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77 SIGN COMPONENTS MANUAL (SAM)October 1, 2013 <br />1. These products are only suitable for connection to a Class 2 power source rated 12 Volt AC/DC or less. <br />2. These products are each rated max. 24 watts per module. When units are connected to a Class 2 circuit, they are not to <br />draw a total wattage of greater than the secondary or output rating of the Class 2 supply. <br />3. These products are suitable for use in dry, damp and wet locations. <br />4. These products are not required to be enclosed or protected from the weather in the end product. <br />5. When these products are used in applications other than signs or outline lighting, the need to conduct a temperature test shall <br />be considered. <br />Class 2 Power Supply, Cat. Nos. MJ-ABCD-WXYZ Series, where AB is 12, and CD-WXYZ is 20-1670, 40-3300 or 60-5000. <br />1. These power supplies have a maximum of one Class 2 outputs. The output of these power supplies have been evaluated to <br />Class 2 output requirements for dc circuits. <br />2. These products with Class 2 outputs are suitable for use in dry and damp locations only. <br />3. In the end product, power supply spacing to other heat producing components shall be minimum 2 inches spacing to <br />sidewalls, and minimum 2 inches spacing to top of enclosure. <br />4. These products have not been subjected to Leakage Current, Strain Relief, and Impact Tests. The need to conduct these tests <br />shall be considered in the product. In addition to these tests, the need to conduct the Mold Stress test on model MJ-1260-500 <br />shall be considered in the end product. <br />5. These products shall be provided with additional enclosure when used in the end product. <br />Class 2 LEDs, Cat Nos. Cat. Nos. JE-001X (HS-F504BR4TN), JE-002X (HS-F504BN4TN), JE-003X (HS-F504884TN), JE-004X, <br />JE-005X (HS-F504BY4TN), JE-006X (HS-R483AR4CY or HS-R484CN4CY or HS-R484CB4CY), where X may be replaced with A, <br />B, G, M, R or W. <br />1 These products are only suitable for connection to a Class 2 power source, rated 15 Volt (DC or AC) or less. <br />2. These products have not been evaluated for use when connected to a power source that does not comply with Class 2 voltage <br />and energy limited circuit. <br />3. When units are connected to a Class 2 circuit, they are not to draw a total wattage of greater than the secondary or output <br />rating of the Class 2 supply. <br />4. These products are suitable for use in dry, damp and wet locations. <br />5. These products are not required to be enclosed or protected from the weather in the end product. <br />Class 2 LED Controllers, Models HM-12RGB5A3-RC, HM-12RGB5A3-XY Series, where suffix X and Y may be any alphanumeric <br />characters or blank for marketing purpose only. <br />1. These products are only suitable for connection to the output of a UL Listed or R/C Class 2 Power Supply rated max 24VDC. <br />2. These products are rated per the Table below. When units are connected to a Class 2 circuit, their ratings are to be limited to <br />draw a total wattage of no greater than the secondary current rating of each Class 2 power supply. <br />]Model Input - Class 2 Output - Class 2 <br /> HM-12RGB5A3-XY Series 12 - 24 Vdc 10-24V 24 W <br />3. These products are suitable for use in dry, and damp. <br />4. These products are each rated max. 24 watts. When units are connected to a Class 2 circuit, they are not to draw a total <br />wattage of greater than the secondary or output rating of the Class 2 supply. <br />Sign accessories, Class 2 LED power supplies, Model MJ-12100. <br />1. The output of this component complies with Class 2 requirements in the Standard for Class 2 Power Units, UL 1310. <br />2. In the end product, power supply spacing to other heat producing components shall be min. 2 inches spacing to sidewalls, and <br />min. 2 inches spacing to top of enclosure. <br />3. These products shall be enclosed in the end product. <br />4. These power supplies are suitable for use in dry and damp locations. <br />5. These devices are intended for factory installation only. <br />6. This Class 2 power supply is not provided with any grounding. The enclosure must be grounded in the end product. <br />JUSTIN INC E235322 <br />2663 N LEE AVE <br />SOUTH EL MONTE, CA 91733 <br />Class 2 Power Supply, Model 601-12DC, 601-12DCR, 101-24DCR, C2240-12DCR, C2240-24DCR, C2240-12, C2240-12-240, <br />C2240-24, and C2240-24-240. <br />1. These power supplies have been evaluated for use in LED signs. <br />2. The power supplies have outputs that individually comply with Class 2 circuit requirements. <br />3. These units are suitable for use in dry and damp locations without a need for an additional enclosure. <br />4. The output of this power source shall not be connected to any other power source or provide power to components connected <br />to another power source. <br />5. These products shall have conductors entering, leaving or residing in the wiring compartment or junction box extending at <br />least 150 mm (6 in) inside. <br />Class 2 Power Supply, Model 601-12DC-LC, 601-12DCR-LC, 101-24DCR-LC, C2240-12DCR-LC, C2240-24DCR-LC, C2240-12- <br />LC, C2240-12-240-LC, C2240-24-LC, and C2240-24-240-LC. <br />1. These power supplies have been evaluated for use in portable LED signs. <br />2. The power supplies have outputs that individually comply with Class 2 circuit requirements. <br />3. These units are suitable for use in dry and damp locations without a need for an additional enclosure. <br />4. The output of this power source shall not be connected to any other power source or provide power to components connected <br />to another power source. <br />5. The attachment plug on the end of the power supply cord is not to be removed. <br />KASON INDUSTRIES INC <br />57 AMI-AJACK BLVD <br />NEWNAN, GA 30265 <br />Power supplies with Class 2 output circuits, Model 61815000200. <br />E363080