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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE rD/srGl (T COMMENTS OWNEI' BUILDEf, DETTCAN TION <br />I .fm ur& Flny ot Frury rlE I m d F nln llE Corllrdm'Lic.M t s 6r th.lolklwlts lBr.(Sd70]l5 <br />Buin* arxl P.ofsion Cod.) An, Cily or Counly which r.quic t Fid lo cotd .l, !ld. ihr.ov!. damlith or re.r &v <br />iuuciu.' Fbr lo i! i!.lle., .ho EquiE lh..frliot lor $ch FDil lo liL c tin d ndq@r thr lE or d. it lica!.d F,$rd <br />ro rlE Flyiriid of lh. Con!*6 t Li..n!.d t * (cl',Fq 9, Coffios ett Serbn 7000 of Dvnbn t of tlE &nil6 md <br />Pruf6io6 Codc) or rhlr lE or rh. ! qdPt lhq.fton dd th. b.!s for tlE.lLecd da.elion A.y violtrio. ofs.giotr 7011.5 bv sv <br />ip?lic&l lor r Fbn rqd! rlE +pli..,r b r civil Flny of br mrc lh5 lirc hutxl,td &llt! (!5m) <br />-!. <br />aq ollc of ih. FrFir, or my dploya vnh vlgB 6 lh.t $h mmpqE lio.. *ill do rlE trort id tlE tlrul@ il hr <br />iddri.d d ofidrd lG EIG (S( 70s. AGiE Dd Pruf6bm C.d.: Th. c.,rr..rd! LtaE t w (i)6 rcr +ply ro d 6lE ot <br />rlEFlFry *h. ttilt d iryD6 dEa .d *ho &E isn mrt lirelf o. h6*lr or rkouth bn d tE ow @Clot!.., <br />provid.d rh,r luch inpro@Fl! 4 mt -16&l o. otu 6r rt.. lf, hoB6. ih. hritdits ot trtprDEGi n &B wihh m ,r <br />olof,pldirtr rlE O$c &rld. *ill b.w dE hlda of Fovins tr lE or *. dd d hoild d !4.o8 tlE FoFry hr dE FrF.. of <br />-t, <br />s osc otrE Fopqrt. m o'n!-riqs *itnli.!!.d.otu..16 to mntrud lh. rnj41 (se. 7o4'l BuiE <br />ri Prolsr Co&r Ttc Coolt <rd! LkGe l-l* do6 ml 4ply r. o o*rq of FlFrt rho hoiut 4 iEFov6itgs.. <br />ed who coir6.1! fd shFo)dr wnh lconlElo(t) ltd!.d pclld to rh.Con6dr'. Lic4 t w) <br />-l <br />m .!oF u.& sclbn <br />Orrt: t <br />l!l(]"!!.,llra] <br />I h6.ty .mm @d6 ,orn, olFjury onc ofth. folkr*iis dch..!oB: <br />-l <br />h.* id will uin i'r r CoiifEa. of Core lo Sdf-l!E@ fo. wt.t codp.n iol . Fril.d for b, Sclb. ]700 of $. <br />Ltbor Cod.. lor th. p6forl@.. of th. eorl for whict lh. F6nn i i$ucd <br />-l h.!..rd will Mn .in q,to onFG.riin iMec s GtuiEd l', S<rirn l?m of dE t bot Co&. &'r lh. FfM. of <br />th. wort for which rhir p6nn ir issl My wrtfl onrFErbr i6trc.!nq rd Flkt nuib6 e.: <br />Policy Nuba <br />-ExPic <br />-l <br />Gr!ry th in tlE Faolmnc. oalfi. wort tor whth lhb Ffrr i. (3*d. I dull nol mplo, m, P.Bn in &v nsffi <br />$ s b baom subjer ro rh. wII6' Frrpd! bn hs of Cditum4 Dd +c tnn if I slsuld bdoc suel lo th. <br />ro 6 conpqE l$n pftrsi,B of sdion l?00 or 0E l.bor Cql.. I {dL lonhsrh orply wnh lho- FlvithB <br />$ARNING r_iile to su. *erlo' oBpGun,o. orn g. i unl,stuL dd tlull -6J.<r s drphts lo tuitd pdf,ii! ild <br />dvil f@ up ro oE nuntu lhorerd dollat (ll00 ,, in .&ldion to llE con of conPltMion. dlrEsd . Fnvu.d t r ItY <br />S(tnrn 1076 ofrh.lrborC.d.. int66l Md th.rrEy <br />I hd6' tJlm ur& ,a.n, of pdiu.y rhd I m li.@.d url6 Frvini ofch4(r 9 (oM ilB *nn Sdro 7m) of Dnib! :l <br />of rhc B6ins dd Prcfcsio6 Cod.. tn 6y lacB n tr tull foN d'd.lTel. <br />l-c.e Numhcl <br />(aluBllcuoNlllDllclcE!(r <br />I lE.t'y .rfm ulild Fsn, of FJU}. rhi ths! s . 6ldru.1bi r'<Iid8 .gtrr fot lh. p6fome. olrh. *!tt lor t hi.h rhir Fhir ir <br />n!u.d(SE l0)?. Civ. C.). <br />APPI IC |YTDECI ANArION <br />I hd*,v r&n und6 r6.hy of lcju.y oE of dE follo*iI3 d..b.liodl <br />Da&hrn Pmie^rb.cor Norilicnbn Fcdd.l R.suLr ba tThl. .10. Pd6) <br />RquiGl tzrr6 of tlorituabn <br />-l <br />cdllry tha th. fcd.6l r.gohlioB r.gEdins shGros mov.l m d .Pplicabk lo thi pfl).d <br />-r <br />cdr8 rh. I thE rrlelad ion ircdal I .8rc ro ootlt u ith .ll Ci! lrd (-ou y <br />ordinincB anrj Srat. I !$. Eld rn3 I horn. r.F6ddnd ol lhir Cily lld cour, ro 616 r4.'r rlE <br />.h)r. morion.d FoFdy for <br />Appliont o. Aror skn.rue ^,,'€./{ /7 <br />+,<n -w l-/i-!!!t* <br />,a <br />Underground <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Founlains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Groundinq / UFER 'd,-0t./ f J/df7 -t*)Transformers <br />Torqueino <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouqh <br />Ceilinqs (T-Bar Rouqh) <br />Meter Release <br />Rough L-.t- l? .()t1.,$tt4 <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL 7'to- ll -U.Satb €'"i <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />Site-Work <br />Pole Bases