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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNF-N BUILDEI DEt,C f, AAMN <br />I lE!t, .liim u.& Flny of FjiJry th:r I i 6dpl to6 E Con*ldt L..M l, lo, rlE 6lb*itB tan (sE 7011.5 <br />Bure td Pro66lirn Cod.,: Ary Cny or audy rtkh r.qut6 . Fna io otu. .hd, 'nprovc <br />ddmt$ o q'lr av <br />tuduq Fi, to irr h.lExc. ito r.$ic rnc fo. !!ch !.mit lo frlc r 3isn d lldmor illn lE or nE h [.q!.d pq$!d <br />ro rh. FlvilioB otth Conl,rclqi Lic.n!.d L.s (Ch.pl6 q. Com6.rcing wilh Sclior 7000 of DiYision I oflh. Baind dd <br />Prof.$i'ro Cod.) ord, E orrlE L aatrpr E.iinft &d E bc! lor rlE dLeal dsnIlbi. Any vhldion of Sdbn ?01I.5 tv o, <br />.lplrcd lor . Fmi $b<lr rL @lic&r ro ..ivil p hyolmi mrclh, fivc hun&.d tlolLn (ltm) <br />-1. <br />6 o*ft of rt FDFry. n my dlpbrd wnh wB6 s rl srpdrioE $i[ & 0t 6l rn d. nnEG . n'r <br />idcrLd or oltsd 6r d. (Sa.rO44, Bu!i6 &d F oft.ioG Codc TIE (ofi.cid! Lt.G lr* &6 ml +9ly to o o*E of <br />ttc FDpdty who hikl q iq.oE rtE@ !d *lE dG u.h u.rl hid.lf or h*lf ot llNush hit or hd om aplo,6 <br />provid.d rh, uch inFqcn dt & rcr idord.d or oII@d for $L lt ln*6s. lh. buildits .r itr4.w6Br b sn *nnii oi. t <br />ofmrplibi! dE o\,ns Au & wil h.v. dr hrda! of F!@g tht lE or rh. di, Nl hild or i,irle lnc FDFty 6r dE F!F.. oa <br />l. s.rE of tlE FFtr, d a.lG,v.l, cominS "it[ lalE d @lrlatd ro 6tu rlE F!j.( (Sd. 7o{a &,ir <br />ai PDtsir. Co&: TIECornr..rd ! Lt.e t s doa bl tplt ro s oma otFopdly $ho t{ild! or inPrcld th6@lt, <br />ud sho cor Brs ld sh F.irt! snh r Conltuo(, lkdE d Fdur b llE Conlrrld't Li..e l&) <br />lI <br />/0 <br />I hdct y .mm u.d6 F6ht of IEJu., <br />-t <br />h.v. srj will . ( dificrr. of Colml l. S.lf-lNuE for u, tunlpd5rion, 6 Fovidcrt aor by Sclnr 1700 o I th. <br />Labor (rrh f.r rh€ psfotu . of rh. won fu "tkh r h. pqnn t isu.d. <br />-l h.E d $il! miMin worl6 .ompdri,n Euue s ..qu,!d b Sdior l70O of rl! Lrhor C6de 6r tlE Ffn118. ol <br />t,E s.t l whkh rhi Danil s sld My wtd' onrrdrl,. iffi. ffir !d poliy .!nbd ft: <br />Polict Numhd:-ErPn6: <br />-l <br />c.nify lhd in llt Ffotrile. of th. sotl fm $tich lhs Fnn i! su.n. I ihtu mr oplot ay Fen in uv nuE <br />b - ro b.6m $t*q lo rlE qrr6 onFdbn h$. of Cdifomi( !d {r thi if I rhould tErm $tiet to th. <br />$od6 ooFEdbn FDvnio6 ofsani,n 1700 ofth. l,hd Codo I ttill. finh{th @hPl, * nh lL,t F.ritioB <br />\*ARNING ljailur. 16 sE. w.rkft' omFE lrcn $ t unlnwtul. Md shall subjd d nploF ro sitnul Fltb ed <br />civrl fioci up ro on. hundrcd rhoosd dollffi ((x).lrlx)1. <br />'n lldJn0i L, rhr ofcomp.Mrk,n, dmar6 a provid.d ror lh. <br />.d6 D.idly oI rE jury lht I d uid6 FDlirion ol (lupla 9 {.onll:4rnB { nt Sarion 70ml ot Dn irhn l <br />ol rhc BNo* ed PmfdhE (-od., erd my lt.e n i. tull !br.c,Il.rfrl <br />colslaxcll0!.rE![l!{ilcrdljl <br />I h@by lrm und6 F.rlry o t rdjury lhll lhd. i! t .odru.r ion bndi4 .rocy lor lh. pafom$r. of lhc Pork for $ti.h lhn painn i! <br />isu.d (56 1097.Civ C ) <br />AIIIJf,.AILDEOJAAIIO! <br />I bdby a,lim und6 Fnall, of Fjury orc of rh. aollovins <br />Dntulirion PdnlA.b.ror Nolifi.{hr lcdsll R.sullrtu (Tnh40, Pd6) <br />R.q0ral tlrdof f*{ifrrbn <br />mp\ rnh allCiryind ( ounly <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Liqht Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Frre Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bondinq / Groundinq / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Soffit Rouqh <br />Ceilinqs (T-Bar Rouqh) <br />Meter Release <br />Rouqh <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL 4231t4'tat) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.I I 0l