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PLUMBING-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE tD/stG,COMMENTS OIVNI.iR B(JIt,DllR DII-CAR'l lON <br />Ihcrhy fln'n rndcr !.naht.f Frlury rhar I rn crcnfl liorn rhc (in r! nl l,icdn\c lrw fd rh.foll.wing rclson (Ss70ll.5 <br />tru\i.c$ i Prolc$n'n Gxlc) Any Ciry or C,rtrry whirh rc{lriru\ I ,.rnir r. .oinrud. .lrc,. imprDc. dcnolish or rcprn rny' <br />ntucrlr.. pritrr, ic issuank, d!$ rcrtuncs (hc n!fli..d lir. (uch tEnnf h liL r \i8md {dcmnl rh3r h.or sh- i( li.cnq] Pu(urnl <br />b rhc pmvhion\ ol ltE Co.rru.lor{ t.iccned liv lchxprrr S.! wirh Sc.rion 7U)O ol Dirhnrn I ot rhc 3o\ cr\ nnd <br />PDfusions Cod.) or rhrr h. or shc i\.r.mlrr rh.rcfrun ind rh. bdsi\ ror rhc.llL8cd c\.nrflnu An) ridiionofS..rbtr?0115 tyany <br />l,)pli.nnr forrptmn \uhJLr( rh. rptlic0nt ro acivilpctrdllro, not nDrcrh!tr lirc hundrcddollr^ (55U)r. <br />yJ4. ,. "**, "r,r'" <br />p",p"n y. o, my cn,plojrc\ siri wrgc\ a\ rhcn v,t con,,f, isootr. w,ll do rhc Eolk lnd rhc srMrr i\ ft,r <br />inluulcd or o,Icrcd iff $lc ( S( 7l!.1. Btr\tr\ atrd B.tis\n N C.dcr Tht Co rk!tr's l.i(c!\c l ,rs ttoc\ nor amly t, dn smr of <br />rh.tinJ|Iry uho hikh or inrrrotcs rhctr)tr anJ wl'ir docs ch*orkhinscllorhd^clfnrrhn)ughhnorhctown.mlloycci <br />pn,vid.d rhrr \kh nlllro!. rnh c,sr ir ctrdudoroflarrlfornrlc ll, hotrcv.r. rh!hiildi',!ori'npn,v.rf,d hsold eilh n.n. }[Jr <br />olcomdcrion. rhe ONrcr Buikler willh"rc rh huftlcn olruvinE dd h. oi shc did tror hnild or imfl.t thc preFny turhc Puqx,sor <br />-1. <br />os owr of the I,ol&ry, m cxclusiwly .ontrerine wilh li..n$d conhdor lo snsltuct rh. tmrer (Scc, 7Or4. BEift$ <br />ffd PrDlNbn Codc: Th. ConrEcrols Licens. lja des mr.pply to ano*icr of[openy {lt buil& or imprcts thso.. <br />lnd *ho @ Ers for .eh prbj.rts wnh ! C.m@b(, li*trkd ptrtsMr ro fi. Conlrlor's Li.cnrc L!w) <br />-l <br />amcrcmpl undr Sdlh <br />qOB6EBa..CI}IIIE{IAIIO! <br />DECLABAIIO! <br />I hcrliy arfid !nd€, Fnrlry ol pojury on. of the followi.8 dRlrolions: <br />I hrrc xnJ*ill nBi ai', r('cnifi.rrcofC.f\ctrrtu Sclllnnnc lor Norkcr' corFn\rrion. r! !r,ridcd ftr by Sc.tion :l7U) ol rhc <br />LrhtrC.n..lorrhc l]cnhnurcc o1rlt k.rk i,* whi.h rhc PCfl ir is i(\ucd <br />_l hsvc and {ill m.inuin workcs comt'cbsolion insursncc. as rcquiEd try S(t ion 1700 ot lhc tibor Codc. lor thc pdornwc of <br />lhc erl lor ehkh rhis is iliNd. My wo.kdl conpcndion i.sumrcc cuicr !d lolky nlnbq mi <br />Poli.y Numh.r:-Eipnc\: <br />Ull .cniry rn0| in rh. p.'formE ofulE worl ror whth rhis pcrmir is L\$ed. I shdll nor .nploy .nt FRon in any Mnner <br />s us ro bcom subFr ro rhe so*cF ompcnerion l,Bs ol CaliLmia. and a8tc lh8l if I shou6 lEcom sliitr lo rlE <br />qorlcR sr4xnsrion rbvisionr of, !rO0 ot rhc t$or Codc I srEll. fonhwilh Lor{ y wilh lhos poliqionr.. <br />WARNIN(;: Fxilnrc k, sue wor[cr' coarEn\lrbn covca-qc ir utrllrlul, Md \hall $b].dr r .'nrh'ycr ro niminal Iicnllri\ !rut <br />cjril 6n.s up to onc hDndrcd rhou$nd dollur ($loo.(xx)). in addirin ro'h.c.n of.omr.nqlion. drrMses as p,ovidcd r rh. <br />Sccrion 10?6 ofrlE tjhor (ldc. inrcrc$ and onomy\ fcc\ <br />,*., - t'tttr ^,ow"cyel* 4/4&rtLrfFNsEpc(,NTn c riJR A <br />DCCIAf,AION <br />Ihcrchyarfirmundcrpenahyorr.rjuryrhlrItrrli..n*du.d$tn)!i\bnolChrflcr9(snnitnirg*nhSc.rion?ur0)ofDivision:l <br />oi rhc Busnrs.nd Pftrtsion\ Codc.ond ry\c n i! fullnnen"d.ff..r <br />Liccnsc Chss:-Liensc Nun$.r <br />Drr.: Cont <br />COiiSItrUEIPNIIBDIIQIC}:NII <br />Ihctuhyrf,lrfludcrFtrilry.fp.,iurylhllthcrcisrcon{ru.ri.nhndinsrlcicyrorrhcrr,*hi.hrhi\Fnnirn <br />isucd (s( :1097. Civ C ) <br />AfELICANLDECIA&UIAN <br />I h.hby lilmuMcrlcnnlryoltf,rjuryotrc o, rhc nnhqirE rjccl rliors: <br />l)cnnnIion P.nni( A\bc{o: Nori,icdion Fcd$rl RcEUlrti( \llir]c J0. Pin6r <br />Roqdncd Irncrol Norifi.nridt <br />-l <br />ccfliry thd rlE Egllirio s rgar,ing alt.ros rmrl 3e mt ro lhi! pDird. <br />E4.*r, ,", r r,* *a ,rrii .rnlicdion rrld tr.rc lnll E aboec inaolrErioo l8B ro o,pl, qirh !n cnyaod Counry <br />ordiorcs.nd Srarc ti*s rchdng ro hoildin8 consrncrio[ rrld hcEby.ltho.ia EpE$nl8lircs ofthis Cny ald Cou y ro..rd lpon tlE <br />sbov. ,Entiorcd pm,cny for i,spcclioi <br />Appli(8nl or Agcnl SiFMloR .r-t4'l( <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water-Under floor <br />Gas-Underlloor <br />Buildinq Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />lnterceptor/ Clarif ier <br />TOP OUT <br />Water Pipinq <br />Gas Pipinq <br />Roof Drain <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Rough Water Heater <br />P-trap/Drain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Pipinq <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />Rough Plumbing <br />Final Gas Test <br />Meter Release I <br />FINAL 1/tt,/t*-W-./// <br />Notes, Remarks, EiC. <br />D",",. tr-tq- If <br />Lan lcr', Adtlr* <br />- <br />Waste & Vent <br />POOL/SPA