<br />Set Backs
<br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns
<br />Erection Pads
<br />UFER Ground
<br />Roof Sheathing 1-/ 5/o'7 U/qz)
<br />Shear Wall
<br />Framing
<br />lnsulation/Energy
<br />Drywall
<br />Brown Coat
<br />Masonry
<br />Pool Fence
<br />T-Bar
<br />Handicap Req.
<br />Deputy Final Report ..4
<br />Engineer Final Report
<br />Flood Zone Certif ht nh/-
<br />,.\A lf L /-
<br />t./-, u
<br />FINAL v
<br />Certifi cate of Occupancy
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc
<br />OrE.aoiEd D€Lflbt
<br />I hd.!y.{firfr uids D.rhy of Fjuy tur I M qmp( fom ln. Co r.aon Li4@ he ao..l'. bllowiia ,ts (E r0ll t Buin{
<br />.nd Prof4ion c.d.) An, Cay or Colity siich rcqunB r Fsn b @nrncr, .tr, inptot!, d@li.h or r.t n uy rrnaEq Fior r. irr
<br />, .bo r.4!to rlE .ppliqnt for tu.n pdmn to fi|. . lign d rlr@nr $I lE or rh. i li6ed psdut to !h. Dovnioo of $.
<br />coin ctol. Lie .d Lrw (Ch.tE t, Com.ncirg with s.rrron ?0oo , ofoE Sui,u ud Prcft.lior C.d.) or tn l h. d
<br />th. t a.npr thi.no6 .nd !h. b.rir 60r dF .ll.rcd e6Pli.h any vE llrion oa S.diot 7Ol I t b, 5y .Pplt rt for t Pqni $b,i..n $.
<br />+?lia,r b r civrl Frhy of mr mc ths fr. huldr.d dolLn (lioo)
<br />_1, s oIE of dr FoFty. or Ey 6pby6 vith ug- E dEi 6l. @nF{rbc *illdo dE sri.lrl tt la!.rt. a Er irai.l.d
<br />or otrs.d for.l. ( S- 70a., BdiB.,rd Proirtbd Co& Th. Co.lad r Lir t8 dd ,...t9lr ro o o*E of th. FlFty
<br />wno bul]n or ihFoE tlEo^ d sno &d drn Ell hielfo,lE*ltor lh.ud bi o. hr om 6pby!.+ Fwih.l rLl r*l
<br />' tE
<br />'ror
<br /> or onr.d lot rk I( h.*.G. t E brldn3 or inFoEn*tr i. &ld rilin oa y{ of @'t9!aio[ tlE
<br />ord.Buddc *ill lus rh. hr&. of p.ovi,t .r[| ho or iE noi tgild or ihptoE for ,E Frrror of .b).
<br />_t, ! ogrcr oa tn. propsty, .i @ 6(tin3 wilh li.oE.d @it.clo 16 6Eitua rh! Foj*l ( 56. 70aa, luiia. &n
<br />Prcfdion Cod. TIE CoMaor', Lt tu. trw doi not rpply ro u owr of FoFty eto d ihrro€ rhr&t, .td rlb
<br />@.r.&! lo, ruci D{oi!.r! wili ! Co,urdo(, lto!.d pu.ud io
<br />-I
<br />6!16 uida S.cb.
<br />I .fiim undc, p.aty of pdllry om ol th folbwin8
<br />_I h.v. !.d wrll drnuin. Csti6ot. of Co .nt to Sclf.ldlrc r.r lor by semn 37oo of rh.
<br />L:bor cod., for tlE FfodB of rh. wl tor otich rlE Fnn ! su.d
<br />_I L- .!il *ill 6tdb srt6' oaotioo i.urD, r r+!d l, S.rno! ,700 o(U. t bor C.rh 6. 6. Ft a oat
<br />tlllrr tb. ,ia! 6n FEn i i!.d. M, slo' 6pe&! iE@ di. rd poli, iratf e
<br />Gnn Grion E.d no1b.6rpla.d ifth. pdftn n foi Orc hundr.d dollD (Il0o) or Ls)
<br />_l cat y $.t ih UE pdforMe of th.6* for vnich thn pdnir ir itu.4 !
<br />berh. lubi.c !o 0!. k o'orlPau16i lre
<br />bB ofsdbnrT0OofrlEt hor Cod., Lrll,
<br />bF to qinirl p.dnid ud civil
<br />s provi.l.d for rlE S*rbn ,076 ofrhoqd do lha (l I o0,o0o),r
<br />thc trbor Codc inrdar &d ln.dEyl fq.
<br />Iha.!y.firhu lqp. lty ofF.jury th.r I E liqu.d u!d* pEvnbn @m...in8 wirn Scd6n 7000) of DNnbn , of
<br />rlE Bur@ !d Profaiod C!d., sd ry h..& n ( tull fo.4.rn.{L.r
<br />C0ESIagq&!.jiBDliGlGECI
<br />I hd.5y rni6 un<la FEt, ot Fjlry tl[l th.. i. . @rE!.rbn Lidi.. .acEy f dE Ffoln!@ of dE wt tu lti.b lti. Fai i.
<br />i!!.d {Se lot7, Civ C.).
<br />Arsr.rcadtt plcldtarlatr
<br />Dtuhio. Pmtu.Atbdro. Nodfialbi r.d6l R.arLtiod (TiL .0. ltn 6)
<br />Rlqun.d Ld.. of Norifoio.
<br />_l Blify 0!.r th. fodal ESrLlio ing sbdllr r6Enl (. mt.pplk bl. b tt! p'oj.d
<br />rlos iDrDdtb! i. 6n a I {c !o @6p1, fil .ll Cly .!d Coury
<br />ordrM rrd Sd. t e r.lrm! to
<br />rboE m.dio,!.d proFty
<br />l@!y .uoD@ rcr.sardq of th! Clry .tn C.uty ro .dr upoi tlE
<br />1-rxl
<br />M \WP51\P.mrUnry.dio. FomUurldn!.ln.p.ct'oi
<br />SLAB Floor
<br />Subfloor^/enVlnsul.-\
<br />Ext./lnt. Lath
<br />t
<br />afr )lt-
<br />_ I cdtly tlEt ! llv.6d rh!
<br />t