<br />I hact, inm ui& F.!y of Fj!.y rhr I ! a6q 6oD tlE c@t-rd Li@ l, 6r rlE tllbsir lE)tr (sd.7oll.t
<br />&!ilB od Prchno. Cod.): Aly Cir} or Cou , r'ttt Fq!i6 r Fnil lo stdrun. !Ir. inFort ddmllh or ti9.t ey
<br />in re Firro it, !gl.e..Lo r.qli3 rh. +plid to.rtFhilo 6k.rtn d nrdEi rlilEordEali(uEd Frur
<br />h lhc Fiviii(D ol rtE Codsld r l-tor.{ rrw (Chrya 9. Coimcir! wnt Selion 7000 of Diviri,u ! of tlE BuitB rd
<br />PFt6i:6 Co&) a thr lE n ar ir Bcrd rnqdDr td dE t li] 6r $. rlh.d q.!Fih. Aly viohii6 olsdtin 70ll.t b,..t
<br />.Onl6ar tu ! 6nit rUjct. rh. lpplicarn lo ! c'v'l pc tr ol tur tuc the lit.lN(H &U&t (l5oo)
<br />{lS. - .* *d* p"p.ry. tr ny ophrc srh u.368{En hk..rFEdbr. witl& $.sst rd drolrlc i ttr
<br />I ! ditd s olb.d ft. rlc (Sc 7oal. ArtIE -<t rtc ft,r'-rr'.lioE t^ doq Dl rdy lo - o$E ot
<br />lh. FlFtr efio hrilt G rlF.oB lls&[ id vno &,a *t @ hirellor tell.r rkourn hn d ls oM slolott .
<br />Frvi!.d lhd st iDr.t16tEB E Er ir.iLd d otu 6. -1. lf, lEss, tlE hilit d iqtt'ldcr i -ld *ih. c )aofsl'liiE ft 0^,6 loitb *iI htr tlE h!d6r ofD.orios Oi lE or dE dn d bild q itrqlE dE FF h rlE FrF.Gor
<br />I o .rdF ur& Sdion
<br />/O--t 12- t?
<br />I lE t'' .rm !n& F h, olFjlr) oft ollhc follorht ddrrri.E:
<br />I ts. dd rill mi! &. Carifrn. orcodar ro S.lf-lEE fo. wrtd obF!.ioi.. proviLd 6, !, Scrion]700 of rhc
<br />utxr Code for rh. Ffoirrc ol tlr srt frr *ltt t[. FDi i i!r{
<br />_ I h.E.nd willdiflrii *ortd onD.ddion iffiq - Eqsn db,S.dn.1700oflh.t t rCo.k tu tlEFfutuEof
<br />lll. wt ro. $tii thi Fbi b irrod M, $sld' onFlnio iBu!tr. 6'E ad Flty .urba @:
<br />Pdn N6hd' _ Erpi6.
<br />f r*Gr,ry,- . * p-o** orft.6t for Itf,h drn Fdn b isr64 I rlutr mr 6plo, ey Ftoo b Ey nlnc
<br />|.ro ato b<!r Ebd to dE wlo ..E06.rin Lu ofc.I,ftiDi !d rrE rllr irl dDdd h6ditiF.od!
<br />E d' q4diion Ftrb@ of s<in{ !,00 of rlE ubo. C.dq I ll'dL trohnn 6niry rih Uo.FDvirbB,,
<br />s<lk,n 11176 oflh.lnhn(i c. rr(61lnd a(.rb- s 16
<br />,,/- .-to- /q
<br />I lE b,.llim u'r& Fd, of Fiury thr I d li€!.d FD\ni[ otorF.I (offii'B stn Sdrb.7000) olDnirnr t
<br />of rlE Bu.iB !d lrofc$i.G Co&. &d mr lic@ a h tull tore drd.llel.
<br />(r:lilarlllall[ DlICilClil(I
<br />Ihd.l!\allirtrltr(ldltnrlr!.1prr,uoihntlhlcsaNn{ndi,nL.dq!a!ok\tuth.Fr.nflm.olrh.\olllir\h{hrhrFrrr
<br />Niudl(\( rrDr. (ir ( )
<br />atf!(atrtllcllSalla!
<br />I tddt rrnn urdcr pallry of rErjuy orc ol rh. lollosirs d.clu.r t'N
<br />D.mlnion Pmil^3b.ror t*{in.dion F.ddrl R.BlbltuB (Tnk r0, Pd6)
<br />R.quic<i{'rifarir
<br />/ I dilt rhd rlE falsd rc*uldhB r.rrdiU Etd6 rdrr .l e d a9l(d . r. 'iE FDF
<br />Q!\!ta,rr rr,a r r-.,-a rr'" {,plrdnntn'td.rn .dF$ rnrornin. ! cotrrr I rsrcro onpl, $ih lll (-i}o<l cou'n}' odruncBddst . l a: ELr inr ro tuldrs (odrud Fn. sn h6.t? urhorn. rcFerrir6 of tiL ( ty rid (tunly lo alE l+on llE
<br />.tn\. nG .nd FD.n' fd F,FE ,
<br />ApprondAFrsf..,.c /It/-J f-UCL n. /u-!O: /9
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water-Under floor
<br />Gas-Underfloor
<br />Building Sewer
<br />Area/Storm Drain
<br />lnterceptor/ Clarifier
<br />TOP OUT
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water Pipinq
<br />Gas Piping
<br />Roof Drain
<br />Tub/Shower Test tr-e.r-ri.,E:,.,<? /ol
<br />Rough Water Heater
<br />P-trap/Drain Line
<br />Main Drain/Pool Plping
<br />Fill Line/Back Flow
<br />Pool Heater/Gas Line
<br />Miscellaneous
<br />Gas Service
<br />Water Service
<br />Lawn Sprinkler
<br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap
<br />Back Flow Device
<br />Rough Plumbing tt- aE; -rq W lo\
<br />Final Gas Test
<br />FINAL r-G70 L )Ll0VNotes, Remarks, Etc
<br />- - 1. . olc oI rlE FlFry. d d.rri*t.oiri.lit f,nn [.d.d coii-16 to Nlrr rrl rh. Flidr (S€ 7044. &!tE
<br />rn PDtuir Co.h: nE co (ror.! LtGc trw rtE @l qrly to d owG ofFlFl, *lb boil& 6r idpdG dadn.
<br />.rd wto oiEs b.,rl Firit wih. colt ro(r li€!.d FE r lorlEcod-rd. tic L&).
<br />Meter Release