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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE tD/stG.COMMENTS <br />_l E .c.ogt Eda!s .B & P C. i'' lli l{ .! <br />raaBlE!.ralcldtAua[ucl48dra! <br />I lE.l,.ffm urds p.Dty orFju, oG ottt b[o'i.a d-Lnrbo: <br />_l ]ill i,t i! r c-ritid. of Codd b S.U-lduG 6. sll{' onpnrri.!\ r proviL.l tu by S€tb.3700 of ri. <br />rrbor cod., fo, rt6 FbttllE or tlt *orl tor uttl th. ,-ii i. i.!cd <br />_I hv.!*l will int in mrlql' oEr.rrioi li.und.. .r r.quit.d b, sralon !?00 of tlx t bor Cd., fo, $. pqfomno of tlE <br />srr fo, *hiol Ui pcbn ir My 6ld 66p.Mr6, ii.un@ ni! !d policy nlmbd u.; <br />Poli.y NuDbd, E,plr..: <br />Cftn .aih i..d bt h. 6rpla.d if dE p6n ir 6. Oa ha&.d dolLr {llo(r} or La) <br />_l q$fy rlllr 6 <br />'lE <br />pqfolrrc ol lh. Ert for q6i:! $n pasn <br />', ir.u.d, I rldl !d dplo! 6t F&n b sy ltl@d ro $ t <br />belm rubr.c to tll. srl4 ' Fnl9arlid Lq olql6hn. rd {r- thrl if ! rtould b@ N!i'clottBsda' <br />orFnrri.n Foviiou 6fS..rior ! 7m of dh r:hor CodC I ihnl, f.nnvan 6hply wnn $or povitb <br />W/IINING. PriL.. !o tae dld @E dtlo @tnt. ! uLr6rl .!d tbll .ubj.c u dploF ro ailh.l F.!ir .d .rvil <br />6nr [' to E hlnrC $oqnd tlou.n (tloo.Ooo).b ildaion i. l[. @r oloEr-..lio( drdr. a p@liLa 6r !n Sidio! 1076 ol <br />tu lrbq Cod., i !te.!d.!.@r'r f.6 <br />utBlE.caEDACIAS!-prtt 6SaIIqBI1s.5, fm ulda F.ry ol Frry dlr I e lia.d uldn FlvriE ol CllPrr 9 (@@.l@t wit[ S.diD 70o) of Divirbtr I of <br />r,E BEitE .!d ltotutioE C.d., trn E, lic4 n i. tuU aDr .,i .d..t <br />coNsTttrcT(tN Lll{pt {c Acrnca <br />I ls.ty.f,lE udE p6rry olF,ur rt l the i, r...r,!d..lalha.a*,6.ll. F6omr.. of it!. wt hr *ti.i 6t Frni n <br />i..un (Sc. ,09. Cie c ). <br /> PPI ICT.I|TIS DICLAIATION <br />Dqi6lition Patrirr.Arb.{or Noiifqlon r.dBd R.rd.riou Onb ,o. P.n 6) <br />_ n.qrirld l.trc ofNotifidbn <br />_I ctilry tul dE f.dal r.SrLtbn, rca8lirS uboto ,arcrl &. nol .pplrnbl. b t i! proj.a <br />_ I s{lt rh t I ll.E Bd lfir rnd ar. tri rb .bo6 irlom.rion ir c.n.d. I l8rB !o @Dpty wirh rI Ciry .!.t Couryddio,g.!d Sr.b t s rcl.liit to hildilS olll.ldioa.!d lE b,.urlb .! rr.rauttE olrhi Cny.rn Coury !o rda up6i t6.ios ho i,$d FoFty for iBpdb. PIrpoE <br />P-nirc rE (ri.): <br />-- <br />FormVSteel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />SubfloorfuenUlnsul. <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif. <br />FINAL 7-2L-/( t 'r/rl ,a:)'.,u -(*zz.rt *f <br />Certiflcate of Occupancy 22 u^r/<na*.u <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />Set Backs <br />Shear Wall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />--- <br />I, of Fiu.,lh I6 dmpr be6. C.d.6otr'tiqq hw f dF folloviit lt&i (.e?oll.; lB <br />.!d Plo,..b! C.d.): <br />^rt <br />Cit, or Coldy riioll r.q$ir.. . to ollnle d!.t. in!.oE, daEl,.i 6r EFn l!, .uucn!., y'Di b h. <br />i.rE,.lo rcquir rh. +plior fo Er Fnir b 6L..t!t ! rd.Er dflltdtlEiL{d.d Pumlt L U. D.ovibd of tll. <br />Coft.cdt ka.d Lw (Ctlorr 9, C.@d'r sitl sdroo 7mo olDivti,o , of lho Borin.l.!d Po&..b8 Co&) ot tlt t h. d <br />A. b dmFOd!& tt b.i 6r rt r[.r6d a.dpti6i .A!, vbLri.o of S.ab. tot I I b, rly for. FDi tdjo.r Ut <br />.ppllin t. . dvil d.hy of io. N. tL! fs hEdGd .blLr (ltOO) <br />-(!ofEof6.FoFty.dororloysriiE$.-tLir&L60p.elal\*illdodnn.,ndr.hrdEirdidaxlcdor oftd tu rb ( s&70.a, BuiB .'d Prot tiou Co& t[. C.drcd r ti.!& b' dd mr rrPt lo e olE 6trt FoFry <br />116 !.iLt d in .@. !ha@n, d eL da Edr wt iir-lf or h--lrd tlro{al lti r i. 06 orbr.q Fwi.Ld drl nrrl <br />rrrore{B E b. itr.!.td d otfr..l h. d. 4 low6. li. toildq or i'nFot/tnd ! t lddhia6y ofcottpuioa d. <br />Ow-B{ild- rill l.E 6. of ,.@ita rLr b d .|l. d hiu ot 6p.ot Lr d. ot rl) <br />-1. <br />! orF ol0E FoFiy, u &ltsi6t @drant wu! lt-r.d @d.dd. b 6aErc dr Fj.c ( s- 70a., Bsis t d <br />PE&-io. Co& Tt Co'nl&r', Li(e lie d{ E r!?r, .o e 6E orFFry ,t !.il'!. d sFo€ tlra . .d st <br />@|]rdr 4.. dl Fbj.c. vtl .!) &a!.d rrui ro rL cod,...o. . Lilg L* ) <br />Lt.. Cbs:_ Li(t. N6br _ <br />ffi <br />t- <br />=