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BUILDING- INSPECTOH RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.OWNIiR BUILDER DEI,CARATTON <br />I hcrchy rlfifln undcr pcnalry (,r t.iury ihd t on crcflrDr lonr rhc C.nti.ron Liccn{ Lrs ror rhc rollowins rcrs,n (sc..70.11.5 <br /> !ftj Pn,rc*n,n cod.l: Any Cily or Counry shrh rcquncs a pcrmir t, .dtrntucl alter. inrp'ov. d.nnrhh o! rcplit rnv <br />d .ru'r, ri(rrD irs issu0ncc, uho rcrluir.s rhc,ptlicml lor such Pcrmn b iba siSncd naltEnr rhar h.or shc h li.cnscd Nrsu0trl <br />lo rhc lmrisions.t rri Conr0clols Liccnsd llw (Ch,prcr 9. Co'nmencinE wirh s..ttun ?oft of Dirin,i I oflhc Busincss and <br />Pmae$nn* Codc) or lhd hc or she is ercnlpr rhdelbn.nd rhc b€sis lor rhc allcgc{t crcflrPrion An}vih(n,nofScdi,n70ll5by,ny <br />nfrli.,Dr Itr 0 pcnir sufickrhc 4pli..n o acivilpcnrlly,lnor nrmrhrtr live hundrcddolla* (5500). <br />-1. <br />N owncrorrhc pmFrly, (r nry c,ht,lort l Nil[ e08cs ar lhen sE c.mpcns0rion. *ill do rhc wdk dtd thc sltrrw i\ <br />im..d.n or ollcrcd lor ek ( Sd 701.1. Busines $d ftofesion\ C{xi. Thc Cotrlru.roi\ Liens tjw docs nor lpplv ro m owmt of <br />rhc pmF ry who builds or iftporcs rhcrNn. rnd who des su.h sol{ hlm\.ll oi hcr*lf or rhnugn hn or her owtr ctnPnryccs. <br />plovacd rn r \!ch iryro\t nB e nn i cMcn ot ollcfti r'or elt. la bscr. lhc buillih8 or iqnovcmnr is hld sirhi" onc )ttr <br />.r.uqhrbn, lbc Owner Buiklcr will haw rrE tdtdcn ol pmviq lhd h. or sh. did nor bui&l ot i.,pt,R rhc tolEnv fo, rh. FUiFM or <br />-1, <br />us owncr Drrhc proFny. imcrclusivclyconr,eti[g eirh liccnsd conlrrct'^ k, conslrucl lhc nojccr (sc. 7tr'14. tlu\i"cs <br />d Pnfssirn Codc: 'fhc Contr.roar Li.cnsc L.w dms nor lptlr ro rtr owncr olproPcn, wh{, builds or imprcvcs rhcr.on. <br />$d *ho conkach ror ruch l)oiccls snh s Contmtu(s)*d Puru! b rhc Cont0croi s Liccn{ llwr' <br />-l <br />rmexcnrDr B & P.C lbrrhi\ rcr\m <br />tlal€ O{n€r <br />woRx[Rs' Lo lPonisar(!N <br />DICI.AB{IION <br />I hcrcby nrfinn undf F_nohyofrcduryonc orrhc rolbqnrS tlcclffrri{,ns: <br />-l <br />hlrc nnd will ! CcniliQrc of C.n\cnr ro Scli.lNUrc lor worlcr' dn$cnsdion. os pmvidcd for bY Serion :171D or rhc <br />tibor Codc. firrhc Frrormncc of lhc work lor ahich rhc rcnnir is issucd. <br />rh. work ror ahah rhh Dcnnil i\ isluL{ Myw.rkcK'cr i.f iNuratr.r. ricr rxl Ix)licy nrnihcr dc <br />I ccairilhal rhc Fr,nnndn.c olthc work tlt shi.h rhn Fnnil is is\ucd.I \hrll norcn{l.v rnv pcrson <br />'n <br />rn} nrnnc. <br />$ J\t, hon! ruhE.r ki rhc qorkcrs co'np. \dn r lnws.lcdlihrriJ. xlxlnlt hl( ill should ttconf, subjNl lo rlE <br />s1trk6 .o lltrn\diotr 0rornionr of Scdtun l7m of rhc bh, (ixlc. I \lx'll. fonhwirh cnmply * irh ih){ povNnrn\ <br />WALNINC Iiinrc x, EC rd *urkcd.o.ltro\uri,,n co gc h trtrl.wnl- md shrll \uhF.r an cnPloycr lo dnninrl lcnrltics ond <br />.iril fincs up ro om huid,a{ rhous trd dollir (3100.i. addirio. h the co( of.oop.ns.tiotr. &escs n{ lrovidcd to. rtE <br />Sc.r( lo76.lrhd I rIxtr(inl.. 'nrcr.q rklinorAplte <br />DES,AAAITON <br />I hcdy afllrn undcr lcnohy oi pcrjfiy rhar l.m li(n*.d undcr Pmvhi.n ofchiprcr 9 (comnrn.ine lirh ssrion 7(xI)) orD'vi\i'n l <br />or <br />'hc <br />Ermss&rfcs ions Codc. aid ny B in lull forcc ord c[.cr <br />e C <br />CANIIBIJ:IIONIDIiD.ING.IAENCI <br />I hcrchy dflnn und.r lEMllyol pcrjury rlN rhcrc k ! conshcri)n lcndi B iScncr li)r ihc P.rrannrN. otrhc srrk nn which rht ncflnil ir <br />i\sucdlsc. :1097. Civ C.) <br />Lrnds 1 Atldr.* <br />AITUCANLDECI,AM.IIO! <br />I l!rcby nlnn undcr rcn0lry olprrju!, om orrhc r(rlownr8 d.llnrtrli(,n\ <br />Dcm)lirion P.rmirs sbc(os Noliicltion FddcrrlRcgularions (lirlc.10- Pnn6) <br />Rcqxn d krrcrof Norilicari,n <br />l.cnilirhrrl hn\c tud rhi\ r i,nr !ftln rrlhI rh.itr,vc irnirmali( i\ronc.r.I l3ren)conrply{irh rll(iryand C.unry <br />ildins condtucrio..,i hcrchyrurhort! rq,rc\cnurivcs.lrht Ciry ntul counrvu ctrrcr uF,n rlEdiili'xnrcs strd Starc Ii*r rcl.lin! ro <br />xlbvr rcilidrd flol[nylar i'l <br />ADDli.nnl or A8cnl Signolu <br />Irennile nrnE(prinl)l <br />*7tE <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenVlnsulation <br />Roof Sheathinq <br />Shear Wall <br />Framincl B.P{l4l <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />lvlasonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />1-fi-t{ <br />Certiticate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />COMMENTS <br />Erection Pads <br />x-x-tr <br />/A <br />FINAL k-\ <br />I ccnililhallttr rcdcful .cgularions rcSardirs !\h.{os r n,v,l c nolrPPlicrblcro rhislmicl <br />: <br />---r- <br />I