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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER AUILDER DEI-C R,!TION <br />I l[fthy rtttu undcr r.n ry ,)t pciju y rhd I m .xcmpr rhc Cronrdcror r Lunsc tiw llr th. lollowins rca$n (S.c ?0.1 1.5 <br />ausn'.$ arJ Pi(na*nin Co{clr Atry Crty or 6u y wh(h rcqums . Frnnt l,' uon(Ncl, dlcr, imtrnc. &nlnnh ,tr rcnrn rny <br />srflrclurc. l]riirlo rts r{.n.c, alv, rcqums rhc atplrrnr lnr su.I lErmirto Iile a nenci srircmctrr rh(l h.ornr i\ liccn*J luruafr <br />b rhc lR virion\ of rlf, Conta(kr s Liccns.J tf,w (Chlpr* 9, Conmcncrg wrh Sarlrn ?0U) ot Divish I ol rhc Busi't* rtui <br />Pn,{!$iqr Codc).rrlut hcorshc n crcnDr rhcrclhmand lhc brsis itrllt rucscd.ichprion AnyviolaionotSc.rDtr?0:ll.5hy.ny <br />rptl'canr n-ar-*rn,ir ruhjcrrsihc rnplic$l h acr!,lNndlryofhor uc rh.n nv. hu trdrql dollln ($5(x)) <br />Larown.rolrh.!h!crly.ormycmrloyccswirhwaScs.slhctrknc.or!!.trsarn'!.will,lorhcworkurlrhcnturu.$ft, <br />inrcndcd or orlircJ lt! slc (Sr 7044. Brsim\s m'l Pnri$i,)n\ Or'1.: Tft Conkrcroi\ l-,ccns. Lrw dds nor.mly to N owncrol <br />thc p$!.ny sho huild\ or i'npn,v.s tlrR)n. r who 'lcs {kh v)* himscll or hcNll or rhnreh hir or h.r own c.rLyccs. <br />pl ovkl.d rh!( $kh im0nlvcmn6 ar_ fr, Drcmlni or ottcR{ ntr \rL lt. h.wcv.r, (hr $Diliing or opnrv.nrnr is $U wirhin or. ycd <br />otcomnhrion.thcOwrerBuddcrwlhav.rh.hurd.n.fln)vmgrhdh.orntdidNnhoi or mlft)rc lhc pNl'cny li)r ih. puq-{ ol <br />L $owndofIhc pnl|Eny, rncx.lunvcly.onrra.rin3 wnh B nr .on(tu.r rl{ pn, (S.c 70{4, Buet$ <br />a Pnnis Codc: Thc Cork.ckr'sl,rcn\c l-rp de\ tut nftly k) .n dwncr ol pnncnyuh() hurlJs urinprovcs rh.rcoh, <br />rnd who ronkark ntr rd.h pn,jc.B w(h a Cont(t'(, li..n\.d po^uanr ro ih Contrltr s l-iccn\. faw). <br />_l rn cr.hpr lndd Sfrdon_, B &P.C tarrhsrcison. <br />IvQaKEBU-CAIIIENIA]IANpEtL!8AI&! <br />I h.rchy afl trnunJ.r pcnalryo{Fruryonc.lihc nnhwmg Jrld,ri,n\l <br />I hav. a will . CcnriEar. ol Co!$nr r) Scli lnsurc t)r workc6' ronp.nsarion, a\ Frvd.d tur by sar bn l7(x) ol th. <br />tltxtr C lc.,or thc pcrform.Nc oith. work for phich thc pcm( 6 $sucd. <br />I havc &l willmrruin workc!\.ompcn\ari,)n i.\urrn.c. rs r.quEnn!S..rk,n:17(Dolrh.LxhorCodc,ntrrhcpctl6tmr!..o1 <br />y wo .r' .onrr.n\rri,,n ins,rrRc .r'cr u o)ltynumh.r:tr.:{ile.ra.l :tu 5uY^4N(r- (bw,vr,rt-J.t <br />1 DI <br />l..niry rhri m rhc t^_rformkc oflhc wnrk f.r which rhis pcrmn $ is{cd. I shall.or ctrrll,y any n (on d any unn.r <br />{, rro suh]c(l b rhc w('!Ic6 d,mpcnqrn,n h*!.lCrl no'a. rn'l agd rh{ 'fI shnru h.c.m sul'rc.l hrhc <br />workc's' n,mpenslriln Frvi\ions ol Sccron .17{10 ol rhc ljtxr Gxlc. I \hf,ll, tudhpnh .omdy w[h rtr)s Jrovh{nl <br />*ARNINGT F urc h $curc vorrcr' .onpcmnron .nrcraec rs utrllwlnl. .nd snru sul,r.d an emplo <br />rivrl lnrcs uD ro.rc hu rql th.usln'l nolhr ($|0O,OOO). in <br />(irl., nrcr.n rrl rrntrNy's <br />Y,3 L'i <br />t)F1 t.\R,\tto\ <br />I hcrchy nlllrm unJcr p.niry ofl.rjlry rhdr I am llNn{d Lnd.r p()!sn,n ol Chrpr.r 9rco.nxNint v(I S..rhn 701$) ofD,vru, I <br />oi lhc Bns"rcss and Prnt$ionsCoJc. nl my li.cnr s rn tullli,(r rd.lrt.r. <br />2 i <br />3 D znt crrl L, <br />E()!$B]JSIXTN.LENBIIC3GEICI <br />I hcEhy.fltmundcr p.naltyolpcruryrhar IheE t a.onsrrucri{}n kndins aecncy ltr rh. pdlolfuk. ol thr sork lbl *hi.h lhn Frnrir h <br />Nnrcd (Scc.l$)7, Civ. C.). <br />AEIIICANLDEIIAX{IIOX <br />I h(Nhy dtlimr undc. Dcnslty ol r.riuly onc ol'lhc tullowtrrp dccl.rari.ns: <br />Dcmol'ton P.rnn(-AsE(sos,n RcCtrlarids ( I nlc 40, Pan6) <br />Rcqurcd krtcr ol Notiu.linr <br />rcg&lin8 r\hd.s rcnk'vrlrr. <br />'xn <br />rlpl'.rhL ki rlN nn, <br />ni(oirtny s h rll( rry rr'l('n nry <br />rhis Cir! lDd (.ounr, k,.'r.r uErn rh <br />!l$vc rmnrurd p('t].ny lu <br />/ippticenr or ,tsenr <br />\"-'u"" n"n'",p"nu, <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenVlnsulation <br />Roof Sheathin s <br />Shear Wall <br />Framin s <br />lns u latio n/ Energ y <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />FINAL qD+{ttt 1 f'lfurrr1U,1 'P) <br />Certificale ol Occupancy Itl UU <br />Notes, Remarks , Erc <br />Flood Zone Certil. <br />1..1r1. .\Jdn.. <br />,,,,," t fc dl"cr1 <br />---+--- <br />i-