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DATE tDistG.COMMENTS OWNER BUII,DER DET,CARATION <br />I hcrcby rmrn undcr,)cnrhy of peaury thrt I m.r. r0r fion rhc C..rEcbn l-iccnsc trw ror rhc rolbwinS 6$on (Se 70:ll 5 <br />Busincs !.d Prolcssion Codc) Any City or which rcquios a ,.nnit ro co.(dct. 0llcr. nnrnv.. dcmlkh or rcp0n rny <br />sru.ruE, J,i, b ns hsuaicc. ahd r.qnircs lhc q,plicatrr for such lcmil lo ljlc a sisncd srorcm lnar hcor shc h liccnEd puNotrl <br />ri, rhc pmvisiotrs ofltr Contnclois Liccnscd tjv (Chrrr.r 9.! wnh 7000.f Oivisi.n I ofrh. Burin.* a6d <br />Pmr.ssions Codc) o. rhlr hcorsh. ncrcmfl th€rcfrom rnd th. bnsh forlhc ollcscd cxcmpln'n Any viokionofScctio.?031.5 hyuny <br />aflli.i forapflnil subjccB rhc imli.a.r ro !.ivilp.n!ll!ofnot nn,crhri filc hund..ddollm (Stoo) <br />l. r osncr ol rh€ l,orEny. or my enulo)es wirh wr8c\ $ thcn b[ onpctrslri.n. will do ll* work d lh.(urEn mr <br />i c cJ or ollcBl f.r slc (Sd.7O4,1. Bxsim\s dd Prufcsions c{d. Thc Co mctr's Li.cns. Law docs n.r rrtly l. itr .wno of <br />rhd pn,Fny *h. buinh.r i'nprorcs rhcanr {Jkl who dcs snci so* hir\cllor hcn.llor thmugh hh or h.r oanc'npk'y&s. <br />rovidcd rhlr su.h impnrmnls .rc rn i.rcndd or ofcrcd for slc ll lFwcvcr. rhc hoildiry or h{'mrcrn is {ld silrrin nc ttar <br />ol conlpLriof. rtu Oqocr Buil&r will hr\r rh. bur&n olpovirU rhar bc o! \hc dil mr hoild or iryror rhc pft,pcny fd rh. llqsk of <br />l.!sowtrcrofrhcFrNdy.r.r.rclu\\.dconr!.r,*roc.nnru.rrrrptuic.r(sc!104-4.AuqNs <br />rnd |\trLslbn c(dc: 'fhe Conlrackn s Licctrsc Ln* docr noi.pfly b {n osmr olropcny sh. builds or iarprolcs rhercon, <br />and who oirtu N lor such wirh trconrrid{n(tlicc.scd pur\ulnr rorhco,ntrtni |-ien* I!w) <br />I Mr cxcnrl undcr Sc.rtr, <br />Dnler ()*n.r: <br />woRxFRs, c()]trPiNsair(N <br />DECI,I"BAIION <br />I hcrcbyrlltmundcr FnnlryorFrjuryomorrhc ri,lk,winrdc.lnr,rio \: <br />I hav. &risillminrain r Cdn ifi.ard of Co.scnr h sclf ln\tE lorsorkc( q,mncnsdn'n. rs lftvidcd for by sccrbn 17ff)oflhc <br />l-'htr Cl c. r(n rhc p.raormrce olrhe eork tor *hich rhe peln t is hsucd <br />_l hovcafld will mainhin workc comp.nsnl,on insunmc. N rquind hy scd nrn 17fi) of rh. tjhor Codc. for lhc t'crfomurcc of <br />thc *ork lo! *hich <br />'his <br />pcmit is issucd My worktB .onpn{rion i6surd.c.dicr od lDlty numher ecl <br />crrrr: ' l'* r-1'; lc/'.7 <br />l\nry Nnnrhcr . Lrti,cr <br />-l <br />ccniliihd in rhc lrcrfornnNeol thc wolk,or whichrhn FnDir is issucd.I shrll ml cnrploy rtry p.rcn h any m.trncr <br />$Nk,hc nc slhFd lolhc*orhe6 compcnsllion laws ofcrlifornitr. tr asrcclhlr ilI should hccom ubjcd rolhc <br />so.kc^ Ll,mpcn\rlion pnvnn,ns otSarion l?(xrofrh. titnr C lc. I .h.ll. fodhsil h coqrly wi'h lhoc lmvhion\ . <br />WAININC lailurc t,, scurc sor kc6' .onDctrsll im ovctulc i! unlosrul. rtrd $!ll suhi.t m cmploycr to annhol Fmllics md <br />.ivil fin.s up b nnc hund'cd rhou$nd lollrrr lSlIx).{XX). ir nddiri(r I <br />sd.rnrn .l(|76 !frhc Lrhn a{ic, i'rrcrcsr and (lrorEy s ltcs <br />u,,.. ' )P ^2?'/ 3 <br />ult;xsrlrelJll&lllaa <br />D[('LARAl'ION <br />I hcrcby uftlro uid$ !.nrhyorpcrjxry rhdr I unr li(nsd undcr pmvisn,nolChrprcr 9 (comnEncins sirh Sccrbn 7fi)) .r Divi\i.n .l <br />or rh. Bosinclsnnd Pmfcs\ions Co.le. a nr) lj.cnsc k io tulliorcc flrl clld <br />c?i)s ?r'/"? <br />I;AIEIIIJI:IIONIENDIIG.AGENCI <br />I hcEhy am n undfi Ftrrky of pcrury r har rh.rc h a ..n\rocrt'n hndinE agcry f{r rhc r*rfonNr.c of rh. qork fitr $ hi.h rhi\ Jrmii i\ <br />isued (Scc -1097. Civ C.) <br />lIItuclNLDEcl. aAIIoN <br />I h.tby afim1trndcr pcnally oireritry onc ollhc iollowinE dNlrirnnrl <br />Dcmnithn Pcnnir! stEsros Norli(alion Fcdftrl R.!trhr bns tTirlc 40- Pd6) <br />-Rcquircd <br />t trcrolNorllcJri <br />_l ccniryrhm rhc ltdcrolrcrllart,nr rcs0rdins 6h.slos rcnrvrl 0rc flornmli.$lc b rhn thj{r <br />Z,t,o,,n,,hr\c rcxd rlrArml'.rto d n,ir rhd rhr rhrc i'rftnfrfotr rerm b confly *irh rll Ciry rnd Counry <br />d\orrhh( iryrdd C.u ly t, .trrd uJini rh(rrc tiws rclarir8 ro htrildirScorrrflcrio[ nid hrr.byatrr <br />n',r,,..,r,,,, a-"r, a,rr,,,".. X *,.- r z9|/t <br />P.miremmc(prinr): X -/(.</t 1-L/< <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dam pers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Bonding / Groundino / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Rool To p Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Soffit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />It/eter Release <br />Rough <br />FINAL I ,ltt ht\tufifi-tKl,/-INotesRemarksEtc <br />I <br />ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Air Conditioners <br />Service Meter <br />l Llc' . A'iJr($