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Please oxplain: <br />21. Ooes your business sell autornobiles or molorcycles? yes E No <br />lf yos, please axplainT <br />22' Does$our ouosiS26rvice or repair vehlcles or instai eguirment and Ecce.sorias into vehlcles? <br />lf yes, please explainl <br />23, I acknowledge that I have requested and received all zonlng and Santa Ana Municipal Coderequirements portaining to my buslness and occupancy applicaiion. <br />-**(tnitialiCORR <br />S:PlannirpilClarical-Countar Fo,,nrt <br />Colo Clumlionnrho 03-27.18 <br />lll'x <br />UNOER PENALWOF PERJURY, THATTHE FOREGOING STATEMENTS ARE TRUE AND <br />THE BEgT KNOWLEDGE AND AELIEF <br />{ <br />Print <br />Date <br />lnformatlon <br />The Planning Division's PuUic Counterls open forwalk-up customer8 frorn E:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m,, Monday <br />through Friday, excopt {ednqsdey 10:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The Planning Olvislon is located withln City <br />Hall - Ross Anner(, 20 Civic Center Plaza, First Floor. Additionally, you rnay call us at (714) 647.5804 <br />should you requira any general lnformatlon. <br />The Planning Oivision rsviews Cortificate of Ocarpancy requesls for change of address, new businesses, <br />or expansions lo ensure that the proposed uso is conelstsnt wilh the sstablishsd zonlng regulalions oi <br />Santa Ana. Please check with lhe Plannlng Division's Pubtb Counter prior to eigning a leasi or-commlttlngyour buslness lo a c€rlain locatlon to detcrmine lhe feaslbl[ty. <br />lf a nonconformhg use is dlscontinuod. or lf a nonconformlng building iB vacsnt. unusad or unoccupicd for <br />a poriod of 12 consecutive monlhs, any subsequsnl use muJt conform ln every respect to he provislons ofthe Municipal Zonlng Codo, and a nonconforming bullrtlng may not thereafter be ussd or ociupied untll ltconforms an overy respect lo lhe provlslons of the Code. - <br />Ganerally, the followlng uecr wlll requirc furthcr docum.ntatlon or an Gxtondod revhw and mey ormay not be permltted: ofllca uses wlthln an lnduslrlal tonc: medlcal, rastaurant, laundromat, liadaor tecbnical cchools, and automollvc rupalr and serulce uocs wlthln tpacos lhat were not prcviourly <br />used lor such purposes; a bulldlng that doce not moet thc parklng demand tor the prodosea use;ot a u8B whlch generatet a hlgher parklng demand or ldherence to dcvelopment ritandardg thanthe prsvlouS uses. <br />You rnay nood to providc floor plant. altG planc. or document tho prlg, use b€fore obtalnlng aCertlficate of occupancy-lo delermlne lhc grandpuontcd rlghk of a ironconformlnj uie, or a u",whlch has addillonal Code requlrcmentt. <br />I