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MECHANICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS owNt:R Et LDt:R DEI_CALATl()N <br />srucrur.. l]rin ri ir\ i1\u!rcc. nlso r.quircrrhc atplriN tur su.h F_nn k,lilc r \i8rcd n cnrtrr rhd hc or \hr i\ licrrscd pursurnr <br />ki rhc pnnisi{in\ ol rh. \ Liccn\rJ I xs lchrnicr 9. Co'nrrcncn,g $irh S(ri('n 7(XX) of Divni,n! I .l rhc llrrsirrts{ rnd <br />Itpli.rnr tu Frmir suhtcclsllrc rppl.rnrk,rcivilncnnllyo,nolmmrhrtrllvchurJrcdJ,'lh^(S5(x)) <br />l.sownfofrheImFdy,trny.rphreswnhugaoslhcn$hcomp.nelion,*i.n)tlEw lnd llt irture is mt <br />inr.niLd or ofrcEn for slc (56.?044. BusiN$ and Pinfessions Codq TIE Corrm€roii Liccns L!* do.s nor arpl, to & owa. of <br />llE nmlEny wlb boildt or inpmB tlEB[ lrd wl$ dc suh m* hinsc|f or h.rlaor lhrcu8l hh tr h.. oen.qtLr!.r. <br />pmvidcd ihnr sEh anprchmr s @ ml inlcfrlcd or o,r.r.d tor $L li toa.w. trE hoildinS or ir{mwmnl i\ sh silhin oE rru <br />ofo'r9b{ion, rnc Owner BuiBr *ill IEE rlt trrd.n of povinS thar lE or n* dil mt hlld or iqmE dE I'epgly lo. tlE ptrpo$ of <br />-1. <br />as o*ncr of rh. ,,opcny. am cxchsilely conrrocritrB wirh liansd connldoF lo m.srtocr rhc lmjccr (Se. 7044. BNiGs <br />a.d noturioo Codc: Thc Conrra.bfs Lk.nsc rlw d@i nor apply 16 s oen.r ol prop.ny wno builds.r imrrclcs rhcron. <br />rnd vto .onrraft fc such poj.rls sirh ! Controcro(9 lianed p!6unr ro rfic Conrerols Liccn* kwl <br />-l <br />m crcnpt h<lcr SBrion- B. & P,C. for rhh @ro.. <br />UOXf,EBS:CIJIIPIXSAIION <br />IECI,AAAI!]N <br />I hcrcby amm undcr Fnahy of lEdlr, oN of rhc followiflB dNl@tions: <br />-l <br />h.k {n qill minrdn a C€nift.rc otcon* lo Self'lnsuE for erk6 @npc..ario'! 6 Ilbvllcrl for by Sslhn lrm of lh. <br />L$or Cde, aor ln Frfomm. of lhc wrk for wnicn $c pcmil ir issucd. <br />k hrvc lnd will nrainrain wortcG omFnssrion insoErce. as Equtcd by Scdn,n 1700 of rhc Lih.J Cdc, for rh. p.rfomna ot <br />sdrk tor which rhi pcmri n t\ocd Mt ion iNr,G dtr ard Flicy .unt . @: <br />t^l l"tTta <br />I erilyth,r in lhc l)c.fornErcc of <br />'hc <br />wo,k for vhi.n rhk lrcrnn k issucd.l shall nor cmployanypcrw,n in inymnncr <br />s' N ro t(tom subrd <br />'o <br />rhc wo*di omrcnsdrio. laws olcalifornil ud asEc rltrr ir I sr$Dld tryom subj.d lo lh. <br />wo*crs clmpcnsarion pmvi\tuns olsr.rion l70O ofunc Lahr Codc.I dtrlL runh*irh comply withlh.* ImvGions <br />WARNINC: &ilurc lo wurc *orkc.s cooDcnsdn,n covcaBc i\ unlastul- and shall subit' an.nplorr lo cimiml FMticr ond <br />civil finc\ up ro oN hrnded ihousnd dollMs (St0o.q)O). in addnion Io rh. c.i or.ompcnsdion. dam8cs as pmridd for rhc <br />IEljl]tBAIIAN <br />I hcrchy rltir und* Ftrrlry of pcrjurr lh.t l 0m licctrrd undcr pr ovisnr ol Chrfls 9 (omnucin8 eirh SNri,n 7fiD) or Division l <br />of rhc Bu\i,rrs\nd Prufcsiion\ O)dc. d nrylidctr* i\ h fnu furcc axl cilact <br />a .? <br />Tltvltp a- l.-714-14- <br />QNEIBU{:IIANIENDIIIjACINCI <br />I hcEby,ifirm undcr Fnalryoftsjuryrhor rhsc h s onsrrucrion ktrding ascncr lor rhe p.rfommc olrhe worx tiJr whicn this F mil is <br />issucd (sc.. 309?, Civ C ) <br />ATEL]CANLDICLTAATAN <br />I l.trd)y lilnnnnJcr r--mlly of rl[ ftnhwing dccl@li.n\ <br />IItroliri,r I'ctrnir\ A\h.{.\ N.rificrriod tudc0l Rcluldnn\ (ri1h t0, Pfi6) <br />Rcqunod lx(c' .f Norifi.aridi <br />-l <br />ccnily lh,l rhc lcd.rrl rcgulolions rcSedinB ashcstos !.movnl !e Doi omlicabk to rhis pmjccl <br />I .trlili rhar I hav. rcad rhis stplialion ond slatc th,r lhc llrvc inromr ion G coENt. I r8.e to .!mnl, wnh lll Cn, ond Coutrly <br />odinErccs Md Sr0rc Liws Elalin8 lo hoilding con(rudion. ud hcrcby autlDrir Epesnt.rivcs olrhk Citl lnd Counlyto c.lcr upotr tnc <br />rh.1c nrc ri,n'd |]ni!. t lnr <br />A|Ilirrtrr o, Alrn( srgixrurc <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipmenl <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rouqh Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room i Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Range <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech. <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release I <br />FINAL gl)8ltY 'fdA*r^ Pt.i t7) <br />Notes, Remarks, 'ur <br /> <br />- <br />Or@r <br />Se{ioo 1076 of thc Libor Code. inrersr r.d albmy s <br />".* 1/ru/rB <br />ttr.rdri,4,iJ'.s <br />",., a l6/ry <br />Duct Work