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MECHANICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Ducl Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rouqh Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Boom / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Ranqe <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Fire Damper <br />Openinos <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech. <br />Final Test <br />FINAL 1l>u lv |-rt 01 <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc I <br />4M d,*,r- k ;F 0v- <br />OWNER SUILDER DELCAR TTON <br />I h.reby ll[rm undd p.mlry of lcriury rhal I m cr.npr frcn rlE ConrractoN Liccic Iis lor rhc tolhwuE EMn (S(.7o3 1.1 <br />Blsin sr and Pmfcsion Cod.): Any Cn, or Counry qhth rciunsx ! Fmn ro @n$rucr. rlrci inporc, dci'olish or Enai lny <br />slrudue. prbr h its issldcc, also nglircs rhc applicol for such Fmn ro frL a .i8,Ed lnar lE or stu n Uccnsd plMnl <br />ro lhc prcvGions of tlE Conrrectols Licenrcd L€w (Chaptcr 9. CommcrcinS wirh Sccriin 7fi) ol Divi.ion.l ofrhc Md <br />Poacssn,ns Codc) or rhar li or sh. ir .xcryr ficEiiof, and lhc harn fo, rhc allcgcd .rc'nplion. Any violaliotr of Sdion 70:l 1.5 by uy <br />applica for a ,*mir strb,Nrs tlE at lo ! .ivil p..!lty ot @r mrc tun fiv€ h!n&.d dolles ($5m). <br />-1, <br />s. ovrer of rtrc prDFny. or my cmplorr.s wnh w.gcs us th.n sk 6ml.ns!rio.. eill .lo rhc s* .!d tlE snudr b ml <br />inreid.d orofier.d aorslc (56.70{4. BusiE$ Md Protcriions Codc: Tte Co.lBclols Li.EN t wdcsrcl.pplytouo*8of <br />thcpmpcny whot k s m irpro*s ud qlD dc6 Mh w,t nimscror hcselfor lhoush hi. o. hd owncnploye.s, <br />prcvidcd ihar such irpomnk 6mr int..lal oroficFd f( sL.lf,,!EE, rlE biEnE tr in{mwnEd isstqnninom ysr <br />ot @n{JLion. rlE Oeftr Blilli wiU haE tlr hlrhn 6f povhg rhdr h. d slE dil rcl hrill or i,prow dE p,Dpsry for tlE prrp( e of <br />-1.asowftrotfieporErr.m.iclusivcly.o.acline*nh[eNdc6.rradof,ro.oBlf,Elth.poi.rl(S(.?044.B6imsdd Profdl,. Codc: Thc Conk!.rols Lic.nsc Law dms nor lpply ro M owrcr or prorcrl, who blilds or inprovcs thcr.on. <br />a.d who conrrcts fu sel rmF.ll sirh ! Conrhcro(s) Iie.s{ Iu*Mr k, rh. C.nrerods Lirne Lrw) <br />-l <br />mcicnpt lnder Sar B.&PC forrhi\ rc,sotr. <br />lrnrr rnrnrr <br />tllr85E&i:l:lrMtrNsAlll)! <br />DEEI.AEADON <br />I hcEby smmud.r pcnalryotFriuryrn orlhc rouoeine deLnlio.s: <br />-lhov.edwillmi <br />ain r C.nifr .ofcone ro Sclr'ln$rc for sorkd omp.n$lior.s pmvi&d for 6yscrhn 1700 oflhc <br />t bor Codc, ao, tlE pcrfor@ of thc mrk for enkh $. Fnil G LssEd. <br />=\"a willnruinrainNorkcscon,rc\rrioninsoraid,aircquncdb!sc{rion17(r).rrhclaho.Codc,lorrncpcrfonun.c.l' <br />c{nicr ord Flty numbcr uc.Y '-2b { <br />I ccniry rhd in <br />'hc <br />p.rro.nrmc ofuh. wort for whi.h rhis p.rnlil is issrcd. I shallnol cnpbydnyrE^on io Eny <br />e !srot<om sutjcdio',rc{o crs cohDcnslrio. hwsoicalif.mid, ud aer. rhrt irl rhould tEcom subjcl lottE <br />wortcrs comp€nslion lmvisions olSsrion ]700ollh. ktor Codc,I rhlll. ronhwilh.onply wilh rhor pmvisions.. <br />WARNINC: Faihrc lo scurc vork$ s.Ucnslion .ovcEgc is lnhwtul. and sholl subjcct u crriloFr ro cim..l FMllis and <br />civil lincs up lo orc hundFd rho!$trd ). in oddirion ro rhc co( ofcinp.treti.n. damScs rs provacd for lh. <br />LrclrNtlllcoNlS claa <br />DI:(]lAnrUlllN <br />tr(nJ- r 'N rrdFr a rtrdllLl.. rrrrr.r q<b <br />lqN trl(IAJ.L,[lilrjlCrI.(i.8I(I <br />I hceby,rfirn udcr Fnalrrofp.rjuiy rhd rh.rc isa.on(d.rbn lc.dinS a8crcy fu lhc pcrfornrnc..flhc wotk for whi.h thn Fn il <br />h\!cn (Scc 3097. Ci! C ) <br />A-tfu( Nflrx(raBAlloN <br />Ilr|hJilh uidrr tUrdlrt .l Nrlurt ooc olrh.lnlh{ing nrions <br />l).nNhi,,tr Pcnnir$Arh((os N.riricrrn,n t)clcrrl Rc!trlri'n,\ flirlrilr. Pxn6) <br />R.quncJ larcr of Norifi crri,n, <br />-lccnifrrhlrrh.ltdcralnsulnrio\nlrdine,\hcrusto <br />r,vrl ri. tror rlplic rlck,lhhp(+cl <br />-l <br />enilyrhnr lh0$ Ead rhn alplicurinnund \r!rerhlr rhc!h)!c inronuri(,n ir.on .r LliN b .omply wilh rll Ciry and G,unty <br />{ rnn Sr .laws rbri ro hoildinS.onshcriotr rd lrcrcby luhorn rcpEienhrivcs of rhh cary ord counry to cnrcr uF <br /> t,fl.rnr or Agctrr Signrrur.t\ u)\av-< ( <br />II <br />I <br />Furnace <br />lnsulation <br />Grease Duct <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Meter Release <br />ahov. entiomd pmFrly for