<br />Set Backs
<br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns
<br />Erection Pads
<br />SLAB Floor
<br />Subf loor/VenVlnsulation .-1/
<br />gRoof Sheathin t lb lru)u.t;ftwg $t).)
<br />l{UaMlShear Wall dl ftlVt ,ftP
<br />tltt lioto {br#"6bbil,&lnsulation/Ene
<br />Frami
<br />Ntlore".6
<br />allD Y/*bnv bahb,vxildtl;\Plry2ru'lbw
<br />Brown Coal
<br />t
<br />Masonry
<br />Pool Fence
<br />R
<br />T-Bar
<br />Handica
<br />uty Final Report
<br />Engineer Final Report
<br />Flood Zone Certif .
<br />I tl
<br />FINAL rhsl)eu IqWru >60
<br />Certificate of Occu an
<br />Notq6, RBmarks , Etc
<br />)r
<br />I
<br />o*NER tuiatr,f, aar,( aRAIlaN _
<br />I hsdry lfrm u.d.. Fulrl ol tEJUry rhd I m d@F linn rh. Conr-i.6 L..e le for rh. follo\in! .a$n (s€ 70! I 5
<br />BlBins d Profshn Cod.): Any Cirt or (ouny *hth cquiB 6 pdiril ro .otrnnir. .h6. inl,oe <tolth or uy
<br />slruduc Fin lo il, iBum.. .ta r.qrn6lh. r{rltd for rucfi Fhn lo fik. risr.d ldoEt tfid lE or rlE i licdB.d FN!,r
<br />ro rlE Foviri8 of ln. ( odr-xf,'r l-idral ll* (Chltd e, Com i.s snh Sarinn 70m of I of tlE A6itB od
<br />tnfshN (-od.) or thd lE or rtr i! dmF rhs.ftom rnd lh. bG! to, llE all.E.d .roFio. A"y rioLtionofs.dhn 7011 5 hy&y
<br />,pplie.t ror . p6ni subj.d! ihc lrrlic&t lo . ciril p.Ehy of nor n r. rhd fi\. hudr(l &ll'3 (!5()O)
<br />l. a .{ffi 6f rh. F.Fry. or d} mdor€ *irh $.s6 ! tlEir $lc snFsaion. sill d. tlE s(t .n rlE nrrlE ! mt
<br />i .r'd.d do,I6d fdxL{Sc.7Ou, BdrB md Ptofdio6 C.&: Tn (odrdnsLrdgt wdo6rcl.r0ly$ orGor
<br />llE FIIEI! wlF brill. or irpr.rB rhqit! in *ln &E sh \dt hiru.lf or h6.lto. tlmuln tir c lE.{ n .hrhyq
<br />,rovid.d rhd sch inp.ordEr. c br idan d or otu ftn $L lf, ho$66. r& brildiie or DForqc'l ir hld sirhh w 16orompkih. rh.o*nd Buil& ll lE\r th. h,rk of rh\ins thi tEor{'cdidd &litdd irlrrc\t 0r F.Ft, tutr F,Ireof
<br />L 6o$M ohh. propsly. o ctclNir.lyco rrlB *irh I'cna.d coft&rdh adrud t& F.jfrr ts( 704,t, R6r6
<br />dd PFtsi{cod. I'h. Conlrrroar l-i(dc l.!s &E mr,tplt ro o$ndolproFny trho bunds or in[r.r6rhdoo.nd $ho .oft.clr fo. sEh rrDj.(s {ilt . ( odrsro(ll Iicd.d pumd ro tlE Co.trxtm's Lt.g Lrw)
<br />l rnc\.'nnr undo S(rrn
<br />l).1. ()ird:
<br />trrrtntns, t orrlni,rrrix
<br />t fcl4R]\floi
<br />I hd.i] .llnn tr.dr |.nnlr) olF] olihc fotlt)rins J<lararirn\
<br />I h,r. &d tr'nl ditrtlin ! C.nitu!'c o f (-066r !. lBur. fo. s!r[6 comr6$tio., N rrivilal for br S<iir l7(x) o f rk
<br />lr&n culc for lh. Ffomm. Df rh. r o for anid ih. p6hrl i, Gu.n
<br />Ihr\c. liu h.inrrin *0116' .onF6.tirn iNulu., s rolon.d ry s(lnrn 17tu of llt Llbor ( od.. for lh. p6fo.Mc. ot
<br />rh. n!,1 for snth lhir Fmir ir isEl My sorl6 comFdio. ilEll,u. cnkr rt Fli., nudbs ,.1
<br />PoltyNunrbd: !rot6
<br />l.dify $ i6 th. Ffom*. oltLsorl for shi.h rh! Fron ! b.urd. t ih.llDt strplo,.n, p.Mn in u) nEFs d lo b.em rbjqt lo th. *orl@' cosFddnn L*: of CJifomL di rgc rhd if I 3holld b6oft suct to rlE*od6' NmFMion F.\iiir6 of Sarb. 17q) ortlE lrtor Code I d6ll. adlh*hh snply Bit thor!bd.
<br />1016 to aimiml p.,rk6 and
<br />&nEJr6 e In)!i.d aor rh!.nrl nicsuI,n)o.htr cJ lh.trud d.llds (Jlix).r{[)), rn rdnir.n n]t
<br />Sd ion :t076 of ih. t tor ( od., ,nlqed ud drom.y
<br />I h6!t y alrm unda nsBlt, of Fju.' rh{ I M liN&.d uda Fnvnhnorci4 6 9 (mnffiins $irh s..riri 7000) olDvisDn 1
<br />of lh. llutirs Md Pmf6iio6 Cod.. ftl n, licRE ir h luu forc. rxl .tIdr
<br />X
<br />I am,m undq Fn hr ol Fj,r rh, ihd. ir r slslruclbn L lins arocy lor rh. t afollffi. .f lh. $ ork lor "li.h lhB Fm( i!
<br />irsu.d(s(. loe7, cn c )
<br />lsd6 r ^&n6. f+
<br />e,r,,< "nt lita{bn'
<br />I nrlby .tfrn unds Flhy of Fjury oE ol rh. folrrsirs d.clhl ior!:
<br />Ddoliiion Pmnr-Albdo! N6ri6.dbn 6.d.'al i,csular ioN (Tit lc t0, Prn6) ,
<br />li.qu'rcd lt(6 of Ndifrdbn
<br />I
<br />r (d,rr rh; tsry'l EBUrdio^ ,.gft! ;o-,- -, " , * mr rprr.bk ro rh! FnJ.d
<br />,.-,,r,n, , *croo,n" *t1.".t,i,r.*,.,"rorurn. ! cffi r .sG ro .ondy $ nh .r cir) lrd (.oury
<br />o(hnan.6 and slarc li\Br.[rinx ro
<br />rh\c oononcd Itr tdl fin insn d
<br />,\ppli(tnl or AF6l Slln.lur.
<br />ofrhs (
<br />'r' a.n (i,unr) ro olq uFn rh.
<br />lt *tt
<br />I
<br />h
<br />UFER Ground
<br />tt A
<br />rtilfi,qe.lV €DlR*.tVU OtuuMq(K.l
<br />lrtl
<br />a