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MECHANICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS owNltr lullrgl DELatalloN <br />I 6y llIrB u,!& pdly of Fiu., ilr I o q.dd iDd rh. CotIteld Uc@. try for 0E f.lbvot Ean (Sd.7oll.J <br />Bohd d P!!&.bd Cod.): &y cay d cddy wiih r.qlts . Frt ro @ttnNd. r!q. intFotq ddEbb o. .qa, &y <br />dDd6a Fir ro i. i.,@, .lo rlqliB r. @ltd ror $d FEn Io 6lc . lbEd nraEi fti lt d tt ! t ocd ,ltrE <br />ro dE Fo6on or rh Comtrd.. Lia-d br lct Fa e. Co@cir8 wht S*rid mq) of Diviion I ot tt &ri6 -d <br />Prer.ibrB cod.) 9r!r L d rL i acq tha.6oo dd LlE b-b ror t!. rlb.d ddlpri6. A!, Yiohit ofscrb! 70jl.t ty tly <br />ntjclrlh. ?plt.d lo . ovil Fdry or Br mt rh& fivc hu!&d dolrt (t500) <br />o*E of tlt FFry. d 6,.qbrd *ih *136. ftn Db oor@ri4 wi!! & tt wt id lh. t!!dc i El <br />d oflirld ft. ib (Sc.rol4. BsiE! od PD&soB Co<tl rlE Codt dd! Li.c Il, &6 dl ,rly b a osE ol <br />dr FFiy wto hilt d irryoE 0-6!r Ed wtb &€ rdr Frt hi@lfo, ha*ltq llDl{i hi d hd os @Pbr.... <br />ForiL<l rt r Mh i6r..Gls GEl irod.d a ofrrld f, .b t[ lw6!. UE hillr d inFuda il -Ll ethb G JEof64bi'n EO.c ed& winD.Etb.brrbofFwit dr lEntidd d hiU8irylE 0r FlFly 6rlt FlF*ol <br />_1. - ow olrlE F.Fry, e ktriv.t 6eIrl{ wnh [.6!.d con .doa ro slrdd rlE !Nj.n (se. ,o44. BGit6 <br />!n hot-r co<b: It Cod..od r LirE* Lr* &d 6l .Ipl, lo d omq otFEFry who blilk or hprt6 dEo6. <br />id elD 6dE! 6r wt Forar! tilh . Conr8o(r) li.qsdl snE ro rt Conn.rd! ti@ t^). <br />rukeclc,.,,t{-J-fu <br />OECIJEAI&! <br />I br!!y .irm sods, ofFiry oe ortlE rouoeiry d..knri.c: <br />-l <br />t eG rd* cariftr. of coen ro s.ltl!re br wrd 6nF!aid\ . FwiLd fo. b? SeliD l?00 ollt <br />t-& Codc ft. d! Ffqtld. ortlE m* flr srltt th. F6n a i.t ( <br />-l h.E u.l will n.i .h mrtd .orq@dbr i@.. . 'lqsid by S-ri, !700 of rlr Lh., Cod.. fo. tL Ff6@cc of <br />thc @d fd {hih rhi Fhn i' isr.d Myrryta orqd'nbo iE]re did nd poliy nutE a.: <br />Pdlia Nrrl!: EniE: <br />-l <br />.sriry llgr ir rh. Ftotuc of llE wott for whrh rtu psmn . isr.4 I rlrll mr 6Bby Dy F$n in ay I:.,E <br />- a to bcor $bF o rlE !o!t6 @oF6aion h$! of,hni. rn TE $r if LDuld t @m ubjci lo d. <br />mltd' @nF!!hn prDvirioE of S6lior 1700 oallE t lo. ( ode I tElL ft.lhwih coiply $hh thot prDqioM . <br />.tr'l ln'r\ urr i. rft htrrLl'(\t r <br />s..rkr' \r16.r rl'. 1 rlitr (.i.. <br />[!!r_!r!rll <br />I lE!b, .Irm urla FuI, of Fju,y th, t E li.G'!.d undq F.viion of (]qrla 9 (ffii.s rih S<rbo ?@0) oa Dllioi l <br />of th. Aais rd PtllobB Co&. !'d ny li.@ i! in tull aoE. od.,Lcl. <br />colgat&[q!..ullllclcElcr <br />I ba$, dTm ulda Fllll, oI Fjc, tht lhc! i ! @nxrih bdii .sE , ftr t Ft E E orl!. slrt 6r whidr lhir FFir a <br />irs.d (sd. 1097. civ. c.). <br />AI8IJCAII.IECI'SAIIOd <br />I hddr .16 und6 Fdy of FiEy @ of rn. blbwiiS &bri6d: <br />D@.lition PmnlA.bddllorifi.dhn Fda.l R.rubioa (IhL a0. P56) <br />-R.q{iEd <br />Lalq of N.rifr.lih <br />-l <br />.fitdr nt 6d..1 rrdr.6 qttlnE ddo. tdbv.l E rbr .ppldbL to rh! F!je1, <br />-Ku, *r,**.rpl4 rM o.l t(d. thr rl..L'rr irrominn i.o.rsr. I {rc looqlrynb !u ci, od couny <br />rll\r n'.nrrrkal Blr r ILn ;Y ^3-2a <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Misc ui ent <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rough Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer ((1212 Dtwto ++q <br />Residential Range 6[tt zo l,CJ'4;_trw <br />Other ll <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F-D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech. <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL ?lh/il |ELPAz <br />_l o a@,l u.& Sciio! <br />o"" Q -7 o <br />7/ U r//) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.