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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />rD/stG.COMMENTSSITE.WORK DATE <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />SubfloorA/enUlnsul <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />/)Drpivall <br />Cittttnt. Lath (L//>z/tm / 1+tz> <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif. <br />, ?rta z /eSAtn)FINAL <br />Certillcate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />Olr-adlr Dclrdis <br />I [..b, .{rm ud, Fslt, of FIry d[t I u qlF em $. Codr.aon' Liru lrv rot d. 6olbei.a ,te heroll., BsiE. <br />.!d C.&) Ary Cly or co!d, rticJl Equ!.. FDn (l cod!!rd, lld. ior,!v.. diEli.h or nFn.rt r'ttdn, Fiot to n <br />iu!.q.Lo tq!i. tL.aDli.n 6. rrd F n lo fl...irr.d r.rd l! r lE d rb i U..o.d Fnot to L Fniar of tb <br />C.,'. Li(er.a t * (qrpld q C.meha ei! S.aioi Tooo orDivnbo ! otdE Bllh.r .!!.1Pt!6.b4 C.d.) or lht h.d <br />rhc i. .r.apt li.lt0o6 d tlt hsi lq d. .[.8.d s.6Pdo,t .a.y vbLlion ofl.dior 7031., by uv .tDlh.ln tot . F ni lllbrc.L th. <br />.tplt !r io r dvil Frly of dl rcrc tb. 6E hIdr.d dolLn (15@) <br />I, ! oula of rh. prcpriy, o,.ty 6rloy.a sil w{t r tlEi FL @t!9..r..tio'r will do t E e . U.lqu.r4 ir Er irrllLrl <br />;;rr.d ior.L ( S6.70.a, Co.b: Th. Codraor'r ti.!.!. trw &. Dl rIPl, to a oq,!r of6. !6Fr, <br />*t'o h{ild. q nrF.{ d-&n, .rd wlo dd dr Bt iis.lrd b.xlt { t mua} ii or ia 06 6Ploy.., Flvitlql iLt lud <br />i,s.!,,qr.rE !a Dr irod.d o' otd.l tu t L l(, hoEt, 6c hildilu d nnFt(er L &ld wilrt oB ,rG of @ryLi.q tlr <br />Olg'Buiud witl lIE th. bud.n of Foviia drl h. or th. El hild or inploh tor tL rurs orlrL) <br />_L r orr.. of ln. F.F , e a]uiEly o6rrcis ,a' lid..d .od.adr b oduc ri. ,6j.4 ( Sc ,t a. BBnE .,td <br />PE&..ionc.dc It Coldrco.t Ij6.. r* d( 6t rrpt ro e olE ofFoF ?to bilrL d 6F!q tLc, !n wb <br />@irr.r, lor tud, eitl . Contr.d.(r) lidd.d Psud .o tt Co,u!(rofr rjodt trv.). <br />_l @ a.alr u.dq Sdioa <br />D.r. Orr <br />lqtrElcolcElarllts.Dlcldrdllo! <br />I 1s.6, rlf6 utr& pa.t, ofFjuy oa.oftt blo*intd..Lttlbrl <br />_l i.r.!d *illui&i! r C.rlirr. otc.d lo S.S-I&! irEtt,'6aa.d.a s Fwil.(l tu bv ltGio.l70o o(t <br />L.!d C.4., i. tL !-tu Ea ol {r. fttt 6. rticl rL. Fti i. n!.4 <br />LI lrv..d $ll ot!.b s6,roi eg...rdo! ir!u.( ! quittd br s(,qbn t7@ of lb t.lo, C.d.. Ffo@... of &. <br />wo.r tu r.tit $i. FEt i. itd. My tr! trt c.q.!ino nnlu c.,ri' ttd Flrc, rE!h. r.?-f . <br />J-- L-l v-rc -l::-a.4 L ) 'o,i l)/121 <br />Cn r Fdron !..d ioi b. 6npL.d it dE p@! ir for OB hudrod dolLr, (ll0o) ot Ls) <br />_I 61 y tL in llt Ffor@e of ir. rc* 6. wiit 6j. Proi i. i&.4 I ftll !d a!9loy uy tcto. b {y u!!.r ,o r. to <br />hcrm Nbr.d r. rli. srtd 6'!p6rtb. hq 6rc.lfoni.d {E tL! (I th.dd bod !ubj.- b dE <br />@DDdrl.lbr Fovlbnt of S.aiD 3700 ofdl. <br />-,. ,/4r'/'i,.,'! <br />rrbor co<ta I rhdl, fonlvnt <br />rf,A$[{C: lrilur. to r.c{! wl6' BopdrtDr @El.. ! Elrsft( .rd .Lll &bj*l u mDhyr !J cn h.l Frb- Ed civil <br />rE l,D !o @ Lr&!d tlo'adl &lln (tloo,odrlb .ddib. io lt. c.. ot@DF..rb4 &dr. r F.viLd 6. li. S..d.'n ,076 or <br />rlE cod., ilra ul .tEEr.. lta <br />IJCIdIIE.AAIITACIAI&.0IIIdEAIIO! <br />I trltt .Ifm ti& FrIy ol FiEy th I E lia.d urdt FDli.r of Oi0rr I (66rt. ti! ,m0) of Divibn ! of <br />ln. BliE .dil Prof..ion C.d., .rd Ey li5r i i! &ll lbr rn &.l <br />zz9 // t <br />7z/I,I <br />solgtIlcEqE&ElDEGrcBlI <br />I h.rcb, .ffim unda p.nhy ol pdjury th.r dE. t . Gdt !cio. lcn{lnt .tc., for th. Pdfomne of tlE wl fot c,hkh rnr Frnir it <br />i.u.d (S€ ,orr, Ca. C ). <br />AEIICASIT.DICTdIdEqtr <br />!i.n Pmirt'Ab.n . No.ifiarioi r.dcd R.suLrioi, OiL &, Pln 6) <br />_ R.q[!ld Lrr ol <br />_l ccrdt llt U. flda.l r.3uLrDu ,.axdi,u ..!.eo. @El e 6t lfrli$L to dti D.ol..r <br />_ I cait lh.r I hw rad Uir .prliolirh ...1 .llr. lh.! lt &ow itidlbn it on..1 I <br />6dulE &d Srrr. b'l GL,ma ro hildiii Cry .rd c.@!t to caa !'on 0E <br />$o6 nanbid troFry fo. i!.D.dDn <br />1. <br />)D, lu-^ <br />74 <br />MIWP51 \P.nrll-ln.p.dio.l o.ri.\Au,l(tng5.p.crion <br />4J-''/ l#t .BrownCoat Al31t )tiA <br />"3<'l+ lt-,^ / un z <br />,/> <br />I <br />-------T------ <br />=