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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE COMMENTS OWNER BUTLDEN DELCARATON <br />I herchy afim under lcnolly of pc.jury lhlr I am cxcmpl IDrn lhc Conrdos Liccnsc Low lor lhc folhrins Ersn (Sec70.ll5 <br />Btrsi.tsr n Prua.ssion Code) An, Ciry o, Counr, shih rcqlircs . pcmir ro con\rrucr. alrc.. ihpmvc. d.mlhh r Enrn .ny <br />srruclurc. prnr lo its nsuamc. slso rcAuircs lh. lpllicad lilr iuch lErnit kr fika si8trcd narcnEnr ltut hco! shc h liccnscd Ducuant <br />h lhc [ovsionr ofrtr Contricktr\ Liccnsd tjw (Chaprcr 9, Conm.rint airh Sc.rion 7{Xn ol Division ] ofth. Busi.css and <br />Pmfc$ions Codc) o. lhd ficorslrc hcxcnpl lhcrctiom and rhcbasis ior lh..llcgcd cxcnuiotr. Any violalionofSdion 70:l I 5 h, any <br />lprlicanr for a Dcmir sul,jcch lhc aprlicont lo.civilpen0ltyofnor aFrc thin fivc hundr.n dollafi (3500) <br />-1. <br />$ oprcrolrh- ttuFny. rr my.nployc.s with sag.r nr $L.o'np.n{n,n, silldo rh. ** arn tlE dru'l@ i\ mr <br />i' crxld or oflcrcn hr slc (Se 7044. Bu\incs and PnLssiotrs Codc: Thc (t,ntrdois Li.cns liw dixs nor apply ro an ownd or <br />rhc pF,tcny who buil& or in{roB rhcNn- olll who des ssh *!* hinNclfor hcrclfor rhmuah ht or h.r o{ncmployccs, <br />Drovidcd rhd such s m rn rc,xLd or oficrcd i(, srlc. Il tF*rrcr. rhc building or imlmrcEnr ir sld lirhin oft ,ts, <br />or.onDLtbn. rh. OwNr BuiklLt will MK trE bud.n .f pmvins rhd lr or shc did ml bnitl or invirov. rh. t6Fny ror llE t,urlnr ol <br />-1. <br />!\ owncr o{ lh. popcrly- an .rclusivcly contrrcrirB wir h lienscd s ro .on(rud rnc pm,ccr (Ss 7014. Bo\incs <br />did Pnn*si, CodcrTh.Conl.NrI\Liccn*cLawd(BnortrpIlyk,r.o$trcrofnn)pcltysh()btrildsornnprovcsIhcrcon. <br />an.l who .onrocls lor $ci lmJccrs *irh!Conracro(n I iccnscd rrursur nr rorhcConrmcrois l-iccnsc tis) <br />-l <br />urcxcmnr u.dcr Sal <br />l)olc OlDer: <br />TVORKFRS' C()lVPINSAT()N <br />DEq,IAAUAN <br />I hcrcty rfiirn undcr p.Mltyolprrjurr.rc oflhc iolloqine ddlmrions: <br />-l <br />hlvr a.dwill nrJinroin aCenifiqreorConsenrroSclf-n$urc lor worksr (nmp.,erion. rs pfl'vid.d r(n bt s..lirn:r'70o orrh. <br />hbor Conc- for lhc pcrlormnccolthe sod( lor whi.h lhc pcrinir n hsucd <br />-l havc lnd *ill minrain workcd mmpe ns nrn insuoncc. as rcquncd b, S(r ioo :1700 oi rh. t hor G,<te. 16r <br />'hc Prli)l1l,mc or <br />rl. trdk ror trh'ch rhii l(rnir ir tr\ud My so,leri ioalcnwrhn in\uJne cltrr df-l'.J numh.rmI <br />can* /\, ^ra r /1//^.,,**,*zwIyYn , <br />-l <br />cc,rr) rhr,,n,rc pc,rn,n'!Rc"rrhr rni\ lnltrhthrhr nci,n rh\uo.r\hJ lloor ctr{L,rnylcnon in any ianncr <br />\) n\n, hL.otr,c\ k,rhc worlcn ronrFr\dnnr hssofCrlifinia. rDn rgrcc rhrrifl sh)uld brro t {uhiccl hlhc <br />sork.r\ conrpcnsrrii,n pR,vi\i.n\ orscdbn.lT(n ofrhf If,txtr c{xl.- I \hill. nrnhsirh ()nlPly {irh rlr,$ pn,isnN <br />WARNIN(;: l;iilurc h strrc $orkcs'conrcn\irion t utrla*rul. d \h{ll \uhjd !n cmplo}cr ro simiml pcMtrtus and <br />addirion Io rhc co( oi conDcnerion- domges trs pn,rid.d tur rhccilil fircs nr ro onc hundrcd rhousand dollars (Sru <br />'ii",)-|ffi)ti'" <br />I furuhy rmi,ntndrr p.ntrlryolFrJUrr rhrr I <br />IIIIIABAIION <br />nsn lnds pn,vi\h. orChap'cr 9(.omm..inB *th sNiion TfiD) olDivisi('n l <br />oi rhc Busincs B.d Pmfe$bns Codc. ed my liccns n in rull lnrcc ond .fial <br />o <br />,.,./ <br />IAISIBIqUONIENDINS.AQEICI <br />I hcrcby olfirm undcr rcnally of pcrury rhar lncrc is a consrruclion hnding aBeNy lor lhe performlncc ofrhc so,k lor whi.h rhil p$dn ir <br />issucd (Sc..l$)r, Civ. C.) <br />AI.ILICANLDECI,IEAIION <br />I hcftt y l,Imu.dcr p.n,lry.rp.rjury onc ofrhc Lll.sins dcrlaationrl <br />Dcnmlilion Pcrmils'Asbcslos Nolificarion [cderul Rqulalions (Tillc 40. Pon6) <br />-R.!uiEd <br />tJtrs ol NorifEari.n <br />I ccnifrlhd rhc icdcElrcBularions rc,mvulUc nor $plrcnhlc lo rhh [or.l <br />-l <br />ccnilythar I hlve re.d rhh ap0li(lriotr ud ({crharlhcnh,vc irhirmtn'n isc.trccr I rare ro oarpl, wirh ,ll Cny aid C.u ry <br />q di"clccs nnd srurc tiu. r clohns lt6u ild ins c.n. rrucuon. nr'd hcrct') aimrirE&s\crrJr ivc' .1'Ihis C y an'l C,,un,y ro cnhr uIr.n rhc <br />.-1,", -,-*. <br />n,rrnrrr*n**tt""rr"y) *, AbDt <br />,"^,U* * "ron"u, 1 <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Srgns (monument) <br />Lile Salety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dam pers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Bondinq / Groundino / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Solfit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouqh) <br />Ivleler Release <br />/\ <br />Rough tr-z{-lg <br />Service lvleter <br />FINAL 1-21-tY N"\WL <br />Notes, Remarks , Elc. <br />ID/SIG. <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />wNJli