<br />I t@b, arm undE p6.Xy of parury rhd I e .rdpr iod rh. Coflrero6 LicaE L.w for rh. f.llowi!8 lg,. (Se.70r1.5
<br />Bcins !d Prof6irr Co&): Any Cny o, Cou,r, whth rcqlira r Fmi lo @l(flcl, rlts, ulprcve daolih o E r u,
<br />rb!clo., Fir ro ir! B.!re .eo E+iB rh. +pltan for Mh Fh, l(' frlc . sist!.d ni6@l rha lt or rlE i! li<s!.d Fl,ld
<br />toi! l,ic€B.n ljw ((hrpld 9, Comhcn.in* wnh sRrion ?uD of Divisior I oflhc Buiid u,
<br />rhlr l, r ,E 6 dnnF rlE 6om !n rh. b6ir for lh. .lks.d cErFion. Ary rEldb! of S..tnn 701 t , !y ey
<br />i p.mii $bjd! rh. lpplrr tk'aciulp@llyolml'no,.rha nv.hundr.ddnlds(t500)
<br />l. s o*E orrh. FrFry, or mr aplqc sith trls6 a rltr $L onpGliir.. ri[ & rlE *nl rn dE rtu it d
<br />i drd.d or o,I@d for ldc (Sd 7044, A6ins md Ptrf6iod Cod.: It. Conrebrt l-ic@ L& &6 ml .tply lo m ow of
<br />th. FFry \.lD tlild..r inglrB lhdw! ,'d *tb d66 !r<6 m& hiMlf or lEelf or tlmugh ht d lE o*n .,qtJy6
<br />F.rid.d rhi rch imFlEtrfu e rn iddi.duolH tu rL lf. ll.6q, Ehlrd,E d irsovEEr a-ld vithn @ )d
<br />ofNmpldiotr rh. Oi{q &illd wi! h.v.0E h!&r of Fovin8 thd lE o. rh. dii d hnld or inp'!( lt p.oFly tui th. F4o* of
<br />-t. s orc ofrh. F$p6U. u q.lNivcl, codidins sirh li.d!.d conrruloB to oNtrucl llE FoJ<1 (Sd 7044. 8806
<br />.d Aofso (6n rtuCo.tEroir Li.@ t * do6 sr @lyro oorE of FoFly *ho boild!oi inrt\€ tl'6@n.
<br />rnd $,ho conrtrl' for such Foj6ll wnh ! Conrndorl3) li.dB.d p6o! ro rh. C.lnrato Ltru L.w)
<br />I hd.bt !f6 un& Fult, of Fjury oe of rh. follosEe d..llfah6
<br />I hlvc !d will ruinr&in ! Calificrl. of CoIGl ro S.lf'l B. lor wort@ comF&io( a FDvi.Ld for by Selion 1?00 oath.
<br />L.tor ( o<lc ld tlE Ffdlft. of ,E 6t lor *llih rrE Fn'r a au.d
<br />I hr!. &d eill mi.l.in $ort6 comFs.lion iMcc. 6 EqunEd by Sdion 1700 ot0. Ldor Co&, for l,\. FfolM. of
<br />li. $o for $hth rhir Fnil ir iso.d My wct6 (npqErioo itud. cnir tld poli, numba e
<br />cMi6
<br />Poli., Ntr,nb-
<br />,_l .d,ry rh,r
<br />'n
<br />rh. Frfolmft. of rh. sort lor shi.h rhis Fmn s Nu.d. I rhdl mr dploy oy F$. i. D, m'lE
<br />s 6 ro b6om. subFrl to lhc worl6' @mp6!.rior Lwr of Cd'lomia ud .s6 lh.t if I rnouE bc.o@ rubjat to lh.
<br />stt6 NnFsarn, provaioBolsErion lT00 ofrhc t bo. Code l.lf,ll fodhq'ith condy \ nh 0Ix FDyEbB
<br />'rrARNlltG f'rl@ ro su. *0116 anrqcabD .rrn s. s unL\tu|, lnl sll.ll iub<l s orlIlh)s to cinin l pa.ls Dd
<br />civil lin6 up ro oE hu.<lrcd rhouqd doll@ ro rh. cor ot coop.!.rion. {tie!s6 6 Ford.d lor 0E
<br />s€li,)n 1076.lrh.lrhtr G C
<br />Dt( l.\R\t()\
<br />I hatt'y.llmu rd pollry ol Fjury fid I m licqlr.d u.da Flvnioi of CtrFa 9 {6Mins whh S..rbn 70@) ol Dtnion l
<br />ot 0E &l.llB &d PrcfdbE Co&. .rd my li.og ir i, tull fora !n cfiel.
<br />codl]ar(IllNrE!!.lNc-allt(I
<br />I ho.6t fm u,xta Fsny ol Fjury 'h! lhar 6. (Eruclsn loin8 .sey lor tlE Ffolm. olrlE m* tur rtth thii Fnl !
<br />!su.d (sd. 10c7, Cir c.)
<br />I ha!b, d'an uhdd Frhy oa Fjury oE of th. followhg {t .learioB
<br />D.ml'ron Pmnr A!b.no. flolifr Dn F.dcir &sul.lird (rnk.r0, Pd6)
<br />I th. a.ndrl rcgularioN rcg,rdins sbdros rdnoval d. mr a$li(eblc r.lhi. r,oJdr
<br />-l
<br />.or'ry $at I haw @d On 4plior ion d n!r. lhrl ih. .hov. infomEliJr n cotrd I arxc lo onply * ith !I Cn, rnd Cou.ly
<br />ordiMm6 ud sr.r.liwr Ehruu to .odrtu.liotr ed hncby !!'lrriz ..F6driv6{f lni! Cily od Couty lo dlq qm $.
<br />.boE nHlbn d,mpslr for
<br />Applionl or AB6l Shmlu ?@@a.z-5-2:a
<br />Site-Work
<br />Underground
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Light Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Fountains
<br />Signs (monument)
<br />Life Safety /Low Voltage
<br />Fire Alarm / Dampers
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Building
<br />Under Slab / Floor
<br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER 5 ?o)kmot*\,
<br />Transformers rr
<br />Torqueing
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Roof Top Equipment
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rouoh)bn-+\4-L-*4
<br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough l^1()>A:*'n t r +=f,s
<br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough)t' I I I'
<br />Meter Release
<br />Rough I
<br />Service Meter 112 Pfkrn,t-W
<br />FINAL 1 ll+>v/*l^)"tafrY
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc I -r \r
<br />c
<br />Rev.0B-07-2015
<br />5lr , lt -z-g
<br />IJ