orltr( ontictors I icctrsc I r\l
<br />l0n€\enrU trndq Sdiotr
<br />Drrq orn€r
<br />\\oRxE[s a'aiN PEr,isii t toN
<br />DECT.A!{IjO!
<br />I hd.[t am und* tsah! oap6]u!y on. ol th. nnbr irB dal.r.liotrs
<br />llrv..nil$illnlsimrnrr(diicareof(onsnlloSell-lnsr.lor $orkes co'tr€ siii{nr..s pn\ .dlo' l)!s.tli(!r:1700 ofth.
<br />Latior Cod.. lor rh. Fronnanc. of rh. *ork lor \nich rlr ,)srit i5 isGl
<br />lhe \o* ror\hichthis p.f,nlt is isB]
<br />^11\o'kos'.otr,I{trsdifn
<br />nK 'irccc ri.r (lF.lic\ ntrnnE.'e
<br />Icenifylhrtirlh.rErlormanc.ofthe\rorkrorrvh'chrhirpc'nririrkk&1.Irlmllrordnpl,ran]Nrnnrilr,r rndc'
<br />$ sr. br.o,n. ebjer ro rh. \.d6 .ohFnsario.li$sol('aliriimi0- mll a!,ce ihil il l shorkl lx(rL n'hicd kJ rlr
<br />rvolkm'com!.nsarionpro\isionsolS€ctionlT00oilhel.nln(i c.l srnll.linh\irnron,d) sirhrlNrcflo\isir!n
<br />NINC: l:ainr.lo secuc sorke6' conll)cnsflion corqare x unl!( n L ntd s[dll srl,i(r rf crrtno\er k] (irri'rl r{,alti6 anJ
<br />fine rp lo onc hundrcn lhouMnd
<br />r lU76 olrl[Lal[rCod.. imB'qlv\tb
<br />)0.1)lr0). in ilir,tr lo lh. c.sl ,'f.r nt,rnsnrtrrr, (h (.! i
<br />I ha.hy .mnn und( Fnilt! of palu'y thit I an o .t I'ro\isn{ot(l,ipls()(.fn,ncn(r!\ihS&1i{{7(x11r)rIl)nisionl
<br />ol rlre Rusinssa horrssn s (i{lt..id ry ir.ds. is ii n l] tu'.ci rlcilc(r
<br />a.-2
<br />I he.8 aifian u.d.r pcn.liyolt'dltrryrtmr rh6c
<br />nsu.tl (S.c .r0'r7.(iv ( )
<br />nrcliotr lendnrsasrn(r (rlr'cl{rnn,^n((l'nt$ork rir \l,i(hihisFnrit is
<br />Ar[!!(AILDE!! ll^Ilal
<br />I hs.{rt allinn utrder paall y ollErir) one o f I hc nn L\l in! dec li' rr i(rN
<br />D€fldilnrn lcrniG.AsL€stos Nolin(0lnnr |rdci.l Rerr l.rnnrs ( I irlc lo. l'an(,1
<br />is ('ir\ atr,l (i!d\ n, rtui trtF.rlE
<br />Retuird Leird oiN.lificalnnr
<br />YAPATJAL--
<br />,'.," a/az/ru
<br />DATE
<br />Under Slab / Floor
<br />Air Conditioners