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MECHANICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE tD/stG.COMMENTS OWNER BUILDER DELCARATION <br />I hcrby omd undc, pcnalry of Fdu.y fial I m ck'i! fsm rhc ConlftcloG Lien* Llw fo. tta lolloving Elsn (5(.7011.5 <br />BBin ss nnd Phfersio. Codc): Any Cily or Counly thih rcnuiEs a Fmn lo onslrucr. .lts. in{,ot, dcmlhh or rlan My <br />sltuctm, lrh! to irs Gsumc. d$ EquiEs rhc sFrlicant for ruch Itrhn ro nb a sisncd srsrcft.t thor lr or rlE ir liccns.d puNqt <br />to llE prcvisions .l rh. Conlelols Lk.n*d tlw (Cltaptct 9. ConmcminS wilh S.ction ?000 of Division 3 of thc Blsines o <br />Prot ssions C.dc) or lnlt lr tr sh. is er.mpt tlErcfion rnd llE hasis for lnc rlhScd crcq)lkrn. Aiy li.'hlior of Selb. 70:11.5 b, an, <br />.pplicmr fo! o l.rmil subjcds thc lplliclnt lo a civil pcnllty of ml mrc lhd fivc hlndtd dollm ($500). <br />-1. <br />.s opNr of rhc OnFny, or ny cmplor.cs with wdees as fict sh ompcnsarion. will do llF wo* . tlE slrLt{@ i\ nol <br />intmtu or oficEd aor eh (SN.7OI4, Busiftss dd Profcssions Code: Th. Conlraclm s L*cne Liw d.ti ml a$ly ro m ownd ol <br />rhcth,,eny wh6 build{ or inipEKr oE@tr arld sho des skh e* hiorlf or hcrcti or lhmu8h hh .r lEr own.mplo}rcs. <br />prcidcd thlr sEt impmmnls @ mr intsd.d orotu aor st. It lDws.lh. ttrildirs G iqlmBnr is sld *ithin om ,ed <br />of on{,htt tr lh. OwEr Buitlfi will hrE ttF burd.n of povia8 tld fu or sh. dil mt hoild or inlmw lhc pollcny for tu lnrlbe 6f <br />-1. <br />asowrcr otrhc pmpcny. !meiclusilclrconhcrins {irh ticcn*d conradoB lo co.srrud rhc phjd (Ss 7044, Busres <br />rnd hd6si,n Codc: Thc Contdor'3 Liccnsc ks der no! aptly ro an ownd of l,ropcrty sno builds or imFrcrcs lhcrcoo. <br />nnd who conra.ts for such [ojccls wirh 0 Conrrlcro(, licen$d p!r!a ro rhe Contricrols Lken* Llw). <br />-l <br />!n crcmpl undcr Scdion-. B. & P.C. for lhh taron. <br />IAATEf,S:.COMPINSAIAN <br />DEII.AIAIII]N <br />I ncNby uirtrm undcr ncntrlly of Dciury one ofthc folloains dcclarutions: <br />Ihrvculdwrllntrir rinaCcnificrrcofC!trs.nrtoScllltr{rclnrlorkcc coml.n\lrion. N pn,ridcdtrhys..rbnl7mofrhc <br />Irtxtr C(xh, r.' rhr,.rfff ,tutuc of rhc $.rk fd which rhc n rnri i\ nsuL{ <br />I hnvc snd will m.inlain *orkcN .orycnsolion insuramc, as Eiuncd by Serirn 3?00 of lhc Lbor Cqlc. fo, rrE Frfo,rl1mc of <br />l\1 comr.nsdion carict ud poli., nlmhq e.: <br />0,/d <br />-l <br />mrrify rh.l h rhc ncrlormrc of rh. wort fo, whi.n $h rJcmit is irsu.d. I !h.U mr cnploy any p.rsn in uy MmI <br />$ 6 to .lhjccl ro ln. wo*qc onp.nerion b$ oa Calif6mia, and a8rcc lhlt if I should b.{oft sobjel lo rhc <br />mik s' coopcneiion pDvisions of Sd on S?m of rh. t$or Codc. l nE[. fonnwifi orply wnh lb* pmeisio8.. <br />WARNING: hjlurc lo wurc s{trkcs conFnglion cohrusr is lnlowluL &d shall subjer &.nplorr ro aiminol I'cMllics and <br />civil fin$ uI lo om hundrcd lnousnd dollus ($100,0m). in rddirion lo I "il;,Sa&ion l!076-r!h.ldnr Cod. i.r.E{ snd <br />,."), Q/zlt t& a*,\l--Se-on' <br />LICEdIEDIONIBASIAB <br />IIECI/MIIAU <br />I h.ftby rllinnundcr FndlryolFrjurt rhd I n liccnsd undcr lmvhiotr of Chaflcr 9 (conurcrciry *ilh Sccli{,n 7In0) or Divinon .l <br />.f rh. Busi'r$ and Proris\nrrCod.. mJ nrv lic.rsc i\ i'r tulltur.rdrdcllt.r <br />CZO v? vBgY <br />caauBticllllNr[NDlNtilli[Nrr <br />I h.rb, x8irm undcr J.nrlly oi pcrjury rh rh.rchr.o.$flction lcndi,rB ng.ncy for th€ l]crformrc oflhc mnk f.r whth rhis Fmn i\ <br />hsucd (Scc 1097. Ci!. C.) <br />AIELICANLDECI,IE{IION <br />I tltby ammr undcr pcnah, of pcrjury om otthc nnb*irs d.clorali{nr\ <br />l).m,liri, Pcrnit Ashc{os Norificrrnnr F.dcral Rctuhri.i\ ('rirlc40, PdO <br />-Rcquncd <br />knd or Norific i,n <br />I cdr iay rhar rh. fcncd rcgllarions EgordinS ,st{slos rcnbvll sc nol a,rpltrblc ro rhis Imre.r <br />I cnirvr&r I l8u mxd tfiis ion ad sr0lc rhrt rtc above informrion h Lnmn. I dgrd rosmplywnh ollCily!trd Counly <br />0,1 rxn(.\ r (Lsrrl.lN!\ion. dxl h.rcbysurhorizc rc,'rcscnloliles ofrhi\ Cn, <br />ohovc motioftd pmp.ny for in <br />Appli.anr or Ag.trr Si8ndurc <br />P"tr')r,{ <br />Appliances <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Com pressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rough Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Range <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openinqs <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rouqh Mech. <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release I I I <br />FINAL \\c \14 I )11,',{ ( <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />Metal Fire Place <br />L.ndo r Addrcs. <br />- <br />I <br />-------r---------f-- <br />: <br />=