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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />DATE tD/stG.COMMENTSSITE.WORK <br />Set Backs <br />Formsi/Steel/Holdowns <br />SLAB Floor <br />SubfloorA/enUlnsul. <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />t.lnsulation/Energy <br />/)Drywall //2"/to <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Oeputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />>/z/rDFINAL <br />Certiflcate of Occupancy 7 7 <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />Oqd-Burlirr Deb[rbn <br />I Frr, of Fi6y 6.iI o qaDlbGdECo ncon'Uot{t e io, r,h.6lb*i,'a lte (Etol l t auiE. <br />lnd Prot .br Co&). Ary Cit, or coudy rtict E{ui. . Ffrn ro .ooE!.q .!d. ioF!t!. d.tuollh or t.Fs e, lEwns!' Fiot b in <br />isr.{ rL. r.qlir ti..I9ltlt fErrr.l Fail to 6L..tbd d.r-5 rld L d.h. . t @d FrEd l. ll. FDtiiIt 016. <br />C.tI,rad r tjd.d r.w (ory., q C.eit ei! S.aio! ?0oo o, Divibn , orit Prlt.ior Cqh) d tlrl l'. d <br />A. i, qdp. rird!6.d dl. h.!i. q.tnPiioa.Ary vi.&it ofs.aion mll , br. F tl!. <br />.ppll6 to. dvil FEty orn . mG dr. ns hotiL.d dolLa GJm). <br />I. ! orE of 6. FoFly. d dy 6tlot-,il Ea. ! rlEi &L @r4o.rb4 $ll do th.6n&d dE rtrEn i et in-d.rl <br />,;frdd lor rr. ( SG ?0.... Buldl.t .!d Prot-reE C.&: fi. C.drcd". Li!! Lti do. 6t rFlv r. u olr of tt. PlFrv <br />*to hiL{. or irFoe. rh.oa .!d wh. .lor .Ell Ert hitu lf o. h-.[or d@dr hir or lE 06 6PLvd, ProvirLa ihrr reA <br />Ep.oEa.lnr .rr rb. in&d.d or of@d tu xL U Lot!6. ri. tuildina or bt ov.t .r i &ld Yihir o'a y.t of@|!|lab4 dt <br />Ow-Buil& rill hE tt hrdo of Fovir 11 L t .t El bsiu o( b!.oc h. li. F!Do, of d.) <br />-I, <br />! o9B of ln. ,6p.ry. .o elqiEl, c.i6di,r vtrl lt4..d @6rdon b 6Er!c 6. Fni.6 ( SG 70.{ Bui'g .,id <br />i+a&..ion C.& tt C.lEraor'r li.r.. t r dd 6t.rtly ro u ow 6fFoFty ih. tDild. d i'lanE tba..,! wto <br />@-td tu dl F!.ia:t ril. Cro.&.(r) [d!.d lded b lt Cod!.r.d. Li!. r., ) <br />_l E Gcnpr 6di S.dba l. I P.C. fo.lii lr o!. <br />larf,E5lollgEiAlla!.ucldE!;rlod <br />I lE by .ftrn undc p@ty of p.ruty oG of d! fou.wi!8 d.cLnrba: <br />_I hsE.!d xill ubi!.C-ti6aL of Coldlo S.U-I!E! 6r wto'olFtioa.. ,.wiLd 6. ty S-h lr@ o(lt. <br />Lrtor Coda for t . FfolED of d! vort,.r r,i,.! th Foi i. i.u..( <br />_I hE.rn will 'ff! std' o'ipar.tbi t!qi.., s ..q!irod t, S.<rron r70o of rl. Lrld C.4., ror d. F6ms of d! <br />slt ior dal rn F6i ir i.uad My Ertd dqdr.t&. irlllE ltd Poli.ry ilDbd 4 <br />CIti. i..d Et b. colbplaC ifd* F d i. br OE b..!!d dolln {Il(o) or L.) <br />_I arify d. h ll. FbllId of lb lnrt 6. eti:l ttit FEn i l&.4 I rLll D. tPL, uy Fto! ia a, dd. to .r to <br />bq@ sbt d to tL std ' o..Frio. 5u otc.lib.!i., .!a {r- rh rI A..ld l@d ntjd r, 16.,ut-' <br />66plr!x!bn Fovibo ofsato' 3700 offt trhor cod4l .ldl, <br />l-13-16 <br />W INING: lriUrs to t@s 6l-! ooq.d.rn. covt .a. ! 6l'tu1 8vl tbll .llioc E GPbF to ci6!!l F.Xi &d civn <br />lid up lo oF hD<[r!d rt'.r..nd &U.n (tl OO,ooO),h rddlbn to 0! @n of6rpdr.riol\ tLmta ! P.@iLd for 6. S.Gtbn ]076 of <br />dE L6or C.d.. i'rdt .!d .rd rt ft.. <br />IJCETE-CAMTTCI9I!.PIIIJI6ITq! <br />I .f,im urls Foty ot Fj'ty lllt I 4 li.ald ulnr FovnD! of Cirrplr t (@M4rI8 *nh s.cior ,o0o) of Divirion , ol <br />rlE BriE .!d Ploft&irE C..l!, .rn h, I..g i! h tuU to@ .,i .dd <br />TJ €>t <br />I <br />(3--l D u <br />lolglllcuaNrllnNqlcEgr <br />I L.b, l'rh c'<l- FrLy olp.iury lr.! 0r. i | 6r.t'udion lodi4 {...y l th. pdiomia old!. m fo, !rdi,llln FDh it <br />ird (36. ,0t7. C, C )tadd ! N.a: <br />6rt!&aNELclclrarlatr <br />Doblilion PrEi!-A,t r.. Ndi66I!,o ,.drd Xidnbu Oib aq P[t O <br />_ rdliFd L.rd ol Ncrm..tbn <br />_I .rrl,!ht td.dltiLriE qvaia r.t ... red u. d.Flirt,l to dti F.i.a <br />Jr o.rily t rt t - -r O,r ryrliriri.! trlll..toi! i!ftthrti.r L @n d. t {r-to.odDly sil' dl Ciry.ld Co!.ty <br />ordirE &d Slr. rrt d.lia ro bildfu cdlaia .!,l frrlt .uL.b ,t Ertlf, otlli Ct, .nd C.q,rt lo .dr upon lb <br />.Do$ mdrbd DroFry 2-ffitlit v-LslL=,1 -12_.,-(6'Mtve rttc-BB <br />ay".?. <br />IaL--tx5l <br />03 31 06 <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />ladr'r Atld.r <br />T------T------f---l