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PLUMBING.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />COMMENTSAPPROVALSDATE <br />Waste & Vent t.l . <br />ftlc- ZWater-Under floor <br />-t .2)lz-<- 2Gas-Underfloor <br />Buildin Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />lnterce tor/ Clarifier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Pi n <br />Gas Pi I <br />Roof Drain <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />h Water HeaterR <br />POOUSPA <br />P-tra Drain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Pi ln <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Waler Service <br />Lawn S rinkler <br />Sewer/CaSanita <br />Back Flow Device <br />Rou h Plumbin <br />,/*Final Gas Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL <br />o\rnrIr nr I nr.Rr)l:1.{ \R\Ilo\ <br />I na.t,.rE uldc F.ty or Fiuy ttr t a a@B id .Con-rd ti€E ts fdrh.6[oy!! tE,o (S" 70!l'J <br />B6i!{ !d Piobi'n Co&): At, Ca} d C@ny eltth tqri!. . Fri lo @litud. a6. i{'DE lh!o&ll! d tq* -v <br />r*trs Fir ro ir Llr!... .to Equi6 llE ?Clkd tu trrr Fdn lo nb . .iri.d cndot td lE d .lt' b li'q!'d Pdt'lr <br />lo ltE Fltind of Ut Ctd.ld. fiqE d tr (ctl.Fa 9. Collticbt rih S.ab 7@ of Di!'io! ! of llr E'iE -d <br />Prob;bs Cod.) d lld lE d tlE i adtpl $c6!n ed rlE b.i br ri rlLr.d s@tbd Atv viohbn of Selbn <br />'0rl '5 by -v <br />Elrdl aor.Fri $ti..l! rlE alic- to.<ivilPalrorEl nEd- fiE hdH &'ll-t (l!@) <br />-1. <br />! o{E of lE Fofdlr. d dy .r4br6 sili w.A6 . tLir DL orrylrbc *iU <b UE st !d tht iud@ ir d <br />ii'aa -.n "t ti 'jtri-.?oia, E!n6.'d ttoliEcodc IEco!r'*.ld'. tj.a! t5 d-or igr,lo'orGof ' <br />IlrFlFry slD UiLi n iryoqtbs. tn vh &€ Ed 6 tint rd nndf or !l&qh hi 6 ta 06 fiplora <br />g."iaaia,ir ""rr blt!6;Ed ntdaoEld &.t !.l[bGt t tr&it d iryoEEr i 5ld *iltl d F <br />i,t-nptaio" O" O*r, O,,iUo *iU ttE 0t hltldt of FlviB lh. lEn rL itid 'n ldld d itEN dt tDFlv &ttu FT o"of . <br />l. -(|xGotrlE FoFtt. e *ht ct @trn rns wih li.o!.d.omEr6 ro srdtud dt FoiEr (S..' ,o14. &dg <br />.'a, ni Cir'*rd'. Li.6. lj*d6 6.41v ro -otr of FtFivqt t iliNnilF!€ttEon' <br />&d *ho conL.ditr.t lt Foi.(r.wnh. Coe*1o(t) tid.d FruEr io fi. Coirtdd r ri.c t e) <br />I @crnF m&r sdliln <br />ll.r. OiR <br />tt(lnt(fts'(o PE sAiloN <br />IIICIJEAIIA! <br />I hd€I" 6mdundd Fmhr.f Fl ! ok otrh.lirllo( in|{ &(lJtlf6 <br />Ih.\.ntlsillmmrin.(cnitid.of(irMl,!! l lNr. fd r(!6 $nlEnsli)', s Folld<t f'r b S<lii r7([ 'frfi' <br />I nhv t'uL. i{ rhc nql"mnn(..f th. s",t n{ ('1th th. rmn n,su.rl <br />/f h.'. ".,1 <br />* ,ll m.rnhm ",rld . wtnrir nn 'dur.tuc, 6 ,.nu"dl ltr Sd nn :lr(n 'f trr l'hn (-o&- ror rh' FlomNG ol <br />iEur'\l'rnhrhrh!Fn.i.\xJM\qo'rdr'(.rnFau'rn'nturM!.(rn'.s, Fn'c\ numrq n'.. Fo1y L,t\- C,- - .,-,({.1 <br />p"ric) Nu6h.' ---Fe4 6 t-] /oroO rrni.t I 1 - l( -)o1.c- <br />I.d'6rhd'.rh.FinnuN.rlrrEtrorlror\hrhrh$Fnni!*u.J.Irtll*,d4lo\.n)l@'r'!NlMm <br />q' dsk'tr..m. hj€ilorh.{ort* sdlds n bu r or Cihft'mi.. .nd tsft lnd 'fI sh.uu b"''E sut!<d k'iE <br />r orlar' NnlFdnn Fnr uniE oa s.d irn rTur .f th. I thr ( ii.. I !dl. n'nhs irh .'mpl! tr nh th'* prortnrni <br />DICIaTIIIIo! <br />I hdt, .fi@ urd Frty orpa;uy rtc t o tienrd undc povirion of clr.tq 9 (6nt@Bi!a *irh saiit <br />'000) <br />6f Divirii l <br />or rlE &iErl<ltrDt i6 Co<tq d oy lidc i n tufl 6is .d.lftd <br />B q 6 <br />(]:-rov <br />I h6cbt.rm uid6 poully of Pdju,y lhi llE ii. dtnD.ri.n lcndins ae6, rm lh. F(offi or E {ftl ft" *hEt lhit p6ni i <br />AIIIICAII.ADSISAIIO! <br />t h!6y .tin ui& ,od, of Fiuty oB otrb. blb*iar dclrrioo <br />D6Fhion ?ad+A!t ro t{6lificri.. &d r.!t,hbB (TiL ro. P.r6) <br />-r.q!i!d <br />Lal6 otladi6crin <br />I lrrarr,.omdl Ulh all (,h lnd (.unrt <br />dn6olrhi!( n! od Counrr'to ol(qrtnrhc <br />,,,. f- I J.-" o'o <br />ilu rtE ftd..| t silhio6 Erditc d!.du tqtu\'.| G ,xn .PPlk.bL lo <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />ID/SIG. <br />UNDER GROUND <br />( <br />.2c <br />"l