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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />DATE COMMENTS OWNER BUtI,DDR DF]LCARA'IION <br />I hcrchy r{tnn unJcr Nnrlr, ofFrjury rhal I a'n.xcnPr rroh rh. Conlriclo^ l,itc \t liw hr rhc lbllowins !€anD (sc.r0:ll5 <br />lJusims and Piofc$ion Codc) Any Ciry or Coutrrl which r.iluirc\ r Nnnir t, .onsrrd. llicr. inrpmvc. dcnlolish or rcprit utry <br />nru.rurc. prior tu ns hu0rcq aho rcqund\rhc ,plicrf lnt su.h p.mir r. fih r signcd {dr.ntnr rhrr l'd or shc it licci$d fu*urtrr <br />h rhc nrorlsions ol rlt Conro.roas l,ic.n\cd LJw (Chl'rcr 9. Cotrnn.ncioB $irh Sccri('n 7O0O of Oilhioo .1 of rhc B!\inc* trnd <br />Polcsions Cod.)o.rhrt h.orshc Ncrcnfl thcrclrom ind rhch!si\ forrh.allc8cdcrcmpri.n Anyvi{nrrionofscdion?0.ll5nvrnv <br />{plicanr rDr a pcnnn subjLrF rhc aptlicur b r.ivilr.nxhyol tror rorcthrtr fivc hutrdtcd dollr\(S5(x)). <br />I. ss owncr oi ihc pmFn y. or ry cnPloy.cs wilh w0Bcs .s ihcn sb conpcnsrt io.. will do Ih. wtrk ard rh. ir_tuc n nol <br />lnrcnd.\l or oii'cd tu \nlc ( SN ?04,1. Businc$ rnd Proic$iotrs C{xlc Thc c.ntrt,\ l-iccNe Ij* docs tror lplly lo 0n oi <br />rh.tFp.ny who huildsor nrprcvc! thcrsn. rxl wh. des \uch*.,1 hims.ltorhcr*lfotrhrou8hhi\orhcroancmplovccs. <br />piovidcd rh.r ru.h iNDn,Enrnh rrc mr inlc'rlcJ oi olTcEd nr eL:. li howcvcr rhc huilliry or i,rq)mrcnrnr is v,ld *irhin. . )tr <br />or cotrpldi)n, rh Ownn Buihs qill hltc thc hrd.n or pmving rhd r. or \hc dt d bui( ot nnpn,rc rh. lslHy fo, rhe lory{ or <br />l. r\r{ncrolrhc tutrdy. rucicluslvclyr.ntrr.ri',3 $irh licctr\c(l.rfLj.rtr\rL)e.nnru.rrhc lviicd iScc 7l}ll. BunN\\ <br />rnJ !ho corkx(\ntrluchtx,jc.risirhi(|i..',\!dtu'lur0rr.rhc(in n.knsl-icci\clrs) <br />WORKFRS' (]I)I\IPFNSAT(IN <br />DrtL aAllllx <br />I hcrcbyllTt uid$loMlryolrcrjLtryonc.lrhctullo(ingdccluri, s: <br />-l <br />have and will tuinhh ! ccnific{tc ol Cohcnl b ltrsurc ntr workcs cooPcnslrion. a\ Frvidcd for hvSecrn,.-lTfiloIrhc <br />l-0hor Codc.lor rhc l)crfortun.. orthc sork lorwhich Ihc pctnril i\ i*md <br />I hr!c rhd \ill irrtrtu D s.rk.6 .on!^-[rltrrcd 6vSc.ri{m l71X)ofrhc t]bor (irl.. turrho n rfonr Rol <br />rlf e.rk for*hichrhis pcrnrii is i$ucd M,rnr in\mncccrtricr Md lx,li.y numh.turc <br />l.cnily rhil if rh. Nnnnun.c ofrhc s lorwhichrhi!pcrnrir n i\sucd.l thrllnol cmpl('r trnylf,non innn, mrnNr <br />vr r\t,bc.onr su6ic.r tuihc wo cis\J|ion Lw\ ol Cnlilnirlid, r agtc rhrr il I dr'ukl tt.oN ruhjccl h rh. <br />*ortc cotr,pc \rr i(rl tituvhionr ol Ssrnn, .l7(n of rhe trtxtr (id.. l !h{ll. n)n hwirI coa]Pl, *irh rhoc |n)virion\' <br />WARNINC iiilurc n' sccurc qork$( ..nll,cnsdi,in covcrrac i\ unlxslil. aid nrill {rhjccl r cnlnk,tcr t, climiMl n n ric\ rnd <br />n) oN hd drc.l rhousrfrl ll{r{ lsl(x).(xx)). in rdJiriirr t' rlt .o{ I'l lPcnsain,n. drnnrAcs rs provided fttr rhc <br />S..ri,r.11176 olrhr Ii[ Cotlc. tr od <br />"'"'rglo/te <br />t)t,,( L,\lt.\l l()\ <br />IhcRbylfli.arufdcrpcMlry.rp$juryrhriIrnlicctrscduNlcrnm!htnrofChifrcr9(connncrcingwirhSc.ri 7000lotl)ivisir l <br />of rhc Uusircs\ r Pnrlt\siqNC{dc. MJ ry li.ctrsc is tri full li,rcc !n{l rlfcai- <br />d/ <br />@+74 <br />OXSIBUqITANIINDIIC.ACINSX <br />Ihcrchy rlfirnrrtulcr Fnnhy olpcrjury rh rhctc is a consr tuct irn hndiDS ,Ecmy for ric p$ro'mc ol lh. woik lff whi.h rhr t'cmit is <br />irs'cd lscc.109?. Ci! C ) <br />I {'J' ''. \dJr..! <br />- <br />I ccnilrrhl dr lidcnlrcguhri,rn\ rg i(lnr8 Nlrno cin,unl rrc nor +nlic$lc h lhis |n.]-.r <br />-l <br />ccniryrhi lhnrcrcad rhis{plicrrnJn rl\hrcthlr lhc ah,\. n,tuiln.rioD hcorccr lrgmh.omllv wirh (llCirvand Coutrrv <br />.nliN (c\ rnd Srrr.lrw\ rcl ng io i.g.on(rucrion- arxl hcrchyNrhorizc rcprc{.rrriv.\otrhirCirya Cotnryk,cnrduArrhc <br />it$vc rNnrioncd pmtEny for <br /> 0Dli.nnr or Agenr signo o/zy'e <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenVlnsulation <br />Roof Sheathinq <br />Shear Wall zA <br />Framino g*?E-ttr k.W1Q <br />lnsulation/Enerqy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Ivlasonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enoineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif . <br />\ <br />FINAL 7-t7-lK N.\L]C) <br />Certilicate of Occupancy t \r/ <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />SITE.WORK ID/SIG. <br />Erection Pads <br />Brown Coat <br />I amcxcmD( u.dcr seron . B & P C ior rhis rcasnn <br />D!1. O{,.r <br />b-+- <br />I .rd.r'. Nrnr <br />-AITUCANLDII;LAEAIION <br />I hnby afnn undc, pculry or pcrjury om ofrhc follouitrs dcch'"rio \ <br />ocnblirion Pcrmits-AstE(o\ Noriicdion Fcdcral RcRUloriotrs (1irlc 40. Pd6) <br />-Rcqutcd <br />Lcllcr nr Ndrirr.dbn <br />I <br />t---+---