<br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS 0$f\t.R rI r.lrlk Dl I ( \R\rlr)\
<br />I bocty .ffm uid6 Fr.Iy of Frjury lhd I h ddpl 6om lh. Co nGr6B' Licm* l,w tor lh. folb*ins r.en (s4 701 Li
<br />Bsin4 @d Prcadion co&)r Ary cily or couily sntt r.qut6 ! pdf,il ro codtucr. ,h<, inFove d(slai or nlxt dv
<br />shclue Ftu b ir! is@c.. .to Gqub€ rhc lp?lksl for tuch Fin h 6k I tistud nd.lMr lhd n o, dE it lica!'d r6utd
<br />ro th. FoviiioE of tL Co.rtebit Lic.i&d ll* ((n.fl6 o, Cohftd.inl *ilh S.(1nD 7ooo .f Divnion I ofrlE Esind 6d
<br />Pmf*bN Co<L) o. rhd lE or dr i! adp thq.fron rd lh. b6i! tor rt dkscd doFhn A.v viohlion o'Saib! 701 I t bY dv
<br />aprlicar fo. a Fmil rubjGlt ltE tlpli.et ro t civil p.Mlty of tol mr. lne fi* hun&.d &llet (lrm)
<br />l. s ow ofrh. F.Fny, or ry dplorq enn w.s6 & lh.n $k .omF!dro.. sill tL llE wt di tlE tlnrlw ' n'
<br />i,n.'a.a o, ono"r r- st. tso roi,r. s*i* -a P,ot*O. cod. Tt ( odrxlor t l-t6E tr* &6 ml +?ly l' o o$E ol
<br />th.Fopsty *ho hrik! or itso\6 ln-on d *lE &€ sh *!* h!relf nr lE*ltor rhmust hit ot 16 o*t orpkryd
<br />Foritcd rhI sh irlIEEffi c d i'nd'.t d d o,ndin tu r]. lf. tE$n6 $. hoitltl q ,iv.oesr.d i. pld *ihh oE va
<br />;foIpLrDr E(xlE Builda vill tltdE htdd!of Fnir* rlr lEorllE dd d toild or lr{rcG,!. FrFl} iT EF!ro!'ot
<br />l. s orc ofth. D.!Da!. m qclEiv.V conrs!'s *nh l(.Ed cod*16 to oldn41 llE pr.F tSE 7o's. &xitE
<br />rd PtDkin Co&: Th. Conlr.cld t Li.@ t * &6 ml .rPl) lo o o*E oattoFnv wlb b{ild. or iopmr6 ths6lt.
<br />sd who 6ttrt for uh F*xr! $'in. Co rIlo(t) lt6!.d ro&.n rorlE (oilr..lor'. li.e r.*)
<br />_l m.rmB un& 56lr
<br />Ihr. _ . 0r.6 worxns iliuii'rsrrior
<br />I ha*, .rm und.. Fd, oaFJu.y oa onlE 6lbvtrB d.tb.loB:
<br />I t[E.nvill id.i r Cqlifi.rlc of CoEd to Sdl-lM ld wl.a (MFuti,\ B FvilGd 6r ty SclM ltu of rlE
<br />r,hor Code 6r rlr FfrlE.. r $. Qrt fi, $nid rFEn i! @td.
<br />-l lrE.ln $i[ didtin s.rt6 .orP.6tlbD uffia . rqiuEd bt SdDr ]?OO of lh. t t r Code fo tlE Fftrll|r' ol
<br />E srt for lhit lhit Fna it i'rl M, *dta' onpqlritn i,llltre rb d Fliv nu6bd d:
<br />-l
<br />cdtify rbd n llE Ffoffi olllE wort tu *'tth lii' Frn n isE<l I tldl nol dn9trv Dv Fs u u, 'Mr a lo Ui.ffi ouica ro Ur *uta @t+d!.ih 116 or cdi66ir .,rl .gE dtr if I .lD{Ll bEtr $lixr ro tlE
<br />s El oqaEdion FoltioE ofs.dioa 1700 ot Et tor Co<L.l .ldt 6di*nh @rr9lv wilh ltc rrcvi.itd"
<br />w,{R rNG. F.iiE to G8 *qt6' or4dBrin orE 3. ir unL*fll lld rldl obitr & .tPbF lo cinnll pdli"rd
<br />civil fc !p lo oe hurd.d rtou!,!d &ilLB (ttm.m). ir t tdnir b llE .or of Nn9@.ion d,!.ad B Fovikn 6r dE
<br />Serbn 1076 of $. L.tor C.da iddli rd .idrty t f6.
<br />apDuoni:[crBlE-g1!I[ac!,8DESIAAIIII!
<br />t horb, lrm uida FEXy of p<1.y rU t * t"o,*t uiG potiti ,,, ,,f Chtpr. g (comnftinS wilh S6lbn 7oo0) of DNildi l
<br />oa th. BBiB ad ItDfdioN Cod., .nd my lic.E ir h tull foE. dn.lIrl
<br />Lic@ CIB:-La.M Nlnrba
<br />lll!lrslJcll0!.tE!Dl!!-40!!cr
<br />I h6.by amd $da FDhy of Fjury lhtl rh; t ! conitu.l iotr kndins std.t for lhc psto'r@c' of th' wotk nn "lich lhi! pann !
<br />i$!.d (SE. 109?, Civ C.).
<br />alfJ,r(lll.!!,clJsallll!
<br />I hddy arm undd Falr, ot pcjury o.. of th. tolhsrs d( htd nrns:
<br />D.mtnion PsmirlAlb-lo. Nc,lific iotr F.d6.l R.suhtrnt ( l'irl. l0 Pin6)
<br />-R.qutrcd
<br />Ldrd olNoriltrdnn
<br />I calit] th, thl f.d6tl r.slLlhd rcsldit8 obdto. r.mvd s. mt .!tlt.bL lo rhi! FqGl
<br />I cqlifyrh.l hdc @d rhi! rppltslior rd nd. $r th..bo\. i.fomdion acoE.r l4r*lo.oltplvw dl Cirv '"d Coun'
<br />ortiwa na sac rr*: rrtd io u,iury "n'r'',at'* .a utov.nlDro' EFsrliv6 of lni! ch, !'Id ( odrv ro ara i4'n E
<br />ibo!. mtioo.d Foldl, td upclhn FrpdE
<br />Appli..nr !r AE6l SiBtrrlure
<br />Site-Work
<br />Underqround
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Liqht Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Fountains
<br />Siqns (monument)
<br />Life Safety /Low Voltaqe
<br />Fire Alarm / Dampers
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Building
<br />Under SIab / Floor
<br />Bondinq / Groundinq / UFER
<br />Transformers
<br />Torqueing
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Roof Top Equipment
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rouqh)
<br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Soffit Rouqh
<br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough)
<br />Meter Release
<br />Rough
<br />Service Meler ll I
<br />FINAL tt.1 'u '4, lol
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc