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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE tD/srG.COMMENTS OWNER AUII,DT.]R DELCARATioN <br />I hcrcby rrfinn ufld.r penllty ol nctjuiy lnar I oncrc'nfl ln,m rhc ConlrrdoN Lijcns tiw for thc folb,nE rco$n (Scc?oll5 <br />ArFnrc$ and Prolcsion CRlc): Any Cily or Counry qhich rcllutcs a I'crmit lo conxlrucl- !!tcr. imprct. dcmlirh or rcpan ,ny <br />{fl.rurc, Firn' irs is!u.c, ulv, rcqun s rh. trprlicanr ntr \!cn rErmir lo lilc s \isncd {rc@n' rh{ hco, sh. h liccn*d pusu0tri <br />lo lhc nmvisiotrs of lhc Contrctols Liccn*d Lnw (Chryrcr 9, c.m'ncfti.g Nith Sccrion ?O(D of Divnion :l oflhe Dusincs and <br />Profc$ionsCodclorlhllhcorshc ncxcmpr lhcrcio ondlhc sisrbrlhcallc3cdcicnulion.Anyviolori.notsmrionT0llSbyuy <br />,mli.di lnr n p.nnir slbjccrs rh. lppli.anr b a civil !.fulry ol nol mnc rhan rilc hxndrdl dolldc (S5m) <br />-1, <br />r\ owB or thc poFn), or nry cnrlloy.cs wilh e,8cs as rhcir srlc .ompcnslio.. eill do rtr wok o!.1 th. stB'iuE t nol <br />inrcr cd ororlcrcd rbr $k ( Ss.7(N.4. 8.sincis and Pmfcsions Code: 'rhe ContHctols Liccn{ Law docs nor a0plyroanosncror <br />rhc tmltny whob{,*ncmployecs. <br />pn,vid.d rhar such imthrmnk m n ic krl or offcbd fDr sL.l( hokw, rh. huikling or in{roumnr is$Uwirhrnonc ,ts <br />of..'rylc1ion. ih. Owncr Blildcr will hrvc rlt t rdcn ol pn,ring rhdr lE or shc did fin h ld .r impmw dd tmFiy for d. I)nrlbs ol <br />I. a\own.rol rhcrrr.nt,\ivcly..nt!crin8 wirh liccf\cd.ontrctr\bcoi{flct Ihc Forccr (S( 7()14, Businc$ <br />! lnnir$i{Codc Ihc Conrrcnr'r l-iccnsc Lrwdocs ior rppryro anosncr o, pro,icny sho huildsor nnprovcs rhcrcon. <br />rtrd sho.odnchfors&hpmJcd\*irhaConrrucbrl9licn\cdprsuanrrorh.Cont(kr'sLic.nscLiu) <br />lrn,.r.trrt rnJ.. S..rnD I|.\l'( l,trlhar.rvn, <br />Irrtc O*n.r <br />.ttllBtr[tss]rauffNt Ilox <br />IlEcldaauo! <br />I hcrchy !rairm undcr lr.nally.lp.rjlryom orrhc trlowirs dcEInlrlions: <br />I hoec rnl will minllin ! Ccnificrrc or Consenr ro Sclflnurc ro, wo,leB mmpcnsdbn. as ,ovid.d lorhysc.rion r7m orth. <br />Lahr Codc.Ior rhc |crformncc oflhc *ork f{trwhich rhcl)cnnir ! hsucd <br />_lhalc anduillmainrai! workcn compcnsarion insuran.c. a\ rcquted byScrbn:r7(xrofrhc lihorCodc, ru(hc l,crrormM.c or <br />rhc work li)r Nhl.[ lhi\ pcnnir i\ ]\\u.,1 NIy conrl[fsrri,rr irsuraD.c citri.r , d F)li.y Nnrhcr rc <br />I ccdityrhd in rhc p.rfornuNc olthc for shih rhir lcnnn is irsxcd. I shrll nor cmlloyany pcr$tr in rny manM <br />m r ro hccom suhjd lo lhc e c6 mn{rnsalion lars olcaliforn rnda8rcerhllifI sholld suhjucr t,rlf <br />woltcn conrlcnsationpovhionsolsccli 3700 ol lhc L0tn Cod.. I slEll. lonh*irh onrDly uith lhoc pmeiionr <br />WARNINC: Philurc to $curc wo.kcs' mmpcns,lion corcinec is unlawtul. and shrll su rn .nrnloy.r ro .ri ',rl p.mlri$ rnJ <br />civ nncs up lo o.c hnndrcd rhousund do <br />Sc.rion.1076ofrhcljt . C'r)dc. inrcrc{ Md <br /><7-,/ L tK <br />I hcrcby rfinmnndcr lcn0hyoilciury th l 0m lienscn u.dcr provhio. of ing $irh SNri{'n 7(XX)) ol Divi\i(,n 1 <br />of rhc Bu\i'rc\\ rnd Pn)fc$risCodc. d nrylic.n\c is lillnnr nd rflc.r <br />(-0 olQ;r <br />rO!S-I!.t!Il!2llJIl2!t(n-r!(iII!L <br />I hcrchy anirfl under [Enohroalcrjury rhlr thcE t a con(rudkfl hndinB oScmy for lhc <br />issu.d (s*.1097, civ c.). <br />nceorrhcwork lnr wlich$il Fnnil is <br />A.TPI.ICAILDEII,ABAIION <br />I ffi)y dflnn undcr penak, ofFrjury onc.frhe folL*in8 d<hralions: <br />Demlirion Pcrmih'Asbestos Norificarion Fcdcrsl Rcslhtn,ns ( l illc 40. P.n6) <br />-Rcqund <br />Lctts of Norifi carhn <br />-l <br />ccniryth.t rhc ltdcml rcSuhlbns rcBrdinr $hcslo\rcnFvrldc nor apfltablc b rhis lmjd <br />ion kcomd lxErcct,.omtlys[hnllCirtdndCounry <br />ordinrmc\ rtrd SI,. Iiws (lrr irt k, <br />ih^c nEnri{cd rFncny rnr n.kd <br />I <br />Appltcrnr or Si8roruEl <br />Pemile n.rr I prino: y' <br />hn ild iU .on{tu.rii,r. arri ho'i7.rctrc\ciix.v.\ofrhRCiryj.d(ttrtr ylocnrcrtrponihc <br />Itt <br />,.,.,2/!_/'Z <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dam pers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bondinq / Groundino / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torquerng <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Rool Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Solfit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />8/(r/!4 ^a <br />Rough klb/6 ,rJ'6'b <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL 'l/zt /iz 5\gx <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />Meter Flelease <br />L.ndd s AddEs <br />- <br />I c.nili rllr lhrvc rcndihis rtflirar on rd {ar.rhi thc hnr <br />I <br />t-