OrE-&il.ld D.cl.ndd
<br />t b6t5, .In6 u!& p-.|t, of Fiu., th.l I 6 d&F &.D tL Cdrrrdd' tjer. rr' fd tL. fouownt i.d (Emr l.5 Boia...
<br />.!it hLib C.d.): Aly Cny a CdEy rhrd Eqlrn6 . FDit !o @rr!a, .!a. iDFqE, d@lirh r !q,& &y ,!6rt' Fi(r lo t
<br />ir.!e,.lro G$nq &.Dliod e. t d FEir ro 6L. ia,r.d rlrld rt rh.d&u&.{.d Frun b lb Fftirb6 of rL
<br />C@rad'] U@d Le (c6+ra 9, CqlsEiry riri S.6bo ,000 of Divi&o 3 of rtr luitB .dl ht .i.E C..L) d $r h. r
<br />d! ir d6Pr rhEl6lE .rn 6. b.nr ft. ilE .!.!.d d6pri@ Aly violdioi of s.qio. ,or l , b, .,, lppliclt for r Fnn &U.dr d.
<br />$pliqd b . dvil radty of rct ,te rt ! 6v. budld dolllr 65m)
<br />-1.
<br />! 0|6 of th. F!D.,rr, d oy .qlor€ sirb l{. r dri. rh @pain4 rill & l!. wl .rd rb. tau.tn ir &. in d.rldofir$ 6..1. ( S- 7oaa, Buiru.!a ffi.irE C.d. fl! Cd!.d'i Li.a tn dd od.ttl, b E osa oad. F!p..ty
<br />vtD Utl& d i-rrcE it.Ea url pto .ld E! wI tielf d tadf o, rtloa! bj, d !. om @ploy..., FwiLd tl,l .rrr
<br />iopro@.na uc @r i{..drd or otrrd for !b Iq bwd, di buildinS or iiprn6tr t reld witlu .B ya or.olpl.loq t
<br />Oqa-Builddeiu brs rh.bndo ofp@vi{ th.r h.ortt ,E bsild or inFoE f.. ti. Frpc old.).
<br />_lsolc.f ln Fo?..ty, E ell,6lr Emcina *rn l4qr.d c6@r.dt b dEua r!. Foid ( S- ,04,a, Blir .!d
<br />Hbrdon Cod.: Th. Codr.ao. r r-ktu t - d€ d.Dgl, to & orE o{F!?qty wt luild,6 iDr.o€ dEs,.,4,to
<br />.oottar flr rd ptuj.d. wirh . co re(4 li€rd Frum !o t Co.u.dor'r Lis. rrx )
<br />_I M mF und S-lion
<br />I hdby .ffim uida p6.lt, of Fj'ry c of U. fouorint dalr&@
<br />-l
<br />LE &rl nI oi,r.,. . Cdtif... of Co....r 6 SdfIDr &. €t- @?--i4 . Fdic.d e. b saio6 ,,0o oal!.
<br />tdo. C!d..6.6. Fftiu4 of rb El fq elid lb FDn it io.d.
<br />I h.v. .rd will oi,lrrir rc o' @!Dq!.ti6 illrmro., r Fquir.d by S.ai@ t7O0 of rh Lrlor Coda fd !b rabmie of t!.
<br />El &. *tid 6n Fri n iod. My ELr' dlrar.rir i!,]lre di6 .!d polic, relr E
<br />Oltn *ih i-d lEl h. @,npld.a if dr Fdt it &r OE b,!d'!d douq {llo0) d k-)
<br />_l dify rl{ is tlr Ffr,t.e .f th. 6r fr rttl fin Fdt n irE4 I A.ll I( qlot &y FB ia E, o.!rr F u ro
<br />bc.* &bi.c rodEe*d 6np.niih Ls ofc.li&.ni(.rd.sc th.r if I duln
<br />@mP.i.rid P@i!.of S..rion l7m of d! r,!or Coda I th.tl fonlvnh
<br />;- f- /()
<br />W XNTXG Frn@ r. erc vdic! o.iCa..tii! @rg. n rtid E @pbF t i oihi l p.rri. Ed .rvil
<br />rra u, b @ hr.drd rnd&d .bU.D (tloo,ooo),i! rddni<h to
<br />lf,. r,60r C.d!, i slrl .d r!o.n rl fc
<br />drdaq ! Fdit d fo. rL S.cion 1016 of
<br />LIGEllDtOtrttaCI9tE DlgaEArIA!
<br />I t4t,.fm un&,-.ty of Firy t[.! I E lkEt d udr FBitio' otcrr+lr 9 (@!Eii8 eil S.aioo,00o) of Dviib , .f
<br />d. Euti6 .r.l h.riD cod., !n E !@ n i! 6lll rqE ud .d&a
<br />f '{-/o
<br />I h<$y .flrh un6 p@.Iy ofFjuy tl.l dE!
<br />io.d (sE 3097, Civ C)
<br />tlrFfd e of d! wt for qhich tnn Fnir n
<br />Doottbn Pmi&A$..ro. ndi6.Iid f.d..l R.gubiod GitL .o, ?.rt 6)
<br />_ r.qui,ld l,ar o{l{..i6odr
<br />I €liry tt.l ds &ddrl ,!8d,&D qIdiDs .idd ,wril E ia rrdiobL to o!. poi..r
<br />_ I €tjlt th^l I hrv. r..d dlit .prlic..ion !n i.r. rh.r rh. .bor inlb.!.ri6 i. @r.d I r8lc (o 6tply witb .ll City Dd Cdlry
<br />ddill.lg !n Slr r:u dailg b hrildint of.nn Cny Dd Cdfiy !o qla ur6 r[.
<br />.h.E ldn '.d FoFry 6. i!ry.air
<br />Site-Work
<br />Underground
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Light Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Fountains
<br />Signs (monument)
<br />Lite Safety /Low Voltage
<br />Fire Alarm / Dampers
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Building
<br />Under Slab / Floor
<br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER
<br />Transformers
<br />Torquing
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Roof Top Equipment
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rough)
<br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough
<br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough)
<br />Rough g- // 1'Flfir)
<br />Service Meter
<br />laq '2 l) jtlzzt/FINAL 1o -7-/0
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.Qa*te -Pzt'? .H tcUzl.z\t- a
<br />,t o,t 3C l/Z
<br />{-_{-/o
<br />Meter Release
<br />rL. .r-
<br />t44!r. r!!a' _
<br />II
<br />r-------T------