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BUILDING. INSPECTOH RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OIVNER BI'I I,DER DELC R TX)N <br />I hcd), uiirn undc' prnslry ('r pcrjurt rh,l I Mr cx.'nrr rmn lhe conlrndom Lice,sc L,w irrh. rolk,*il8 rcrsn (Scc70.11.5 <br />Busi, and Pr.f.$ion Codc): Atry Cit, or Counly shich icquircs ! plrn,ir io .onsn.r. ,hd. nrlnvc. dcmlhh nr mIJn rny <br />strlclurc. p,ior to ils issuamc. also rcqlircs rhclpplica tu \uchr.nnil k,lil., slSmd st.tenEnt lhal hcorshc i\*d pr u'inr <br />nJ rhc ptuvi\nrns ofulE* Lic.nscd kw (Chrptcr 9. Connnencins *ilh Scclion TlXx) of Division I of rhc Busirrcs ond <br />Pmfcssmni codc) or rhar h.orsn iscrcnDr lh€rcfr.mund thc hffis tn rhc klcdcrcnprbn AnyviohrionofScclion70:ll.56yant <br />arplicllrtorapcnnnsrhjsalh.trtpli.rnrbr.ivilp.mlry.Iiornbrcrhdnfiv.hunnrddollrr(35(D) <br />*l-rsowmrolrhcprepcny.or'.,cmpbj{cswirhwa!.\ssrhcirn'lc.onlttrtditr.silldothcsork Irhcdtrrmnnn <br />inrc cd or.ffcrcd td sl. (s.c 7044. Bu.incs nd ProltssidF Codc lhc(!{l-rwdocstrot{rlyl. ro*mrni <br />rhcFlpcny rlm hnilds or itqrctls rtEB,n. and who Aes sEh No!{ hinxclfor ltr^.llor rhtuugh hN.r hcr o{n cn{l,,ycc!. <br />pi,,vidcd rhnr \uch imprchmnrs rr nor i'ncidcd ur olitr.J nn sh Il h,scvcr Ih. huiUilrs o, inDnEtrEnl is sld sirhi'r on. ,tr <br />olcomlhnotr.lhr Owrcr lluildcr willhxe rhc lDrdcn olpovirE rhd h. or shc dld tr.r htrild or iq)mvc rlrc fmI{ny lor rhc Purlns of <br />-l,r\o{'rrolrhrpmlrnr..'\ntlr.oitrcrr!wiihli.c\cd.otrtrNtn\lo.nnsrruciihcnr+crlSc. <br />l(}1-]. Bu\i,ru\\ <br />rtrd lh)lt$iniCodc:lhcCorrrrcrrtrsl,ic.n{l.rwdoc\norrpnlyn,mo*i.roff)!.nysh(,burldsotirnPrcvc\rhtr.oi. <br />rnd sho d,nrm.h f(r srch ptul..r wirh d Co act)i\)\cd Dur$r torhcQn rrctn \ l-i..n\c L w) <br />I arclr ,pr undrr Sc.riu <br />!$.&tr8&tla[uErJA.ll()t <br />DICLIAAII!)! <br />I hcrchy a,lnnr undcr |anrlryol pcrjry onc oirhc tull)qirs tlccIrirn <br />Co(l..ldllN n riornrnccolrtu {ork lar qhich rhr l[.nn '\ irnrcd <br />anJ sill rinrain workcr ..nrtc.s.tion iNnmrcc. i\ r.qutcd hySarnrn-l7morrhc Lrbor Codc, ,or lhc,mcot <br />t I aory <br />-l <br />ccrlifylhar inrhc pcnnrnumc of rhc work nn *hich rhi\ Ilt trir is <br />y, r\r,tr.Dnr subi.r !orh. sorkc6'.onrcnsnri( hwsol Calilnrnir- <br />lsh!lltror.mpl,)yany pc^on inin, 'n ucr <br />kl rgrt.rlrr i{l (iiuld hc.onrc nrh}cr brlr <br />workcn e,npcnsdion pn,vtions ol S(lnr 3?0Oollhc hhtr C(l, tunhsih.o rdy Eith rlNrrrovilions <br />rV,\LNl\(; t.r lu. 1o \crrc qor[.'\ .on,Nn\J(n (nL.'x!. tr u l. rnd shrll suhJcd rn c'nplo)€r k, dinlinrl Pcnrllts ind <br />trcs ur io otrc humlrcd rhou\ud dollas (S100,({{)).+uii.t i"" Iil*ui\f ijtlrA <br />\Anptlcr,rt, f <br />r rdhr\sFr) (()NT[r( ToR <br />DECIASAIION <br />I hcrchy afiim und.r l*n0lryolpcrrury thrt l0m liensn undcr provhion orChlptur 9l.ommmnrB wilh Sdion ?mO).rDivision l <br />oi lhe Busim$ and Prcfc$ions Code, dd ny liccns k in tull r.r.c,ndcfrccl <br />V lr <br />IANiIBIIIIANIEIDIIIiJIiINCI <br />Ihcrcbyn,fiirnundcrpctrrlryolpcrjuryrhnrrhcrci\.oritucrionLidmgr8cn.yhrrncp.tlonu!.colihcsork,or$hichrhispcnir$ <br />LrnJci. Ad.tcs <br />- <br />AITIICAXLI,IECLAAAIION <br />Il*Nl,y lnDrutrd.rlcnrltyolrciuryon.ollhclbllowi.s (lmrii,r\ <br />Dcnx,lirion Pc'nik Asbc\b\ NolificrlnD frdcral RcAUhlnnN(lillc,l(r.l'rn6) <br />Rcqutrcd hrrcrof Norific i <br />-ffiffi ffi ;;dil;ffi;',;#ffi ,,* ****,*",,,,*," <br />ibvc nEnriomd pr.p.n, fir ios <br />Pcmi'e Mm€(pnnl): M 9r\rDX <br />vl\ I tr <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/51eel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />SubllooriVenVl nsu lation <br />Roof Sheathino <br />Shear Wall <br />Framino <br />lnsulation/Eneroy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Ir/lason ry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enoineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif . <br />FINAL 9ltT ltg ,.(//dql t9,/ <br />Certif icate ol Occupancy <br />Notes, Bemarks, Etc <br />!\ <br />t---+---f-r