1 1 .; 111
<br />Permits & Plan Check Section
<br />20 Civic Center Plaza COM'P.0 Box 1988 (M-19)
<br />Santa Ana, CA 92702
<br />(714)647-5800
<br />www.santa-ana.org
<br />1.519./ F Plan Submittal Criteria for COMMERCIAL projects, MULTIFAMILY
<br />-5?(1£**fl RESIDENTIAL projects and RESIDENTIAL TRACT developmentsN· t..1/
<br />INSTRUCTIONS: Fill in the project business address and provide a brief description of the scope of work and t>pe of businesi
<br />operation that will take place. Answer questions I through 8. read and initial item 9.then complete and sign the certification section, [ f
<br />you answer "YES" to am'par! 4 question I through 8..submit the type of plan indicated in italieS to the OCFA (see www,oc fa,org for
<br />submittal information and locations). [n some cases. other plan typeS not indicated herein may also be necessary depending on specific
<br />conditions or operations. [fyou need help completing this form or have questions regarding requirements for review, please contact the
<br />OCFA at 7 14-573-6108 or visit us at 1 Fire Authority Road in irvine for assistance.
<br />Address (streetnumber&name, suite, city): 50\ 001$:'ll Fl l.1.&/40,4, 267 6'VIC C.cel-er ful.27 1Project Scope/Business Description:In/)4·£:Ail,Al-7,h-, 61 -10. 01 't-1-p €101/AY-«- b jikx,5 viot-«\n a wle. n.f df Shaft
<br />23 9- ,
<br />1. [ |> Construction of a new building, a new story, or increase the footprint of an existing building? Changes toT-loadways, curbs, or drive aisles? Addition, relocation, or modification of fire hydrants or fences/gates?Fire
<br />2.Master Plan ( PR 145)
<br />Installation/modification/repair of underground piping, backflow preventers, or fire department connections
<br />serving private fire hydranUsprinkler/standpipe systems?Underground Plan. (PR470, PR475)
<br />ealthcare or outpatient services for >5 people who may be unable to immediately evacuate without
<br />rinking/dining/recreation/religious functions or other gatherings in a room >750 sq.ft. or >49 people?
<br />assistance? 24-hour care or supervision? Incarceration or restraint? Hotel, apartment, or residential facility with
<br />3+ units and 4+ stories, or podium/wrap construction? Congregate housing/dormitories with 4+ stories and 17+
<br />people? High-rise structure (55+ feet to highest occupied floor level)?Architectural Plan (PR200-PR285)4.Installation/modification of locks delaying or preventing occupants from leaving a space or requiring use of a
<br />card, button, or similar action to open a door in the direction of exit travel?Architectural, Sprinkler, and/or Alarm
<br />Plan depending on the occupancy and type of device installed (PR200-PR280, PR420-PR425, PR500-PR520)
<br />5 (Installation/modification/use of spray booths; dust collection; dry cleaning; industrial ovens/drying equipment;/T- industrial/commercial refrigeration systems; compressed gasses; tanks for cryogenic or flammable/combustibleliquids; vapor recovery; smoke control; battery back-up/charging systems (>50 gal. electrolyte, >1,000 lb. lithium
<br />ion); welding/brazing/soldering, open flame torches, cutting/grinding; or other similar operations?Special
<br />Equipment Plan (PR315, PR340-PR382)6. [Storage/use/research with flammable/combustible liquids or other chemicals? Motor vehicle/aircraftF- maintenance/repair? Cabinetry/woodworking/finishing facility? Chem Class & floor plan (full architectural plan
<br />jif H occupancy): Special Equipment Plans may be necessary. (PR315-PR360, PR232-PR240)
<br />7. [ f: Storage or merchandizing areas in excess of 500 sq, ft, where items are located higher than 12' (6' for high-/hazard commodities, plastic, rubber, foam, etc.)?High-piled Storage Plan (PR330)
<br />8. [- 11 Cooking under a Type I commercial hood; installation or modification of a fire extinguishing system located in a'-r commercial cooking hood?Hood & Duct Extinguishing System, not just the hood mechanical plan. (PR335)
<br />Initial that you have read and understand the following statement:
<br />9. *Sprinkler/Alarm Requirements: Consult California Building and Fire Codes and local ordinances (see the local
<br />ordinance for buildings constructed prior to Jan. 1, 1946) to determine sprinkler or alarm system requirements; if a
<br />system is required, plans shall be submitted to OCFA. Existing buildings undergoing remodel must be evaluated by a
<br />licensed contractor to determine if modification is needed; if so, the licensed contractor shall submit plans for approval
<br />prior to making modifications. (Initial here: ·gp )
<br />Building Department: Ifall of the questions hat·e been answered accurately as "NO" and the project clues not othenrise require OCFA
<br />review of sprinkler or Lihirm plans*, then you mity accept this signed tbrm us a written release thin OCFA review is not required.
<br />Should you still require thut the applicant have plans approved hy the OCF.4 please initial here ot· attach an OCFA referral
<br />thi-m und have dle applictini .stihnlit the torm along with Uk'uppropriate plans und fees fur OCFA re/·ie't·.
<br />I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the above is true:
<br />Print name:€7074 Pwj Anit-Signature: .*3.P,7,00'F-,91 c---
<br />Phone Number*h 10/4 1 Date. 1 29/ TA-
<br />2-28-20 13 ese