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I.%=.-&-,·mimt,-- u:u=zc:r·:Dgra·yr=.c·· -e . ··e·w=yrn•,i*ee--i...:w·.-.*-*.m... <br />22:73*Iinll:.r=;0-4 ·-f ENEEZS:2;:··i <br />f <br />1 <br />4 <br />TRI3 WIDTH <br />9 1 9 <br />C.·Joi ING <br />STRUCTURE <br />TRIBUTARY 1 <br />Revisions <br />PROJECTION 12 1 he roof par.eis shall nave a slope bervveen i.i,_.-, c.,ti .: t,er loctrio-': 0.:94 1. ·· - <br />13...4ji steel shall be claivanized ASTM A-·653 GPO,·A-123 Gl.5 or A153 8-3, painted ASTM A755 cr use an aDoroved <br />TRIBUTARY; WID TH' :.TRIB WIDTH - <br />coating complying with IBC sectioil 2203.2, P.·dintinside of aliembedded posts from the bottom to 12"above grade,*'here alurninum is in cor;ted wilh dissimitar meta!s (other than sta!nless, aiuminized or galvanized stee!) or absorbent l <br />1 building materials, likely to be continuously or incennittently wet, the Toying surfaces shail be paints.d cr other...··iue <br />11, 'ro'.!A·kr.ewi:Ap: in ':/·mv-1 · a, 4+Y· 4.0 Ah,7*wrir-,-1.1.-· '11 1 <br />U V ,_A, U-:1. 40 <br />..1. ·z,2·10-Ll ..1 w-:.1 .2!n(.4. •ed 4.1.., Aw :.i . m uub•3,11 ,•1<.<f t'.k•· Pal'l 1-,·'·\ b'*Ct.!011 D../ .1. k <br />14. Wind velocity and Ground Snow)Live load are identified in ali of Lhe rek-vani tables. Roof snow loads he.v3 bsendefem:ined in accordance wilih ASCE7-05 Section 7.3. Ct=-1.2, i = 1.0, Ce=1.0 (All exposures excest B and C when <br />!0cated tight. among conife,·s) <br />Ground Snow Load Applied Roof Load <br />10 psf io psf ,_, %.•L- ·, UNJURiv wl 4•J ·JV2 7% ir·z .ni·b ),DA: 1· FA c·:Ir., '.1 <br />20 psf 20 psY UVE OR GROUND SNOW i ,..,. ··(' .-/·-Ill" 4 I <br />. AL€:le <br />PROJECTION 30 psf 25.2 psf DESIGN ROOF SNOW LOAD 1 '8':31. Lt'::11 i 025 psf 21 psf DESIGN ROOF SNOW LOAD 1 ,:re './.:.LA ·-1 8 <br />40 psf DESIGN ROOF SNOW LOAr) <br />mrr-MMU er.- <br />TRIB WIDTH - TRIBUTARY WIDTH F-0/1 -If DESIGN ROOF SNOW LOAD 1 W.* ... <br />uu pe#50.4 psf <br />WIDTH V,/IND SPEEDS IN <br />DIAGRAM <br />' THE 2009 BC ARE:'3 SECOND GUST WIND SPEED," ALL STRUCTURES DESCRIBED iN 7-1-il S 1 44-0;19 <br />REPORT ARE DESIGNED USING PRESSURES CALCULATED FROM -'3 SECOND GUST WIND SPEEDS: FOR i ?22.,ecmy·,2! <br />ATTAC!1ED STRUCTURES THE MAXINIUM MEAN ROOF HEIGHT OF THE EXiSTING STRUCTURE IS 30'. Kzt 3.#:450 <br />i 992282.19.7.-.241 WAS ASSUMED AS 1,0 FOR ALL WIND LOADS. SITE LOCATIONS REQUIRING HIGHER A HIGHER KE VALUE I ...¢'SOLATED HILL..S, R]DGES, ESCARPMENTS) WILL REQUIRE HIGHER WIND LOADS AS PER ASCE?-05 te·€C' 07..:·=·r.:-* <br />SECTION 6.5.7 AND ARE OUTSIDE THE SCOPE OF THIS REPORT. #M !, 1, <br />tl %·37'' i- <br />0 72'. 7 <br />ja.. 3 <br />4 &/·1· Ud <br />51 #-€ < <br />0 52 <br />f General Notes <br />f <br />,i 1. Struciural design per the 2009 International Building Code basic load combinations described inf Section 1605.3.1 and no increases ard permitted for resistina wind or seismj forces. Aluminumdesign in accordance with the 2005 edition of the Alwminurri Associations's specifications andChapter 20 of the IBC. Patio Covers vs defined in IBC Appendix 1 shall be used only forr recreational, outdoor living purposes and not as carports, garages. storage roonis or- habitablei rooms. Commercial Covers may be w'sed for ihess purposes. Carporis musl have at least twoi opens sides and have Floor surfaces made of approved noncombuslible material or aspnalt.1 2. Alleast one horizontal dimension (projection or width) of cover shall be less than 30'.5 3. Lencrele mix: EC = 2500. 3000 or 3500 psi at 28 days in negijgible, moderate and severecondilions as shown 8-3 Figure 1904·.3 of the 2009. IBC. Pa''do structures may be attached toconcrete slab withoutfcotings when the post load is 750 Ibforless andthefrosidepth is zero. <br />-i Concrete shall be setback a minimum of 4'from edge or expansion joint of a slab. Posts,£ attached on slab will conform l.o Details LA35, MU100 or MU')02.|· 4. Each apphcation shall show a complete plot plan of the property and buildings. Circlethe postr spacing, span, etc., in the tables t.hat fit that particular job. 5. Each installation shall bear an identifying decal giving the name and address of mfgr., live or.1 snow load, design wind speed and exposure and ICC ESR number.1 6. Liaht gauge steel shall be per ASTM A653 unless other,jise specified. Grade will be specifiedt under indjvidual delails. Thickness is bare sleel- Nega·live thickness tolerance fs -556.$ 7. Alternate alurn. alloys may be substituted for those specified provcd®o they are referenced in THEf ADM 1-05 WITH equal or greater guaranteed minimum proporties (Flu, Fty, Fcy and E).t· Thickness indicated is bare nieto! and negative tolerance must comply with ANSI H35.2. 3004 <br />t H24 may be subsituted for 3004 H34. <br />ICC ESR 1963 (2009 16(312/5/2011 <br />NOTE: EXPOSURE B: SHALL APPLY 'WHEN THE GROUND SURFACE ROUGHNESS CATEGORY B (URBAN ANDSUBURBAN AREAS, WOODED AREAS, OR OTHER TERRAIN Wl NUMEROUS CLOSELY SPACEDOBSTRUCT-IONS HAVING THE SIZE OF A SINGLE FAMILY DWELL-ING OR LARGER) PREVAILS IN THE UP-WIND <br />DIRECTION FOR A DISTANCE OF AT LEAST 1500 FL <br />EXPOSURE C: SHALL APPLY WHEN EXPOSURE B,AND O (SMOOTH MUD FLATS, SALT FLATS, UN9E@66*9§2 <br />AND OTHER) DO NOT.(4909- i*'--4-4Al#>. pny€,%*4 <br />SEISMIC LOADiNG.·' <br />MAD<!h:!UM Ss = 150% SHOWN IN 2009 [BC FIGURE 1613.5(1 ) <br />Sl NOT APPLICABLE TO THESE STRUCTURES <br />c 1-rn r LASS = D A--1- <br />BASIC SEISMIC FORCE RESISTNG SYSTEMPOSTS EMBEDDED INTO FOOTiNGS =ORDINARY STEEL MOMENT FRAME A-- + <br />POSTS SURFACE MOUNTED = GENERIC SYSTEM >> R = 1.25 <br />ANALYS IS PROCEDURE = EQUIVALENT LATERAL FORCE PROCEDURE DEC 5 2011 <br />These roofs are not subject to maintainance workers and have not been evabiated fora 300'lbf concentrated load. <br />.Maximum mean root height or existina structure for attached unils is 30'.15. The width of single span attached solid cover structures must be at least 100% ofthe projection. <br />16. Multiple span units are allowed. <br />1.7. All structures must comply with cne of the folk,wing:a. Ali stuctures with a roof Snol·V Eoad of 30 psf cr less may be built in Seasmic Design Category SD¢) <br />A-D up to the maximurn Ss noted in Genen.d Note 4-14.b. Structures with ffat roof design snow loads over 30 psf'complying wn,h IBC Sectran 1 613.1 Exception #1 <br />do net require additional seismje an;.lysis.c. Structures not coinplying wath (a) or (b) requte additional enginee,ing seismic analysis.. All aluminum and steel solid panels are class A fire raled as indicated in IBC Section 1505.2 Exception #2.. All screws are self drilling (SDS) or sneet metal (SMS) and in conformance with ICC ESR-1976, ESIR-2196 orequivalent and use head dismetefs equal to #8=&", #10= 3", #12=* and #144' or steel washers with sin·jlardiameters. All bolts are AS™ A307. All wood screws n tust comnly with ANSUASMEStandard 318.6.1 and AF&.PANDS-05 11.1.4. All lag screws must comply with ANSI/ASME B18.2.1 and AF&PA NDS 11.1.3. All washers are ASTMF844 wi Dimensions cpmplying with ASME 813.22.1 T·ype A. Steel nuls to be ASTM A563. The nlinimum washerdjameter for bofted connections is 1 ". AR fasteners vem haye a minimum edge distanc of 2x the fasiener diameter. <br />. Header splice shaU not be located ne 2:rer to t.he end of the structure than tile first inierior post.. Wood used in connections shall be protected from weather As #er IBC Seclion 1403.2 andlor 1503, whichever is inore <br />stringent. Sliding snow is beyond the scope of this report. Drjtting snow is covered under Detail M2. <br />- t..1... 6,9/£4. mi 1, IL:,Uopet: 1 l=wles ct©Sl,rne equal Spanc> W.ifili i zu 70, All speChicationS Im:ist be based on the torinest actual span. <br />Page 1 of 101 <br />8. Lag screws shall be placed in holes prebored 70% diam. For concrete block construction,place 18masonry anchors as per the installation instructions. 199. Drainage which othenvise would go over a public sidewalk shall be cojjecled and diverte·d under <br />sidewalk.10. Slrucluies may not be enclosed unless additional engineering is provided or by approval of the <br />local building authority.11. A geotechnical investigation is nol necessary unless fequired by 1803.2 of the 200= imu. · 0011 isassumed te be Ciass 5 of Table 1206.2 of the·200-3 ES€·.. Bearing 1500 psi vert., 100 psf/irt. horiz „. LU <br />and doubled as per 1806.3.4. These design vaN.jes do not appi:s: 165. i-riwd 0)'ganic sjits, organlc 21clays, peat or unprepared -mis end may require fl.inher scil investigation. 1;11·,9 kitillding of?icial may <br />assign a'load bearing capacity. Units in a snow load area of 25 psf or less may be built on 1000 ,7 <br />-.pafbearing:son Wo addRionai engineering. Minimum rooting capth is the local frost depth,40 <br />I 8%%22.0- & ¥ 6 <br /> irt: OF..7 !:-Ah €-BI-E-KIt:<9:6=030 *22.V '/·¢ d n1 6*fk'1'2'42 11 11 32% f:% m <br />/9 <br />»Segul <br />F 2' 4/ :: 'Ak '17#4.,19.\ /1 fs/Gi 1 <br />14% <br />s" Cart Putnam, P.El <br />344.1 IVYLINK PLACE <br />LYNCHBURG, VA 245030 4i CARLPb 1-NAM@COMCAST.NET <br />; t·:6·'·Til;'SAGi\'oi,D WG # <br />M 2 324/..92 i2. j <br />WL <br />CMP <br />Choe': Gy <br />CMP <br />DIG <br />Et 1 <br />i <br />e <br />S72.·.-.I:E,·.%4