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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUII,DER DI'I,CARATION <br />I h.rclry rtnm rnd.r F alry (,, Frjury rh I dn cx.mfl fi.m rh. conr,clor' Lik_nsc uw lnr lh€ followins rcact (sft 70.11 5 <br />Bunncis llal Profc$ion Codc): Any City or Cou y qhich equtcs r psnrir b mn(dcr. rlr.r, impdf,. dcrmlish or rclun otry <br />{rucrlrc. triff b ir\ is\umc,,ko Equirc\thd applicmr for such pci,ni o fil.a sign.d ndcnf, rhit h.or shc h liccnscd nurunnr <br />ro lhc pmvhions of rhc Conlrocrols Liccnscd liu (Ctat'lcr 9. Commncins wirh Secrio. Tulo 6r Division I .f rlE Businc$ and_ <br />Prcfc\ hcor\hc G cxcnrfrlhcr.tiooaid rheh\is ror lh.nll.Bcdcxctrl ior. AnyviolllionolSccrion?0.11.56y,iy <br />,pl,li.m(r.rap.rmnsubi(krhc.pplicanllo!cililpc.,hyo'notnntrcrhnnfivchundrcddollur\(S5(r)) <br />_1. !s owncr ol the prcF-n!- or <br />'ny <br />cnDloF.\ wirh wasc\ r\ rlri. v,h c.'npetrs,tion. wlr do rh. $oA dt rtE (Mlurc n mr <br />n{dfrLd or ntt.rcd tu eL (SN.7(E!. Bnnmsr ind Ptufcsions Cdl. Th. Conkrcrois Liccnsc tiw dcs norapnlr ro an owkrof <br />rhc Impcny rvho hoildr o. inarotrs rhcfr)i. ,nd who dcs such sork htn\cllor hcr*lfor rhiox8h hit or hcr oln cmrl(,ycc1- <br />ptuvnhd rhlr *u.h nnflovcnrnh m ml inrcndctl or ol]!rcn ln sL li howcv.r rhc hildin! or irpnrcnE r i\ $ki wirhi| oDc yctrr <br />ufconuhrio.. rlrc Ouncr BrikLr willhtrr. rhc hord.i dftsvin8 rhrr hc.ishcdal nor t{ild or imDmw lhc J,nllcny l rtf, puqxx.ot <br />I. owNr ol rhc lrrotrny, dn cr.kNiuc lr .otua.rine sirh lirctr*d .unrdcxns ro .onsru(l rh. pn,jccl (Sec 7l)4,1,3u\inc\\ <br />od Pmlt\\ir(i c lhcContncrois t,iccnsc d.cs nor atpllro .*nc'oftnipcnywhotuildsorimfmvcsrhcrcon. <br />rnd sho conkicr\ fff s!.h pn)j.rt\ trnhr CbnrNui(\ ) li.rn{d pnnunr h r hc ConrrNrtri l-i.cns ltrwl <br />I rmc\r |, u nl.r S.rri,) <br />Dot: ()sn.. <br />woRxFia-oNrPF\aAfi)N <br />DErt xallQ! <br />I hcr.byrftlrnu .r p.nahyorFrjuryo col rh.lnllowirgdc.lrrrions <br />I havc a8i *all mnnrin a ol clonen! ro scll- l.suru ior sorksr om{Ensal hn- !s pn,vidcd aor hy s.ction 1700 of lhc <br />bbor Code. lor rhc pcrfo@rc. ofrh. w.rk f(tr *hkh rhe lEmn i! issu.d. <br />I hrvcand willnlri.iain workcra .ompcnsdion insuiakc. r\ rcquncd hy SNt iotr :l7m ol lh. ltrbo. C.dc. f.r rhc lElfirtruncc of <br />th. rork rar shich rhi p.nnir is hsEd. My workerl compcns0l ion iNurancc cariq old Fnicy nun,t c' d: <br />PolicyNun,6.r Exltcs <br />-l <br />Ndily rhrt h rhc lcra.rmnce ol rhc *o,k tu \'nich lht pcnnir h issocd. I shrll no' ctrPk,! nnt l,cron in lny mlnmr <br />$ ,\b h.r{ft subj.d ro rh. wolkcF con[.nsarion laws orc.lifornia. ond asrcc rhal ilI slDuld lf,om bj.{r ro d. <br />woik.6 omt nqrion folisionsofScctiotr:lrmofrhc rjhr Codc.I (hrll. aonhsirh NnDly sirh rh)t tm\ isions <br />WARNIN(; I'rihrc k *curc *orkcr a .o trDc n $r ior .o rern!. i\ nn[*li]I. a d shrllsrhjdcr a[ cnrfloyct to crinritrrl ncu]rics ard <br />.ivrl ftr.r tr,' t' ork hutrdrcri rh.usnnldo h\ lSl0o.r)(l(r). in {(l(liiitr ro rh.N .rcoNtf,tr{lnnr. d.n$8cs os lmlidcd lor rhc <br />{ rl)76 olrht l- i'Codc. intercn lnd lllorncy s lccsv <br />I hcrcl'yalfirnD cr p.nalryorFrjury rh l nD li.rnrd u.d* ol Chn,'ls 9 (commmins snh Sdirn 7000 ol Divhion l <br />.l rhc Busincsrnd Pmfcsions Codc- unl ny U.cns t inflll rn.c ul rffccr <br />t/z {..**.. K. <br />I h.rchy sttirn!nd.r Fnalryorpcdurylhd lhq. h{ .lion Lndir! r8cncy for lhc p€rtormrcc ofrhe s.rk for rhich lhis Frmil t <br />issu€d (Scc. :t1,97- Civ C.). <br />LcnCcis Ncmc: <br />- <br />lrdrirtrhxrrh( Ictlcnl rcgtrlrnonr rctirlllD! ish.{o\rcn!)ulirc D.r r|]flicrbl. k, rhis pn, <br />larin8ro buildins consrrucrn,n. uld hcrcordimnccs md sr{lc tiws rc <br />dhJrc nrnri(,n.d ri0p.dy fD <br />Applicrrl or Skmlu r(,***-:r,w;:- <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER ALlb,it /Y@ (L) <br />Transformers t vt t u\ <br />Torqueinq <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouoh) <br />ft/eter Release [,lLl/4'iL 'rruta/.2r-) <br />Ill UI <br />Rough <br />Service Meter 4 <br />FINAL slt{l(An q-'qvo '*r) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.I rur : <br />- 11-/u^,.tLd./vb €uet P I <br />UN - Altltdvgh ltbnt tro-Lh1./f (n, n|l*./2-I lc >-l L-L/.!t zz->5 c.,4.rt/^\7 <br />Site-Work <br />AES,ICAULIECI,IBAIO! <br />I lsd,y a,Im uNlcr p€nalr, olFrjury oN oarhc roU.wing dftlddri.ns: <br />Dcnblilion PcflnnlAsbcios Nori6crtion Fcdcrul Rcsulalhns (Tillc 40. PLrl6) <br />-R€quncd <br />Lclrcr ol Nolificalion <br />I <br />--------T------ <br />tt <br />I