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MECHANICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS O\YNER AtIII,DT:R DTJI-CARATIoN <br />I hcrchy rllrn uMrr Fnnlry (n Erjury rhat I Dn cxctrfl ln,n: rhc Cotrkd.ktri Licctr* ln$ nn lhc lbllo$iry rcnqr ls( ?l).ll 5 <br />l]!\inc$ aRl Pofc\\nr CqL): Any Ciry or Counly tr[i.h rcquir$ ! lo ('n(turr- llicr. inlpn c. dc x]|,\h or rcnar $y <br />{r!.rurc. l]rior r. (\ is{r n... ih. rqurcs rh. {tlicrnr i,tr ( Fflnil b iL r siSncd srrcnrtrr rhd lrcor sh. is licctrscd Dursurtl <br />h rhr liovhi.n\ oirhc \ l-iccnrd ljs lchrptcr r. Co ncncing $irh Secrnn,70(x) of Dilili(,n.r orrh.8u!n.\ rnd I <br />I'tufc$ion\ h.or\hc iscrc rfl rhfi.liotrriiil rhc br\i\ Lrrhc rllcgcd cxcnrui(nr. Any\iolnriotrolSecrion?o3l 5h]rtry <br />u|],,1i(trllnrrpcanil\ulrccr(lhcinrlicanlIoacivill]cnrhyolnornucrholivchunrcddoll(\(35{x)) <br />-1, <br />as owM of lh. pDFny. or my cnplorr.s with wdg.s 6 $cir sL @rpc.sarion. wiu rlo rlf woi( ! llE sl turisnor <br />inlcfld.t or ofrcEn lor qh (Se.7O44. Busincs od Pmacssions Codc: Tne Cm'lEcIor's Lic.trs L!* docs ml q,ply lo & oq( df <br />thc pbp.ny whot ill! o irpbw.lhcrtr ard *ho des sklt eoii hireltor h.elto. rhmuSh hi d hcr owr cnployccs, <br />providcd rhar su.I imprewtunlr d mr ill|.dkd 6. oficrd ror slc. lt hoEq, rlr hiuine m irprnwEfl i. $!d whhin om )E <br />of smpLlbn. thc Owmr Aui6n will lEw llE bu,n n of poving lhd lE or s'E dn ml hild or in{mE dE FotEry for llt lorFE of <br />-1. <br />&s owncr or lhc pm,Enr. r'n €rclusiv€ly conlr&.linB f,ilh lianscd conteror ro mn(tud llE rmiccr (S(. ?GE. Au\in6s <br />"nd PDlnrirn Codc: Thc Conhacrn\ Li..nsc Lrw doc\ nor applyro tr. own.r oaproFdy who builds or improves Ihcrcon. <br />ond who ontuls aor such pojc.k *ifi a Conindo(n lilcos.d pu6Mr to lh. G retoli Lic{ns Law) <br />, er crcrur undr SBrion . B. & P.C for'hE len <br />WON(ETS' COMPIIISATION <br />DECIAEAIIIIN <br />I hcEby llfirm undcr pcElty of Fdjury o* of thc folhwinS ddqolionr: <br />-l <br /> an will minllin . C.rift.t of Conmr to Sclf.lnsor. for soteB @mD.Bari6r. a prcai(fi fo. by Sm&n 1700 ol the <br />kbor Cod.. for rhc pfiforn1fu of rh. w* for ehich rh. p.mir is iss!.d <br />I hnv.rnd will mrinrain workma compcnsdnr in{u.rtr.c. ds rqxircd by S.ctim l?m ollhc ttrbor Codc.lor thc pcrtor{ncc ol <br />rhc wor* lor whichrhisf.rnrir is Mywo.k c s rtcnsarion insnranft cmicr. I[li.y numbcr ac: <br />L,o-t-t* <br />-l <br />ccnifylhul in rhc pc.fonrotre ol lhc worl for whichlhis Firnn h hsucd,I sholl nor cmjrlo, ao, pc6on in lny tunmr <br />$ rs t, l,doft suhjccr ro rhc eorler conpcneri.n lass of C!li(,ni!, aid sg@ rhxr ir I shruld trcom subjct h rlE <br />wortc^ conEnsation lrovisions ofScclion 3700 otlhc ljtor Cdq ! shall. tonhwirhonDly wirh rh.* Fmvhions.. <br />ull.llliul:aNrn crca <br />DIICLAAAITQN <br />I hcruty rinruntlcr Nnnlryol ri.ljury rhur I !$dudcrpn)!i\i,,ooaCtuprdr91...rnri.ingwirhsc.rion7ux,ofDivi\ionl <br />oI rhc Bu\ircss8trd Pnrb$hns o)dc. lnd nry liccn$ is ir lnll loie andcfccr. <br />(s--->"17555e <br />,".,-.2:}J:1! conl-.,o'J. <br />coNuf,lJguoN.L[NDEclcrNl]l <br />I h.Ehy afiirn undcr FMxy or F jury lh.t lhft L\ ! con$dclio! Lndan8 for fi. Feformmc of lhc worl for *hi.h lhic taoi it <br />nsucd ( 56. 1097. Ci!. C ). <br />att,.lclNfuErl./t8tlr{Jl! <br />I lt[byiillmund.rlcn nyol Frjuryotrcoarhc r.llowin! dc.LrdDns: <br />DcnDlnion Pcrntirs Asbcsros Nori6c ion Fcdc.rl Pan6) <br />Rrquircdt ($orNorifi.rrion <br />I .dify thit rhc t d.ral rcguLlions rcgard,ng !\b.{or rcmvdl m not aplli.rbk lo tht prujct <br />-l.cnify <br />thlt I hav. rcld rhis lptliurion a.d srarc rhd thc sh,vc info,mrn,n n coft.r. I lgB ro conrly wilh ou Cny and Counrt <br />odin0nccs md Slarc l,us EhrinS ro huildinS consrruclion.ivcs oarhn Ciryand C.lnrt l.r cnr9 uB{ rlE <br />nbovc m ioncd po!.ny for insl'ccrion <br />Arplicatr or Ag.nt Sitnaru6:,?-3t-t a <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rouqh Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Range <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openinqs <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech. <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release I I <br />FINAL e tltt)t(ZtYl&b l/lz-" <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.I <br />-> <br />\!ARNIN(;: F ilurc k, scurc wo .ri comr.nsnrion .ovctug. i\ unlawlnl and shdl rubJe.r r cnlloycr ro oinnfil I'cdlic! n <br />.ivil findl!t h onc hundrcd rhou\lnd dolle\ (ilo).mo), ii rddirnnt ro rho co{ ol .onlll.nrdri(rr, drnqcs !s providcd f{tr rh! <br />SArnlr ru-h r ric Lh1C,{,. 'nr.ft\r r dLrr(+v'\hr. <br />^,",a4trX ^pp,i*,:x )rt> >TG.A<-r> <br />C-ezen9*orl <br />I <br />tt