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APPROVALS tD/slG.COMMENTS ori.''Elik|., D.dlrio <br />I idrtr.ttm ldr fa.&, ofFjE, tlr I n a6$ lan dE Cqtttr 'rja.l- ad dt f.lkrinr ,a (tc,0rl J lrdiE <br />rd Co&): A!, Cit a Cod, 'iic. ltqdE I F!fi b cor$r.( .ha, inToq datDliA a qdr n, rtlarEFld !o ir. <br />i@.., d. t!$dE th. Tdk-l fctl.l Fhit b fi|. r itlcd eEEr tt lF d d, ir li.etd F $alot FEiid. 0{6. <br />C(itt6'r U6..d (Otel6 9, CdilrAtt 'il S...i6 7lI)0 o{ DiYiri!. ! of li. Ec&d .rd Prctldd C.d.) d $r h. a <br />dE t qalql dlel0fft nd dE td. ra ltt.IcFd aanPd6 A!, violrid of 5.66 r0!l.r !r 6r e!li6! fa r Fnit i!i.6 nE <br />fpli.rr ro . civil Fldty ofnd lte 6& fivt i6(l!d &ll4 (lfixt <br />-l,r <br />omdofo'cD.!F9,dnVapk.r,irtfllt!dEittolcwrFldid',,itl&th.lqlr"dlh.irucmirdi'6da;;rdd f6 d. ( s.;.?ara, Bui'4 thr..idu co&, TIE cootet Lic6a ls d... nol sdv to - ffi .f lh. prcr6t, <br />rho !il6 6 imFoir. $..d, &d *to d.. i&h tat tinrdf d lE*f (, dttoqi ht a lE M aplort * Fotidd th! rxrt <br />iqrotq6E ,t nd ir!6d.d d olfa!.1 fa C!. lf, h.ric. {b. hlildls d itg.otdr6l i. told ,ioin 4 va dddai6 th. <br />O6q-lsilda ril he lh. htd.r ofFrritt dla h. a !t 'ld tqild.. iry!! td $. Fdro. of ck). <br />-1,. <br />aE of U. Fqqry. m a.l{nva,6tdtE lili d.otst b cdla lf,. Poicc ( 56 7oaa. BciE -d <br />?toftdcl Co,. Tt Cdtd..'. Li@ Lt.Ld d Alr 6 - ffioaFlFty tto l,tdl.l d itry!6 riaE..xl riE <br />d66 fa ,l.t Fi..r. nd. col!d{.} li€r.d Fr.rd b tt c.EE !u@lt). <br />t6adE&S..rid .B rtc fdlill*l <br />Poli.y Ndbr-8,Pld <br />Crhi!.cci6 i..d tur h. dipla.d il0E Fnn r rd On. ho.hd dollE {ll0ol 6ld) <br />I qrliy rid in rhc DafotMe of tn. rdt fd tlticlt th! Fmi n iB!G4 I thtll .d arylov -, Frd i' a, ,rst.t & . to <br />o*-,r r.i,i.a r o. i-ra ' *,p."o6 lM ot crlifdil dd {G lll.r ir I .h@ld b,d obj6r lo drc rBrd' <br />6!F!sr@Foiri of Sldicl !7oo ol th. L& Cod., t tldl, fdrh,irh dnrl, 'fi rhd. Fovti@. <br />w^rt{nc flld b Er. rria 696.rh. .o6t i. rd rLll rlicd - andor. ro aini l .n cinl <br />fii.. u0 b qr tutd.d tdlid lHln (tloo,ooo),i. .ibrio to d* cd of dr".di6. d.n{r. ! FwtLd ra dE S.sio !076 o, <br />ln. L.ta Cod., htErr. td iar.r'r f6 <br />ucl!$D-guqEAcpE[DrclaEAIIq! <br />I ll?!U, .tnd 6& F .lt, of Fju'y 6r I 6 lica..d uxb Fwirict o( O!$E 9 (cdnErrq ,i6 S!.1i6 ?000) ot Diri.i6 I or <br />6. BulE Fd trofdid Cod., &d n, licsrx n in tull foE &d ctrd <br />f.ollllllcE9d.lsDBclcl8cl <br />t hd*y .lti.n o& F.ty orFjEy 61 6.! i. . mrEo ladi!! $tE, rd ttc Ffdi-c. of tlE rdt fd 'tidr 6i. Fnn it <br />irra (Sc. !ot7. CiY C.) <br />t4?g.t&r-_ <br />AI'LICANT'S DDC1AT TION <br />D6m[n6 lf,iE.A.tqro. F.d6.l lqrled Crid. a0. Par 6) <br />_ f,.qcitld Lald of N.frn.ri6 <br />-t <br />qrit th.l rn! f.dE l E ul.d@ r.lrdins .6..!0. 6tvd @ mt |o dtit F!i6a <br />- <br />I .lriry $d I lNc E d thn elcrid .d tt& thll U!. .!ot infrmlio i! dttd l {r!. ro dlt *ilh .ll Cit, axl CMq <br />nllea n.l SB. tlt Ehlg to brl.lir dlc!.do -.lta*, rddit n.s{rilrtollntcilvadcatt,roand!!dlll. <br />&rtrEtiat d F('aV fd iD+.dio FrPc <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water-Underfloor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Building Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />lnterceptor/ Clarifier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Piping <br />Gas Pipeing <br />Roof Drain <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Rough Water Heater <br />POOUSPA <br />P-trap/Drain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Piping <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Misc <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Rough Plumbing <br />Final Gas Test <br />Meter Release <br />)ll -^ <br />FINAL '>^bf/aD,r"1M!uil <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />I \7 <br />PLUMBING.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />DATE <br />Back Flow Device <br />woruotra coMENsanoN Dlcl.^rtarrot{ <br />I lE6, .tlltu 6& F dt, of FiEy 6. of dF foll iot d.clrrtiE: <br />I [.* ed rill ndrdtr r c.nifc& oacsEl lo Sdf-tau! 6r tut t'ccr"..{dc! r Fovid.d ld tv S.ai6 :1700 oaln <br />L*Coa.. fdt!. Fi!.* otllE Et ft rlidt tt Ftrit it iEcd <br />It E!d'illna ii Etqt' cdtEdit E rc(. tlquid !, sdio !7oo oftlE t. ba c'dt fa llE Ffdtft oto' <br />;r in .ni.r 6! Fln i. ir,.d rr, idla qrrdio iEle @iE !d PdE, .dibq ri <br />U€4Cls--Li€EN6b<- <br />IF-