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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS ll\\ \t R $l lr r)t lr lrl l r \R\r(r\ <br />I h6cby imrm undd Fdly .a pdjory rhd I 4 .tftF nlm th. (tdndoB Li.cs t w for ln. blowirg lad (Sd'01I5 <br />Iluin6! ud ftof*ion cod.) Any Ciry or Coudy which rcquic t Firit ta o.dru(. .tc. imFov.. dnolsh 'r E!'n ut <br />{ru.r@ rrr to iB isl,.e. .bo tqFiE th. +9ltd hr s.h Fhi lo 6L ! tiBnal iraml lhi lt or JE b lica*d p!n4 <br />ro tlE ForiioB ol dr Conlrrd . Lio!.d L.w ((]rFd 9. corlt:ltrhs $nh Sdrion r0O0 ol OirLio. I of <br />'lE <br />BUtrIs 6d <br />Pbf*hnr Co&) m rhd lE n JE ir dmd rh6.ft.n md ilE tGt for lh. .lk!.d adFior Arv violah. of S6lion ?01 I t b, m, <br />aDplicanr for a r,6nn 3ubjdtr lhr tt9li.&r to r civil pcnlly ot oor mr. th& fiv. hun&cd doli6 (1t00) <br />l.sof,Eofd.FotEly.dmy6lPloy6enn*.E6sllEirskonFuriocwill&dtsstrndEsld@id <br />indd.d o, o,Ir.n fd rlc (Sc.7o,L. BsilB ud Ptlldnd Cod.: TIE Com-E t Li!* LN dG i.r +Plv 'o <br />n o{E oI <br />rh.FIFD {ho hili d inqoE thEuq .td *tb dE.!dr wlt hitulaor haxlf or threush hi! - ha om aPl'r6 <br />provid.<l rhr! r!.h inFordGn! E ml irdrLd or otu 6r $t It ho"E6. dE hrildls m i,q$qEr ! $H with G )d <br />;acotrpkhi. $. o'rG suil& wiu h.w lh. bEd.. of Frhis lhi h. o, !h. dA ml hiB o, !,p.Drc th. FFrv tu dE qrpor of <br />I. B ow of lt FpFiy. d @,nttins $itt licaucd .ondi6 ro mdtud llE FoF (Sc. 70'lt. E!-E <br />.,xl hDisin (-o<Lr Th. Conlrrroft Lic@ Lle &6 tul ip?ry to x os.d ot FoFlv rho t{ild! or lh-oll. <br />&d who coill clefor uch Fojelr wnh a Coilri.rorl, li.du.d pu6!t il lo th.Co' ridor.Lt llw). <br />I e.tdF u!&, S..ri.n <br />Ir.t.: <br />woRxr[s'coMrf,NSaTloN <br />IECIJ8AITO! <br />I l6d't .mm undd Frny of Fjury oE of lh. lollorirg &cldbNl <br />Ihn !nwillEi, rn. catifEn. ofc.e lo s.lf-I'ue fd Nrld'@oFMbr - Fovilcd 6r bvscli'n 17@ ofiE <br />Llbor co<L. ao th. Ffmcc of lh. @ f.t Btkh lh. pdnil i! d!o.d <br />I h.v. !d will n.inllin so,ha .of,F1grion iturr., d GPn.d bv Scdn.l?00 ofllE L.bor Co.L for llE Ffot11&. of <br />$. srr l lhah fin Fni a is,.d M! ustd onfqlnion ilul]lre @it rd Fliv rdba G <br />,-o tt rcrrcc.rm ? l, rrc t^ <br />,r*,n ^o, L^ C e()qbc,t3 VtfLq? <br />l..n'b rh.l ( dr Flolrffic of lr. *6tt 6r whi.h lhn FDn n e.4 I sh.ll ol aplov sv F$n '! o, .ffi <br />& sro b...m rubal lo th. ur' 6 onFErion h*r ofcdifoEi( ed tgErlli ial nsukt b<.ft 3uti6i lo llt <br />so d' comFlnion tmvirioB of S.d ion a70o oath. I ltor Code I ilull. fonhwnh.oillv wnh th.- prcvaioN <br />wARNtNc: inlf. ro su. w k6 comrqE lion cov6.g. i! lnhqlul. ind lhdl rubJ.d d @phF lo ainiill Frii6 rd <br />cnil fin6 up ro oR nund(d rhou$fi1 (tlO.J.Oql). i. .ddnir lo lh. cor of..trpclsrliotr d,886 B Fovid.d for lh. <br />ILO-Ctrltcl l,czt -1 C:) <br />l-ti t:ilst:l) ( 0\ I ll\( l(rR <br />t!f,l-!.]tslr.ul <br />I hdrt! .lrm uid porh} of Fju,y lh, I s li€E d ul6 FoBbn of Ci4G 9 (@ffiitB u'ih Sdir 7000) of Divitio' l <br />of rh. E6iB !i Proldi'E Co<t , .d nt li@ 6 ir tuU toc.n.iTcl <br />t'o -3 t'Y),, i'a+ 9a1q" <br />I bE*'y rrm und6 F yorFiurylhd llEc i!. @dnElbn lqdiiS r8qEv aor lh. Ffolw otlh wt 6r whi'i lnit Fni 'B$.d (sd !09?. civ. c )L. a iNm <br />AITLICAIILDECIJSAIIAB <br />I h.ltryirmunds F!.fty ofprjuy oEott folhr in! dc(lsd nc <br />D.nohion Pdnitu-Asbdlot Noiifi..lion l-Gdntl R.sulllFn! (,nt 40. Ptn6) <br />r.+n.d Lal6of tloiftriD <br />-l <br />cdrit fin th. f.(krl ,.tulri6B Eediqs stdoI@rd m m{ {9lf,6L to thit FDjGI <br />I cq1r6ah4I lDa.adrh6 lDDlkltion.,'d tlilc $d rhc r!ov. inlonnaion b.otrcl.I.grclo comPlv wilh .11 cilv !d cou v <br />-aIna sr.t1l"s tf ,r io b{ildili oifiu(.t ,n k*v .ulno,t. E!.*rriv6 of lhi. Chv !d coud, lo a'a upotr tltT:,:tril:Wl t8 n. ro^)1-r< <br />**u.-,,,*,J Dq,njil E/4<r <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenVl nsulation <br />Roof Sheathinq <br />Shear Wall <br />Framinq <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL rlnlz ilYmo .*frrICertificate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />L(cN:{umb.r <br />UFER Ground <br />Ext./lnt. Lath