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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COiiTMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Lile Sa fety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab i Floor <br />Bonding / Groundinq / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Rool Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Soflit Rouqh <br />Ceilinqs (T-Bar Rouoh) <br />Meter Release <br />Rough I tEt .(,,(,t/{r1.) <br />Service l\/eter <br />FINAL filiull a\(al <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />OWNER !UILDER DELCARATroN <br />I hrrcby aftrn unl.r p.nrlry or Frlury rhd I m crmfl fbf, rh. Conrrros Li;cns taw lor lhc follo*in8 rcisn (Scc 1):l l 5 <br />Busincss ud Proicsion cGlcl: Any Cily or Counr, which rcqutcs n pcnnn n' con(tucr. alrcr. impn,v., dcm.lish or rpan r.y <br />{ocr!rc. Irrhrro n\ nsuonce. sko rcqutc!rhe arplicatrr lbr surh Ernri' io lilc, iiEftd sdcmnr rh,t rxor shc h liccost I)uNrnt <br />r, lh. I'visions .f <br />'h. <br />C.nhclor's Liccn*d Lrw (Chapllr 9, commcrcin8 wirh Sccrion ?(X}) ol Divhion .l ofrh. Busincs an,l, <br />PmlsionsCodc)orrhnth€orshchcicmprrh.rcrrcmmdrhcnlsntrrheallc-qcdcicnprion! <br />aptlicanr for a rEmilrubjNrs rhc amlicaor r{, ! cilil pcnolr, .a lor mrc rhan filc hundmd dollri (S50o) <br />-1. <br />as .wrcrofthc lrcrcny. (tr nryc,rtlores with enScs as lhct bh co pcnsrliotr. will do rhc work ond rhc \rdur i{ ior <br />i'n.rtdd oroficrcJ,nr eh (56 7(X.a, Brsim$ and holtsions Cntc:'] hc (:ontactr'r I-i..n.c ljw doc\ nor rllrly to 0n o$rcroi <br />lllc pmnfiy wh hxrds or inry.s rhcmn. and *h. dfts ru.h mlk himsclfor hclslior rhouarr hn o! hc, orncdployccs. <br />ln,!id.d rhtri such irpmvcmnk m nor inrendcd or onbrcd lor sslc lt noklci rhc h{ildirg or inprcloBm is n,ld wilhi'r ..c <br />ol otr{'ldion. tnc owncr tsuitlc! will iE!€ lhc burden of rnovin8 thlt ,E o! \hc dil dn hil(] or iq,rovt rh. pmFny rm rh- l,uqbs ol <br />l. a\owtr.' olrhc pmpcnt. r'ndclu\nrltconrrJcri',C $irh lnrtr\cd coitr()^ n) $nnru.rrhc lnr'](d (SLr 70.1-1- ll!{trcs <br />rlld PFlt\\onCodc:lhcContr.lor'sl-iccn\cL(qnocsnol.pllyro0nowncrolprcpcny*h{,buildsori pmvu\rhcr.o. <br />xnd who coirEchlnr {rhfftir.rssirh (],nra.ktri, liccn\cd pu(urtrr b thc Cuntdc(tr s Li.cnsc hsl <br />I m.rc.f( undd S*rt <br />!.0ts[Er.$]l;oufrrsartoN <br />DI'CIABAIIA! <br />I lrrchy.lli' utrdcrpctrilry.,pcr.)uryo .olrhclnlhwirgtlc.h'rriotrs <br />Ihiv.d willmainrninsCcnind..fcon\cdbSclalnrurcl work.i\' .omFnsnrion. ds pmvAcd for by Sdn,n :17(X) ol lhc <br />I-ahor Cddc. ro! lhc oc,fomuncc oflhc work lor *hich rhe f.rmi n isurd <br />rhc *ork lir whi.h rhis rcnnir is i\srd. Myw.rkcn rfl NurrN.rricr rM rii icy trunrh.r rc <br />,4 <br />-lccniiyrh{lirthcpcrl'onnrnccnflheworkrd*hichrhnfcnn <br />n nn'ed.I slElltror cnpkr,ary pc oninrny'n n'cr <br />s asr. subjc.r ro rh. tror*cn\,iion laes orcrlinmid. mn aBN rhd ill sh.uld h.EonE suhF.r ro itE <br />workas.onrrcnsatnrntmvisionsofSc.rionlTtt)olrhct-dtnrCix]c.lshrll.fonhwirhcotrrlywirhrhorprorkn,ns <br />IyARNIN0: FiilDrc lo *.trrc {orkcr\ conrp.nurion.orcrtrsc i\ unl *tu|. ad{l \hrll\uhi..r rrr. rflo)s I' diniftrlrMlric\ and <br />.n'l fi r\ trp l,) ! r l,un,l.,! rh.r\rtr,1 (lolrr\ lSll[).lxxJ) ir] )tl(Lili(,r n) I .omp.n\arn . da,nrlcs rs Drovidcd nr thc <br />Sn.-lion 1076ollhc L,torGnc. i,rcre{,nd dloflrcy\ rccsL <br />I hcrchy rllirmundcr Ntrrkyofpcrjuryrhll I m lien\Lrl undcr trovnh olChalrcr r lcoarrErcing wirh Sc.rion 7{)0O) ofDi\isoi l <br />of th. Busin \\ rtul Pmf.\\i(,.\ Co ., Md rt licc.{ is h fxlllnreatrdclli.l <br />-/a t0/)z <br />,+ <br />I hccby rllir n u dcr!.rrllyol Nrjurylh l[crchrconndcr lcndinsr8cncy lor lh. rcrlinu,rc ofrtu sork f$ qhich rh( Ilirni n <br />An,ollrS.. rlD7. (' \ ( ) <br />A.TfLICANI.DEILAAAIION <br />! ltdr, fim utulcr Fnalr y o, !.Drry otu of rhc follo*ing io.! <br />Dcmolilbn Pcrmih Asbcsro\ Nolil-rc3li,,n Ftdcr0l Rcs!larions (Tillc 4r, trd6, <br />R.qtricd llrcr,'l Norii.rri,,r <br />1..'r'lirh.r rhclcdchl'cEtrld()fs 'c!r'di'r8\ rc 'vnldr or, thn fr)l$l <br />oftlir!nccs !nd Srarc hss rcllriu ro huil{linE tu{i7.rcprr!cnrrrivcs.trhi\Ciryr County r' oDr$ trBr rlr <br />nhovc Enti(trkd pror.ny for in <br /> ppll(r orA8enlSignoluE: <br />Pemxc0nc(pnnrl <br />g/zz/zarf <br />18il,I <br />If,ndfl r Ndm <br />- <br />L.nd.r'r AJdr$ <br />I <br />t---+---