<br />Site-Work
<br />Underground
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Light Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Fountains
<br />Signs (monument)
<br />Life Safety /Low Voltage
<br />Fire Alarm / Dampers
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Building
<br />Under Slab / Floor
<br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER
<br />Torqueing
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Roof Top Equipment
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rough)
<br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh
<br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouqh)
<br />Meter Release
<br />LeKgtRouohg -?'t? J")
<br />Service Meter
<br />FINAL ?-tu-p,a @)
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.
<br />o$ Nt.R tlu .t)t.R t)t,1,(.1R,\ I l()N
<br />I h@by lllm of,d6 FrXy of Fiury thd I u dqnpr frln rh. Lic.N. tre for th. tolbwine llen (Se.7o:ll 5
<br />Buird rn Prcfdirr Cod.): An, Cny or Coulr' *hih r.qlic . Fmi lo odttrl, dl6. inFott, &eli or rl?.n 6y
<br />rrud@ Finro irs i!,l!t..le r.quiB [E {?kd 6.shFnnb 6L r teicd (rdEn Ul. lEor dE it lis!.d F,rEi
<br />ro rlE proviid of rlE Conr.crd! L@.&d t * (Ct!pr6 9. Coodtri.g *nn Sdrih 7000 of Divnion I of ti. 6ci,r &d
<br />Pnf*nr6 Codc) or rhll lE or !h. i! B.orpl tbE.fiom md th. barir for lhc Jkrq, d@Fbn. any viohlnr. olsrrion 703 I .5 by my
<br />+pl(mr for ! Fmh sbj.Elr rlE .D9lk&r lo . civrl duly ot 6r @rc thE 6!. hu.dEd dollr! (1500)
<br />_t,6 olcof rh. FFry, r ry.r'phrE wnh r+6 - rlEn ik oiFldiol\ {itl do rlE {dt rnft slac ! or
<br />inta .d or olfd.d for r]. {56.704,1. Bui6 sd Prcfsiod Cod.] Tn. Contmroi 3 Lt.M hw do6 nol @ly to o ow of
<br />th. prlFry *t hriid. d in4r.E thdd\ ad wki do6,Eh w* himtf o. h*lf or o!.ush hk or hd oM cmplolt6.
<br />DroriLd rtd ruct imEDw* G ful nc'd.d o.orqld t'r sl lL ho{E€. E hrild4 d urs.!r@r i 5ld vih! m td
<br />ofoiplni. rlr o^G BdBa *iI IEE $. hrds' olF!\ilB thd lr d t! dn rir tlild d !rF.\t ln. F!Fl, 6r dE FlpG ol
<br />l. s.w ofrhc lropqly, M co'l,srru trith licd!.d codd.6 to oErrud lh. FDj.ti (S* 7o4,r. BGiE
<br />!d Plotse Co& ThG conl..doar Lk* t q .b€ ml .prly to e o$E of FoFry *ho bnilds ot inPto\6 rhd@..
<br />.nd $tn orftl' rc ach FDje$ rnh . Con aro(, lad.d Frlsd b
<br />'lE
<br />Codr.cid'r tl!4 t^l
<br />I h6.5y.llirm u.dd p.n y olFlury onc oath. tollo*io3 d.{ls.ln'N:
<br />-l
<br />h^G -d will oid.b. Cdifrd. olcl){E, to Sdl'lM fo. ffld'.o.rFrurio.r,6 FltiLd rot hySdrio.1700of E
<br />l.!or Cod., ld thc Fi,rliB. o f tll edt fd whi.h llE Fmh ir iaMd
<br />_l hav. ed sill mrinrin worto .oiFdann iBure.. B r.{ui..d b, Sd io. 1700 of th. bbor Coda for ih. Ffolrlmc of
<br />rh. sul fr u,fith ltit Fnn i! ir.d My wla' ot9q6rir! !we. c6i, rn polt} .umbd e:
<br />-l.dit
<br />rh,t hrh. pcaolrffi. orrlE *o* lor *tkhlh! Fhn B isu.d, I drllrcr turlo} uy Fen i, &, ME
<br />s s h barmc sutid ro rh. @d6' conp@llrion h*! ot C.linrmn. ed .gc lhd if I should !!bjd lo llE
<br />{0116 ompqs ion Foviio6 of Scrion lTm oarhc tit r (irL, l slEll. tonhw h @6ply wih db* FortioB.
<br />IIAR INC f€ilor. b su. eorl6 smFEdmn 6 unlrq tu|, . lndl $bFi e 6r9hF r. mi.rl FEI6 !n
<br />aldgDi ro rh. cor orzonFElnn. dldsd d prold.d rnr 'h.civil ,in6 up lo onc hun&.d thou!41 dollc (tl ).
<br />sdion 11176 0frh. trts codc in!6d1sd
<br />I @t dlm undd Fd, of Fiuy fia I u lksE d u,& Flviri,n of clupla 9 (66,nain8 wnh Salbn 7000) of Di$io. ]
<br />ot rlt AciB &rl PtulBi6 Coda ,!d 6y ltoE b h 611 frlre od .frar
<br />Licd. Nudbd
<br />coM:ralJclloll[dDllclcElcr
<br />I harly.rm un& Frly ofFjurv lhi llE i. otdrucr$i ladnrg tg*y for rlE pqfolrrlmc oflh. tr\,t lbr $tkh iii3 Fni it
<br />sGl (sd 1097. cir c)
<br />I hdt y lltm uidd, of psjury oft ot lh€ lollowins &cldlioo3
<br />ltmhion PnneAlbaroi Nori6..! b. F.ddll{ioN ( l nt 40, P.n6l
<br />-Rcquld
<br />Ltrrdolr*iin iir
<br />I csrify rhir rhc t ddol rcsuhr$B rlsEdinr atEro3 @o!'l tu. mt +pltftk to lhir Foir1
<br />-l
<br />cd'f) rhi I h6. ,ad rhi3 rrn !d rr.rhd\. infgrrtpn. cotr d I
<br />ldh* rcdtudF( !n lrr6.ulEro.,(Fein
<br />.src to @trdy snh dl C y.dC.ut!
<br />.drnancd dd Srrr. kridd'lE i6 ordl!! ciy in
<br />Jffiy
<br />'o
<br />.ird '4o! 'Lih,v. mdti(nEl pmFny tor
<br />, o.
<br />^3dl
<br />Sl3r.
<br />P./a=.116,4
<br />IEEIS!
<br />TDZG'
<br />l-.idd's Adds
<br />.za
<br />Transformers
<br />Air Conditioners