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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE COMMENTS OTT'\IER BUII DFR DELCARATIO\ <br />I hdebr ammr und( poalry otp€lu rhar I m cr€np! f.on rh. Conkrdo^ Lictr l2s lor lhc aollowiiS reeil i S( 7011 5 <br />Bus'n6s dJ Pror6'on Cndo. Any Ctry or Counry *nich r.qrn6 a p6mn to connrud. sh6. improv€. d€nolish or repan anr.' <br />$rudu., prnrto irs isum... aho rcqurs rh. +pl'cet rorsuch Frmi lo fil.a3isned stalddt rhal lcorsh. i! li.aled puButul _ <br />ro rh. pmvlio6 olrh. c.nradois Lic..*,1 Litr (Chapl6 I, Commemins rvilh Sdion 7000 of Division I oflh. Busin€s ard <br />Prclcsions Code) or ihal tE or shc is .r.npt th@6on dd $c bdsis ior $c .llcrcd .xmprion. Any rioldion of Scr6. r0l I t by any <br />/ applica lor s subjdlsllE applic.trltoacivilpcnallyoanormo,.rhmfivehu.dr.ddollm($500). <br />'5;, * o*,- or,n" o.*ny. orny.nplore6 rirh wa!6 5 thct sol€ compc.sarion. willdo rhe wort ud rh. nn(luc is nor <br />inladed or olT6.d for sl. ( Sa.?044, BusinBs ed PrclesioB Code Th. contrc'or's Li..e Lrs do6 nol Aply ro m o$nd o I <br />rn. pmFny Nho hrildsor ioprelGlhmn. d who dG such rvod finnscla or h.elaor lhreush his or hd own crrloy6. <br />provid.d thar such imFovmb @ mr inrdd.d dr oF6€d ao, sL l[ how6- th. tlildioa or iqrovc,Br i! $ld wilhin ooe yqt <br />ofco.lpldion. lh. (x n6 tluildd {ill h,ve rhe hdd or previns th.d hc or st€ did nol build or imrorc tfic Fopsly aor rh€ purrDs or <br />l, sowndoflh€ properlx an cxclusivclyco.tmcri.S wnh licm.d co.t.clo6lo coisldci th. prcjdl (S(. ?041. A6in6 <br />ed Psaair. Cod.: Th. Contador's Licms. Law do6 nor apply !o e ownE oaproFry q ho buil& or imtrovB rh.r.on, <br />a.d sho conlracls lor such Fojcds wnh a Contnclo(s) lk6.d pu6u. lo rhc Contracror's Lic6F t,arv) <br />ldr.\.nor undrsrr'^n . B. & P.C.lor lhts '6on{o*"'rtr-.,- X* ^:P' '- r" ubnieis -coniprrsr rroir <br />I h@by arm undd pnulry of po:,ry .n" .r,rr" r.rr.*i.gffiffi@ <br />I hlvcadvill mainraif, o Ccniarcar€ ro s.lf-lBur. ao. worl6 comt@rion. a FDvid€d lorbrSelionlT00.fthe <br />t bor Code for rhc pefomec. ofin wori aor siich ihc Fni b isu.d <br />I ha!€ and rill Bort6 compeNarion iNurec€. a rcqun.d by Seliotr l?uj ot tfi€ Ljbor Codc, tor lhc psfomancc of <br />lhc rort lor which lhis p.flnii is isu.d. My work6 compcGalion insurm.. canis od,olicy numbd s. <br />lltl.diiyrllal in rhe pdnrman.c.lrhc worl tor Nhich rhis pcrmir is,ssual.l shall nor ploy any pmn in s,y n&nn <br />F 6 lo,n. subrar lo lhe wortns compasdion laws of Calir.mia, &d !g@ rhd if I should hdon. strbjd ro thc <br />sor(6s com!.6slion provisioro olSc.lion lT00 oalh. hh.r (.od.,I shrll. fonh\ri{h comrlv $ilh thos rrovisions <br />\I RNINC: Foilu!. !o scu. work6 omposrion .ov@g. C rnla$lul, and shall subjd d anplord ro aiminal p.n.hi6 ind <br />civil fio€s up lo onc nundr.d lhoNnd doll6 ($100.000). in addition ro th. cosl ofcompeBarion. damoscs as provid€d for lhc <br />s<nn !0?6 nlrhc hbor Cnd..,nrod ud dr"Rr s fB <br />1 L <br />DICIdBAIIOI! <br />I h@by amm undd Fthy of pdjury tha I d licsE d undd Foririon ofChapld 9 (cormmcing wilh Sdion 7000)ofDivision l <br />ol lfi€ BusiDs md Prcasions Cod.. md ny lic@ is in l ll aorc€ ed .ud <br />Lic.ns€ Numbs <br />ATILICANLDECIAAAIIO! <br />I amm utrdd paahr otpdjury o,e oflhc aollowiig d(lrari.n!: <br />D€molhion PdnireAsb6ros Nolificarion Fedcdl R.sulalions ('l nlc.l0. Pan6) <br />R.quned Lclln orNorifi cd0n <br />I crlily Ihai ln ledGal r.guhrioN Ggrdin8 asbabs roold dc 60' to ihir protct <br />A(-l c.arb rhar I ha"e rcad rhs.pphcarion ud srar€ rhd fic obov. inronnarion s cotrc.r I a8r6 lo sonplt *ilh .ll cny rnd coumt <br />';r mmc6 ud sra,. L!trs rcrarrnj io uurumg consruoron, ma h6.ny surhodze rcprMkti; orrr'i" c';t], -a C"*ryr" -r.,pi,rr. <br />abov€ motion€d pop.n, aor irot€riof, purpog <br />(n"'"* <br />4*-"* <br />._-Y'--' <br />*."(p.r.0, A609TiF.l 60^J zA\--E 7 <br />ft"rlglrZ <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground ) <br />SLAB Floor / , \.1- l-r r\ E-a <br />Subf loor/VenVl nsulation ./'fv Jlzrya{g ,, <br />Roof Sheathin s ).t* <br />Shear Wall - -l'{- <br />-\4ffi1)2 <br />Frami ng 1.., <br />lnsulation/Energy I 2-L1-/ I,)/zSa - ftt') <br />DrywA[-----Y <br />Ext.(nt. LD 4-//-/e-l)aSa*.r/) <br />Brown-C-oat <br />9e<trarl 1-t6:_/8 ./L{o'lo1 'q4) <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />alandicap Req <br />En ineer Final Re rt v <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL 5 -?-/s-/).!#,(vi\ <br />Certificate of Occu pancy <br />Notes, Remarks Etc. <br />>< <br />ID/SIG. <br />a>-.> <br />CANIIBIJCIION'IIDIXG.AqINCI <br />I hftby 6mrm ufld6 Fo.hy of pqjury th.l ih6c i, a coirtu.tion kndnB re6cy aor ln psfommc. oalhc sorl for which lhis psmil is <br />issu.d (S(. 1097, Civ. C )Irnd6t Nm. <br />Deputy Final Report