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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE tD/stG.COMMENTS OWNTJR B('ILOAR DTJLCARAfl ON <br />I hcrchy rffnn u.dq tc.,lry of pcrjury rhd I m' .xc rpi rm'n rhc a, rrtm Licensc I-8w In ltc followins r.a$i (sN ?0.]l 5 <br />BusiN$ nlrd l\ofcsion Codcl An, Cily or Gutrry !hi.h rcquirc\ ! ncrnrir h consrtucl. rlrcr, inrptuv.. d.frrhh L{ rcntrir .ny <br />itucrur. prior ro ns issutricc, aho rcquto: rhc lrpli.trfl t{ rrch pcrnrir b nlcrsign d sr.rcnrnt lhol h.or shc h licctrrd pursurnl <br />lo rhc povtions ollhc Contru.lols l-icenrd L.w (Chaplcr 9- Commcncins $ilh Secrin 7O0O oa Divist,n I orrhc BNilrcss,rd <br />Pn,lcssbn3Codc)orrh{ h.orrh. iscx.mpr rh.Efrofrntul rh.hrs( Lr rh. rllctcd cxcnyri( AnyviolatiotrofSdi,n?0ll5byany <br />aptlic.trr aoru pcn t sublcctslnc ryplicant lo rcivilncnlltyol.ol trDrclhan fivc hundrcd d.ll.6 (SnD) <br />Lr\.!mrolrhrpn,p.nt.ormycnrrloyccswirhs4csasrh.nwltrotrfcn\dn,wil]do r*.rl and rhe sMurc n n.r <br />i cfrlc{ or oflcrcd hr srlc (Sa.7044. ausincss oDd Prclassors Codc: l hc (bNacrois Li.cnr b* doc\ nor aml, tr ar osmrol <br />rhc pmrdy *ho huilds or impmv.s rhcG)n. dd who dods such ao* hin*clfor hc.sulfor (h$u8h his o. hcr owncnlPloy&s, <br />rr ovtlcd rhlr $ch impnrcmnrs @ nor inrc'xkl or olrd cd ntr salc ll ho\.wr, rhc bu ildins or infrov.!tunr is $ld w hin onc ]qr <br />of.onDhrnnr.rh.OwndrAuild$willhrvcth.burdc.fF,vir!lhdhorshcdi,lnorhuildori tmvc lhc pml'cny f.r rhc purpr ol <br />I. Nowi$ orrh. !op.ny, !mcr.lusivclyconk..rinE shh liens.d . o n ra.ron to construcr rhc lrmjcd (S(. 71X4. Bt.incs <br />ad PhEashn Codc: l hc Coirr!.ro* l-ic.n\c l-!w des nor apply lo un ovnc, or pop€n, Bho builds or impmvc\ rhcrcon. <br />a.d who.o m.h ror su.h tojc.ts *iln a Conhcnri!) li..nscd lusua lothcCo ractois Liccn{ Iio) <br />lxtrrcrrn,tn u $ SL{ri( <br />ORner: <br />!t!x6E&t_coutrNsAlr()! <br />DIiCLABA.UAX <br />I h.rchy rffian undcr p.trrlryoltrUtrry otrc oirhc iinloqnE ' <br />-l <br />hrvctudwillrnntratur(tn fc{rcolConscnths.lilnsurctu wortc (nnFr\arnn,. !r Dmvidcd fubysccri lTrx)ollhc <br />Libor codc,lor lhc pcrloiiMtrcc orlhc sori lnr ehich rhc ncnnil is Gsucd. <br />-t <br />hlvc.nd*ill nuinlain workcG coDrcnsalin nru6ncc. rs rcquiEd b, s(rion.l7l)O orrh. Ltrhor Qrd., ror rhc pcrfonuncc of <br />rnc work lor shich rfihFrmil is hslcd. Myso.kcs compcnurion inrurxftc.atrtr dl F,lky nu.rb.r dc: <br />1..'rllyrhri i'r rh. |xni)rnir'f,c {)t r1r *ort nn shi.h rl,i\ pcnnir i i\{'.d. 1 \hrll n.r c rf oylry |rrnnr ir ary rtrr'cr <br />$ n\ h l*.oN \uhicr h rr soikc .o\xtr\rrn hssorcdlibnnn.ddrlrccrhd iil dmul,l h..o'm \ut'jc.r hrh. <br />woacN onlE.q.onlnr vieons ofSccrion lT(x)olrhc tih.r Codc.l srlrll. ri,nhsirhcu 'nnl) \ irh r,x,{ nnni\n,n\ <br />NARNIN(:: Fxih'c r, srurc so*.^ .o r|rn\rri(i\ utrlr{tuI, ind shrll subF_r rn cnDlo}rr lo omi.rl ,cBlrt\ and <br />.r,l ri r\ trt) ro .n. hLnrir!rL rhru\x rl ),{XX)r. in addirnrn tu rhc.o.l ol conrcns iotr. daflrgcs as p,olidcd for rhc <br />"Yr^,""€- tz- t{*a <br />I hcrcby lnnmunder pcrulry of p.rjLry rhar I am licenan lnd€r rmlision orChnnrci 9t.onmn.in8 *irh ss'ion 7m0) ol l)ivi\ion:l <br />ol tlE Busircs and Pmicssn'ns C.dc- d my liccn{ i\ in Inll lore onl cilccr <br />u-34 C ]2b6p, <br />o,," g'- t3 .- t(&u4p -{r,4- <br />I hcEhy rifinn undcr rEnrhyotpcrj'try <br />hsucd (Sc..1097.Crv. C ). <br />rucrion kndinsrgcncy ror rhclcrronun& ofihc work lbrsni.h lhis pcrnril k <br />AIIUIANLI]EII.AMIIO! <br />Ihcntyr nounnc!pcolllyol pcrjuryoncolrhclollowt'rdcchr i{n$: <br />Dc'nollrnr Pcnnirr sbc{os Norillcarion lcdcrrlltcsulnrions (1irlc 40. Pr116) <br />n,!ly sirh rll Cny.nd ( (,!trr! <br />( irr_rndCoLtrrvrornrcr ut{{ rlr <br />e- t3 -t6 <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Sublloor/Vent/l nsu lation <br />Roof Sheathinq <br />v hz//l fr?ilrn-tC-1/- <br />Framinq I <br />lnsu Iation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Brown Coat <br />Itrlasonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif . <br />ll <br />FINAL vlll ll( , <br />I fuuturat 1."b) <br />Certif icate ol Occupancy lt rul <br />Notes Remarks , EIC <br />Erection Pads <br />Shear Wall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />cehr <br />a. <br />trndci. Addrc$. - <br />f --r-----