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10181208_2031 S. ARTESIA - Plan (2)
Artesia St
2031 S Artesia St
10181208_2031 S. ARTESIA - Plan (2)
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7/19/2022 12:02:12 AM
Creation date
10/25/2020 9:52:16 PM
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2031 S Artesia St
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Structural Calculations -Roof Mounted Solar System - 2 arrays April 22,2014 <br />Jbb: Luis Reyes Contractor: Sunpro Solar (Bob Kommann) <br />2031 South Artesia 34859 Frederick St. Suite 101 <br />Santa Ana, Ca. 92704 * (714) 915-8744 Wildomar, Ca. 92595 * (951) 813-5408 <br />Description: (12) solar panels (217 total sq ft) mounted in (2) arrays on (5) lines, 79 total feet of Sun <br />Frame rails supported by (23) stando#s connected to roof with (1) lag screw each through roof <br />diaphragm (sealed) and supported by 2x4 trusses, 24 " dc on south & east facing roofs ofexisting <br />1-story residence with standard jlush mount on 3:12 pitch comp roof at job address shown above. Area <br />at bases to be patched with new roofsealant per Professional Solar Products installation instructions. <br />Page 2 <br />Worst Case Array No. 1 max point loads (and 9.67 sq ft of panel area/support) <br />8-panel Arrav Solar System: (On 3 - SF rails and 15 support stand-offs) 145 sq ft <br />W8 = 3281b panels (411b ea x 8) + 581b rails (51' x 1.13 plf) + 91b (15) stand-offs <br />Weight Summary (panels weigh 41 lbs each) <br />Solar System (8 panels): WS = 395 lb/15, Wp8 = 26.3 lb/support <br />Weight of system/sq ft = 2.47 psf + Rails & standoffs (2.99 psf w/rails & standoffs) <br />Lateral (Seismic) Force Summary: Wp = 395 lb, (Fp = 1.26 Wp), Fp = 498 1b <br />Solar System: Fp = 33.2 lb/ support <br />Horizontal Wind Pressure on Solar System: <br />Wind: Lateral pressure,Fw = 15 sq ft x 17.73 psf <br />Fw = 266 lb + '(see below for wind on panels) <br />(see below for total lateral wind load on connections - see page 3 for vertical wind load - uplifts) <br />Panel Area: 145 sqft * Total planarea = 141 sa ft vertical projected <br />14.04 degrees (pitch) zones 1,2&3 Ofroof area, effective wind area 35 sqft (horizontal projection): <br />14.04 degrees (3:12) for 110 mph ultimate (85 mph design wind speed) <br />Horizontal pressure ps30 = -4.92 psf (zone B ends), ps30 = -2.38 psf (zone D center), h = 12' <br />adjustment factor "L" = 1.21, kzt = 1.0 (see above), I= 1.0 Horiz wind pressure: <br />p = (1.21)Kzt (I) ps30, p = -5.95 psf on end 3' of panels, p = -2.88 psf on center of panels, <br />Total Wind Horizontal load on supports: <br />p = 15 sq ft x 17.73 psf - 19 sq ft x 5.95 psf - 16 sq ft x 2.88 psf, <br />p = 266 1b - 113 1b - 46 1b (on total 15 supports) <br />p/support = 107 1b / 15 = 7 lb/support lateral wind load <br />< seismic of 33.2 lb/support ave seismic and max seismic/support = 1.26 x 44.4 1b = 56 lb max pt load <br />so, Fp max = 56 1b max seismic lateral load, therefore' Lgov€iiTT,Ti ign <br />Check lateral load on lag screws: 56 lb/1 lag = 06 lb/1 aterallo \4./tpt 4l i <br />Lawrence R. Phelps, RCE 352(1}SiCnewal 9/30/2015 _31130 Avenida Del Repo, cula, California 92591 <br />Cell/voice (951) 297-0555 - O#ice/voice (951) 694-6336 <br />Vin
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