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101102097 - Permit
Santa Clara Ave
932 W Santa Clara Ave
101102097 - Permit
Entry Properties
Last modified
8/3/2021 9:49:39 AM
Creation date
8/3/2021 9:49:37 AM
Permit Number
Full Address
932 W Santa Clara Ave
Permit ID
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Street Name
Santa Clara
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Building Use Code
Resid-1 unit
Job Types
Permit Type
Applied Date
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Flood Zone
Description of Work
Reroof house & detatched garage - remove wood shakes, install new sheathing & felt & 32 squares comp shingles. Handouts given.
Nature of Work
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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS O\IIEN BUILDE,R DEII-AX TION <br />I ui<16 FElt, of Fjlry lhr t d.rdF tlo th. Conlrtro6 Li..e lls for lhc follo*irDs ra).lsc t0rl.5 <br />Bu!in6! dd Profdion Cod.): Any City ot Coonry *hkh r.!un6 . Finii lo orBlNd. .h6. inprc!., daqolish nr EFn ef <br />ituctue Fhr ro il' i*Ud., abo r.qi6 th..p?lic! for sch Fmn ro fik ! 3isn.d tur@l lhn lE or ilt i lt66.d p@!rt <br />lo rlt F!\bio6 of rlE confErq! l,tdE d b* {orlrd c, coffiin8 *nn sdb. 7000 of Divi.i.. 1 of lh. B8i6 &d <br />Pmfsioc Cod.) r rl'r lE 6 dE ir a4or dE6!h rrd rh. LGii lor rlE dLscd da,l6. Arv rtulrior ofscliF r01t 5 b, uv <br />+tli.d for r Fmi $bjds lh. r!?la&l ro icirilFotyof ml eE lho fi!.lsftH &,tla! (1500, <br />l. s oMd ofrh. FDprty, or my .nrplor6 *ilfi *.ga 6 sL d,spoBdion will do tlE sorl id tu lttrEt@ i mt <br />inatal d ofir.d for rl. {Sc.'70,L. ErEiK md Pmasi,B Co&: TIE Co .xloi! Lt.@ L.w do6 nol +9lv lo u o{G oa <br />rrE FoFty *tB hlllll d irso6 dEo td *'h. &€ dr wt hiNll or harlf or rlFush ltn tr hd om aryL]q <br />ForiLd lhr *h nrtFsEiE. n d irod.d d otu 6t tl. I( lD*Eq, dF tlriBirs G ilFstEEr il 5ld eihn d )t <br />olc.f,pki4 & o*G B{it 6 *ill hm tE h!d.r ofFrq dir lE tEdnmlhdldotnlrpDE{EFFqbrdEFrF*of <br />l. s6w of llE FoFry. e sdBNGl, coddins $iih li.qE d cotudoBro..nnrud llt FoJ.<1(sc ?04t. BuilE <br />rn hokim Co<L: TIE Coddort Lk.& tr* {tG Dl @1, to e osn of FnFrt rt hoil& ot iFFo!6 tlEotr <br />!.d $ho @ffir for uh EDit$ *th r Codddlr) lillcd FEr-i h rlr Co r-rc t Li@ Ln) <br />I m.rmpl undd Scrion <br />lalf,f8s:(aluEllArloxolllaSalra! <br />| lE.ta .ltirm und6 rEEIy olDdjury om ofrlE foltls iry &dtdE6: <br />lh0\cddEilln'iilra'n.Ccn'fi<nr..l( onsmr n) sdr'ltuurc nrr$orl6s .oarposrnn. * pmvld.n ln, bvsdrion l7lr0olrh. <br />I ahn ( di.. lor rh. p<fom (oflh.*o* for$tichrh.Fnn i! Lrsuci <br />I h.r..nd q ill 'rE!n.o mrt6 or4.6ai'n il!tr.. - tqsiEd t'y Sal6n llTc(J of E Llbor Co& fo, !. FfolllE of <br />rhc {ql for rhIh rirrEir L isd Mysor}6 lomFui UElltIcffitnPoli}Enb-e <br />2,* 4all lrxl o - ^y"""," @Y4{7Qa-r - ""' tA'-(- l$ <br />I c.nit rhfl in rh. FfolroN. oatlE rort for trhrh rns !€nil Lr isu..t. I sldl mt mPlov uy Fpn 'n <br />mv trmE <br />ar s r. b(orc 3ubjar to th. f,o*d' tumFnskin l.r! of Cdifom'!. !.d +E lh.l if I ttruld beom. sblal lo ll: <br />*orkd' .omp.Mrion provisiod ot s..rion 1700 of ltc lihor Cod.. I .16ll. aonhwilh colrply *nh thoE amvnioN. <br />WARNINC ljriluE ro se sut6' conFs.lio. orot8. i! unLrtuL dnd slDll rubFd e 6nploF ro oidid Flhit ud <br />.nil nn6 u, ro or llu.d.d rhou$rj &1116 (ll i, rddnion r. rh. ..d or d!.!r6 a Fo\iri.d tor llE <br />sa-lnn 1076 of r& lior (-o&, i .En u'<l ilr'E- <br />-,10'l/- /9- -r 17 <br />l)r ( 1.1R.\ I l(l\ <br />I hq.b, rtfm !nd6 Frty o t Frry lh. I m lict!.d u'ih pilvbiln .f CluFq 9 (o,tlj4irg *nfi Sdi.n 70@l 'f rlirili"' r <br />of dE BsiE !i PllkirB Co&. rn Ey lis ir n tull toc tn dtt! <br />Y4tl lc <br />I hcrct y rIIm undd FMhy o f Fjury lhal lh6. i3 ! conrrudbn kndi.s tld(y ao. lh. Ffome. ollh. Mrl for wtkh rhai Fmn ! <br />isu.d (sc.1097. ('iv ( ). <br />ATIIICAXL'IDCIJBAIIO! <br />I hddr srm uit|.r Fi.h! of pdjury oE or th. follosi.S .L.hdioN: <br />l)6munn Po[n'Alhd6 Norifrdhn F.da.l R.suhbN{InL40. Pdl6l <br />-R.quirld lat6 olr,loii6.rion <br />I .drit rl rlE tc(brl rcgullli.B E8adE8 sb.r.! @oval s. ml +PlicibL to lhb prercl <br />.diit $d t id. 'rd 6ir +dt{bn rd nd. dl! it lboE n!6.'nrbi u otrei I {E ro @l4t sih .[ cnr.d counv <br />rn! r.FqrdnB oflhir Cn! .,n ( ounr) <br />'o <br />and qon <br />lo-)L rj <br />ert <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />Subf loor/VenUlnsulation <br />Roof Sheathinq illd l/1 brton 6 vaffi <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif. <br />I,t I ,.:\ <br />FINAL ltltSll.t a 'Z(2, \tr-/ <br />Certificate of Occu nc <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />( <br />-'t \ <br />Sel Backs <br />SLAB Floor <br />{., <br />'10,1
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