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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE tD/stG.COMMENTS <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />Su bf loor/VenVl ns u lation <br />Roof Sheathino <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Enerqy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />l\4aso n ry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />4a.\€,;47-)h i/r Iu,-4 <br />F\N^L K-Z)-/6 1 .< o\I <br />n <br />Not EtcCSHemarks <br />rtificate of Occu <br />L <br />OWNERAUILDER DELCARATION <br />I h.r.hy .flnN uidcr p.Mlty ot Fiury rh$ ! 0nr cxcmnr I'onr rhc Co rrcntr\. l-iccns lrs r(r thc iollowir8 rcrvD (Sc.7011.5 <br />surirE$ r Pmlc$ion Co.le) Any Ciry o. Counry shich rc!!iE\ d pcnnir b on{rucr. aXct, nnPn)vc. dcnnrll\h .r fttln r'y <br />ndcrtrrc. prtrro irs isrdce. als. rcquies rh. +rli.nnr for sx.h Fnnir ro lilcr rigtrL\t {rrcnrcnr rhrr h.ordr k liccnscd luBumt <br />lo lhc ,'rorisions ol llr Co rocloisLiccn{dLaw(Cnrprcr9.Conncnci'rgwirhs..(i.n7ux)oiDivtionIof(hcBusincsrnd <br />Pdtlsion\Cndc)orrhaih.orshck.xcmp hcrcfroiltrilrhcbsislorrhcrllcgcdcicn{lion.Any\ioldionofSccriunT0ll5hyrny <br />npplrrnrfor.r.rmirsubFchrlrc lpplicrnr ro ! civil pcorlryot nor nxft thD llvc hu.drcd dollds l$50o) <br />L nsowtrdr.rrhc p6pcdy. r.rcrcrusirclyconlmdirs wir[ Tn{nscd contncl{mt'.oo{ru.r rh. J)mjccl (Scc. 704,1- Bu$trcs <br />a PnGssi,nCodc: Thc Conl.erktr's l-iccn\c Il* d&s nor nrrtly b rn owncr.fI'iop.rl, who I'uil& or inpn'vds rhcr.un. <br />snd sho coita.htoisuchp(,ichsnhaConrack(s) li.ctrrd pururnl ro rh. Conr.a.rols Licn$ ttrs) <br />-l <br />!ncic.rpl u.dcrSeri(a & PC lirrhisrcrnnr I]rcf,&8l:ralllIlsarloN <br />DECT AlINTIoN <br />I hcrchy !fiirr un,lcr 0cnrrlyolpcrjuryonc olrhc lolL'wirs dcclxrrriotr. <br />lhrvcntul wrllnui rirrCcnificarcolCon*nrtoSclllnlu.clnr$o'kc^..n!rn\drt,n,sf()videlli,rhyS(ri(mr?(nofrhc <br />Gd.,ntrrhctdr.ntun colrhcworkrdshichrhcFnni isn\u.d <br />!i. $orkcr' comFnsrrion insurnN.- us requtcd btS..ri, r:r7()(lollhc Llbor O)de. turrh. pcriormNc.l <br />Fr trr i. i.\LcJ M\ q,ilc'r.,'trm' utr'n'r\u',.1,", Jtr'c, nid F ln y nutr,hcr,'c <br />ch ftvn-Pst ut', <br />*r,,,*,, t Af \Vr.tll+-lc a0l y <br />-l <br />ccnifrlhnr nrrhc pcrtorronccorrhc w.rk ror shichrhis l.nni is nsucd.l shrll nol cmploy any ,.rvn' n' rtrym0trrct <br />s N r{, bc$@ sxhJ.d b rh. wo*Lrs comFnsdion hws ol Cnliiornii. lnd dsrcc lh irt dx,uld hcconE sul,jccr rorhc <br />sorkc conD.nsari()n ptuvinotrs ofScclion lTmoflhc tjhn Codc.l sh3ll. lanhs irh .ompl! wirh thoc Provtionr <br />WARNINC Flilur. lo scurc workcs' conucnslrion c.vrmsc i\ unlr{rul. .nd sholr subjd a" cmploycr b Lnnirdl Pculric\ rnd <br />.ivil finc! up lo orc hundrcn rhouend dollos ($l{x).ftx)), ii ddiridr ro rhc con oi compcn\(ion, dnnug.s 0s pRvidcd hr llE <br />f(if{g <br />u!t..!!!tll(a <br />I hcEhy 0finnundcr p€nllry of pcrjory lhst I rm lid.*d undcr povhn,n olch!flq 9 (conrmming wirh Sc.rhn 7firc) ofDiv(ion l <br />ol rhc Bu\i(c\saM Pmicscions Codc, sxl nry liccnsc is in lullnxeurdctla.l. <br />gv u+ <br />x <br />(:oNS'TRUCTI0N LIiIiDIN(I AGFNCY <br />I hcrhy,rfirnun .r Fnihyofpcrjury lhar thcrc n r con{ru.tion lcndins nsctuy rrtr <br />'hL Pcrrormrcc ofth. wo.k ftn $hich rhs Frnir is <br />issucd (S€c..1097, (:iv C ) <br />Lcnd.r's Nrm: <br />- <br />AITLICANTDEI;IJ.BAI]AN <br />I hdrby,n,mxndr pctrrhy of pcrjury onc oi lhc lollowins dccl0rarn,n5: <br />Dcmolirior PcrnrirsAsb.$os Norili.arnnr fcdcrul RcBularions (-lirlc 40, PM6) <br />R.quicd t rrsolNorificdion <br />ilyrhrr rhc fddrrrlr.!rLtoi\ngrdnr! n\lrn.\rc trtrrlde D.rqrt,licrhl. h rhn p.i)rc.r <br />lil i <br />i rhrr l hrvc red rhi{ rmli.rrnrn ,.d s.rc rh$ rhc on,vc inrbodion h cord l agtu{ b .on[ly wnh ull Ciry atul Coud'! <br />and sur. Laws rcbring x' buildin8.on(ruclnnl md hcrchy ru(lniuc rcpruknrarivc\ oflhir Cilylnd Counr, k' cnr.r uF,n rhc <br />Lbx <br />,",. 1\\ ttY <br />SLAB Floor <br />Flood Zone Certif .-,- <br />-1. <br />as owncrofrhcpor.dy, ormycmployccs wnh w08.\ {s rlrt $lcconr!.nsllion. *illdo !h.workdxrlhc nruturc i\ nol <br />inrendcd orofltrcd tdsL(Sd 70{4. Busincsa Prolirsiotrs Codc 118 G,nrraci{r's* ltr* dds not ryrly ro an os ncr o, <br />lhc Im,Eny *ho hrikls or improrcs ltt@n- lnd who tlttrs su.h {irt hi'nrclfor thmugh hn or hc! own cmPk,rccs, <br />fnJvid.d rhar su.h inFmvc EnG m xn i.lcnLd ff oilarld fitr sh ll. h.wtq. lh. bilding or in{,mwmnr ir v,ld wirhin ',n. }t.u <br />ol c.nllbrt,n. rnc Osrc! Bnilder will hrlr tlx bxrd.6 of fbvine rhm tE or shc ! il mr huikl or inllroe rhc tmFiy ftr rhc t,urJ!$ of <br />\I