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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE COMMENTS <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steeli Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground \ <br />SLAB Floor <br />Sublloor/VenVl nsu lation <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Enerqy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />lt/asonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Beq. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif . <br />/A <br />FINAL K-7*lv <br />Certilicate of Occu pancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />_) <br />OWNDR BUII,DER DELCARATION <br />I hcrcby artrn u6dcr p.ntrlry oi pcrjury rhdl I am cxcnr,)l imm the Conlk-roF Lierr ljs ror rhc rollowirr8 rca$. (Scc.703l 5 <br />Busincs .nd Proic$ion Codc) Any Cit, or Counly whi(n lcqutcs ! p.rnrir b .o.ndcl, 0lrcr. iintmvc. dcmlhh or el)air any <br />(rucrurc, prior ro ils issulicc, nho tuqui'csrhd dupli.nnr for su.h,icrnir lo lilc, signcd stutcmtrl lhal hcorshc h iicenscd frrflnr <br />ro rhc rmlisions olrr* Contnclols Liccnsed Llu (Ch.rr.r 9. Commrcinc unh sc.ln,n 7o0o.f Ditision I ol thc Blsincs rnd <br />Pntc$ions Codc) or thrl hcorsh. ncicmpr rhcEfrom and rhc l,!si n, rh. Ic8.dcrcmprion. AnyviolotionolScclioiT(r.ll5hysnt <br />lprlicanr tor aF,nrir suhjecrs rhc applicdt t, r.ivilpcnllryornor morcrhnn 6vc hundrcd dollrs(S5(x))y'-,t- <br />(4r n* ""n","r,* prnr"nl.nrn) cnnlnlEs q h tra8cs!slhcir an.con{tnsrion. willdo rrr effkaM rhc {trru h n,r <br />icdLn or or.rd f.r slc (Sd 7044. Bxsifts nnd Pmfcsrionr C.dc Thc Contuclol s l-iccnsc lj* docs nor +ply r. Nn owmr ol <br />lhc pmlicny {ho builds or nrDrevcs rhcre( aod who dmr such $oll hins.lfor hcrelror [tuxgh hn r hcr owtr cnDloyecs. <br />toridcd (hnr $uch impoEftms e ft, ir cndcd or oficto{ hr eL. It k,*cver- rlr ttrilain8 or iq,rorcntnr is v,U *irhin oi. !t- <br />oI on{'krion. thc Or'lcr Buil:Lr will h8lt rh. bordcn of ntuvina rhzr h. .r shc dd tror build or irpmlc lhc tmfiy lor rhc purll,y ol <br />l. r\ .q ncr ol rhc rnpcn y, am cxclusivcl! ..trtrdin8 snh ln c {d .ontdn( h connru.r thc pr+ct ( Scc 7(YJ. B!!N* <br />.rd P a\sion C.dc ThcConlndors l-iccnsc l-r* (locs nnr 0tplyro,nolncrotpn)rcdy wl'n, huilds.r inr[.ic\ rhcr.otr. <br />and sho ..nrrrt ln su.h ptujc.h wlh r An tu.kdg l,ccnsd nr$anr lorhc(intNkn \ l-iccnsc l- $). <br />Ixnr.\.Dr rtul.r S..rirX* tf l1 l iY A <br />I hfchyalln utrdcr lcnrlrtol tf,r.turyotrcof rhc f(,lloNing c.!&.1idrs <br />Ihvc rdsilltuinrrinaCcnifi.nrcofConscnrtusclf.l0surcfrtrworkcN'corpcnsarn'n.r\ p(ridc{lf.rrysccrion:17(x).lrhc <br />ljbor Gx,c.lor lhc lErl'ormrmc oirh. *ork fr *hich rhc pcrmir is is\u.d. <br />I hrlc rnd sillnlrinrri. qorkai comNtrsariotr insurrncc. rs Equircd h, Sc.r ion :l?01) nf rhc tjbor Codc. in thc Pcdonumc ol <br />rhc workrorwhi.hrht p.rnrir is hsu.d Myuorkcn c.'nn nsarion inslmnc.crdcriJ rx,licy nun$.r &c <br />.-/ 4L."n'ry,r,, .,r" n"*",rDncc nlrhc trnrl ,,r shi.h lhi\ p.rnrir i\ ir{rt, I shsll n.r ontloy rny lcGon in any tunncr' <i-a' rr l".-'m.uhE.r r" rhc $.rkr^ qnnp. .Jrr{ liwr orCrlilnrnir. nnd.src h.r if l \hould trcom subjccr b ihc <br />*ork.ri co'nndtr\rrion pnri\n,nrofS..ri.n 37(I)otthc Lrhtr Codc.I shrll. fonh*ilh cohnly sirh rho{ ptuli\ <br />WARNIN(; F.ilurc lo KUrc wolkcri corrpensllion covcra-sc n unhsrul. md sh ll suhF.r m cnll]]o]tr lo rinitul ,lcmlii.\ nid <br />civll firc( ur ro onc nundrcd rh.u\$d dolhi\ rsl0().0(x)). in irn,i {o rhc doi of.otrDcnsalior. dinEscs u\ p(,vidcd for th. <br />Scdi lr)74 oirhc l;]t,or Codc. iircrc{ rnd altnmy \ nc\ <br />{"' zf tt l'x --rk "-, <br />I hcrcl,y atfirm oidc, FnahyorFrjury th,l I an li.cnsd undcr pmvisnlr olchnoer 9{conurcnciis wirh Sc.rion 7000) ofDiviion:l <br />.f lhc Busincs and P,ofesions Cod..,ni{ h in rullroftctdcffccl. <br />C(INSTRTICT(IN LENI)IN(; ACENC{ <br />I h.rby,ftirmutulcr p.nallyorNrjurylhoi rhqc hiconstruclion knditrsascn.ylorrh.rc nnmnccorrhcqo lor shich rhis Fflnir i\ <br />nsucd (Scc 109?. Ci! C ) <br />AIIUCAILDICLAAAII}N <br />I bft$y Hfinn undcr Fn,xy of Frjury onc olll[ folbqnrB d{lffrlions <br />Dcnnlirion Pcrnils Asherror Norificn!nrn Fcdcirl R.grlrrn,n\ (Tnh{. Pan6) <br />-Rcqutcd <br />Lcrrcr ol Norifi ctrri)n <br />I cMiryrh.r rhc Ldcrd rcgul0lioN rcBedin8.\bcnosrc {,v!l s'c nor l0 i.dhh torhistmjccl. <br />.<,$,/rlLl (i r ry rh,r I h!'c rcad rhtr arrlrrrn,n &l d d. rhrr rhc dh,ve inlonulion G (otrccl I s8re r. 6n'lly wnh ill Cny and County <br />-ordinatr(s 'nd Srlrc L!w.mLrinE,n hu,ld,Ils .onqtu.rtr , ald h.rcbt rhoizcrcprcsenlatirc!ofrhilCir,rdCountyloctrloulonlh. <br />.hovc nEdioncd fotl.ny hr jns <br />Applic,nl or,{[enl sifldfurc <br />P.mire n,m. (p\,6:c-<) YE'r,/ <br />y", -fu2lrv <br />DAArfr <br />ID/SIG. <br />I <br />tt <br />!-+- <br />=