<br />Appliances
<br />Metal Fire Place
<br />Evaporative Cooler
<br />Furnace
<br />Compressor
<br />Misc. Equipment
<br />Duct Work
<br />Pre-lnsulation
<br />lnsulation
<br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled
<br />Rough Ductwork
<br />Vents
<br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer
<br />Residential Ranqe
<br />Other
<br />Hood
<br />Type I Hood
<br />Type ll Hood
<br />Grease Duct
<br />Fire Damper
<br />Openings
<br />lnstallation
<br />F.D. Drop Test
<br />Above Hard Lid
<br />Above T-Bar
<br />Rough Mech.
<br />Final Test
<br />Meter Release ,?'
<br />FINAL z/ilho -Nd
<br />Notes, Remarks, Elc.
<br />I h6.!, !1tu6 u.da p6.lty of Filry ltr I m aqqr n@ $. codt-r6 Li(!E L^ 6. lh. hlbwt l*[ (sc.70l I t
<br />B6ina .n ?m&sbn Cod.): A,y Chy or Cq!r! *trth 'rqri6 . Fnn lo @!ll!d. .!q, iDFovc drslLl' ot qt &y
<br />ErxrE Ft ro.! i.rac.lo EqriB dE Alid b,BlFnnb nL.rign d raqEl rhilEort i li.6!.d F aEi
<br />ro rt Fvib6 of lh. Cont&ld! Leo.d Lw (O!fla 9. Com@ilg eih Sdion 7000 of Divijon I of rlE &!i!d -r!
<br />Prclsaoo c!d.) or thd !E o, lE i oGrpt rffiDo ,td $. b-i fo. tlE db.d aatD(ih. Aly yirLir ofs.dih 70, I J by ey
<br />e9lic.fl ror. Fni $tiErr rlE .pplird ro i.ivil Frlyof d ffi ib Rtc h!d,!d <bui (15@).
<br />-1.
<br />. @c of lh. FoFry. 6 ti, 6pbt€ $it w.A6 . [En bk oEp6.rb'l- wil do UE *dl dl rt ttndr i Dl
<br />idqd.d d olfsld fo .L (Sc.7044. Buh.$ ed P&LltioE Cod.: lh. ConBdd! LtlE try do€ mi +ly Io d osc ol
<br />rlE p.lFry wto hil6 d lsoq tlEoc .n *tu do6 nd xdit ttelf or l',rlf d ltrcus! hi' d hd 06.tTt,)@.
<br />FlvlLd rh. rsi i4.sqtE' c Er ii.i.d d otu ft. .t. l[ lDw. dE hrldq d iqodEr q -ld wrni! m )dofdplaia dE o\rc 8uilla wiU hw tt hddr of Fvi,lt thr lEdiE dil rsl hild or irqrow lh. FoFry &. it F,Frof
<br />.1{. ogG otuh. FlFry. a qchln.ry codrKing *ih liq!.d olr,eld lo oturu.r lh. Foi{ (sc 1x4. Bdi!6
<br />hllinCo<l: Tt Conr.cor'! Lk.@ Lrw dc mr Sply ro D ow.- ofprcpqly *ho b!il& or inFo€ fi6@!.
<br />who @flrrl! for Mi FDj<r. *nt r comrdo(, !iG!.d Flllld !o rlE cdr..crd.t li6 t w).-;tr q L q,.o,,"..
<br />lrlr I \lr \ l l0\
<br />I lu.!\ rlli'n, trJ.' l{nrLr\.1 tiru\.nr.l rhc n,l[\rtr)! J.\|.tr. rrtr
<br />-l
<br />hN d will din h. Cdrift.r. of Cod lo sdt-!ry! ftr 6td @npaun4. Flvid.d h. bsclbD l?00 of lh.
<br />trto. C.d.. tor dE Ffal@! of rb. wt td ,ti.h rn Fet i i!E!.4
<br />-t lu@ rld will Mitnli. *!rr(a .orqGaion itme - Equhd b) !6rbn t700 ot0E t tD. Cod., tu rt. Fflffi of
<br />rl'. rqt &i wtih fiir FEi il i8.d My wt4 @trFlrior ilE|]rc di,.d polty .mbq sc
<br />FotcrU
<br />-l.ariry
<br />rhr h rlE Ffol]r:!re of lhc wo* for *hih lhn Fai i! iqd. I lhdt el opby dy Fu h o, n'.E
<br />n 6 lo balr $tid ro t!. wlo'@6!db' Ls orcdib i. lld irc $e if I nolld bco@ r{ii !o th.
<br />Nd6' @op6.iE Fovtbr ofs.dbtr 1700 of6. rrb.. Cod.. I i.ll fdth*nh @nplr elh lhot FlvlioB
<br />WAA InC: FnlE b m wt d ooFldaon sv6rs. ! uiLstul. lrd dull &biel s dptoF lo cioi.d Flib dld
<br />civil nnc, up ro oE hui<t d dDur.rld dollE (1100.000). n! .ddnion ro llE cor ol @rpdarior &i.s6 ! FotiLd fot tlr
<br />S&tbn !076 otrlk titd C4a dd !n lfu'
<br />-,,, - I ta lpt ^,,-.,,/ o.......--.-:I-r-1 r ,;r;;K
<br />DECtf,AAIIAd
<br />I hor6y {rm u,rls F nly of pajury lhd I m licqlt d uda provi.ioi oaclrprq 9 (.oiljlr@ii8 wnh Sctbn ?0m) of Dititbn l
<br />ol th. asiB ed PrcfiJios Co&. !d Ey licoE it h tull for..d.lIei
<br />I tat6y .iftr u& p@Iy of Fjuy Or oEr i . odnrtih !.n4 lec, ror lb. Frl,:fu. of t *ul b, stth rfiir Fri i
<br />iaEcd (Sc :109r. Civ C.).
<br />aI,E ror r n.-r ^x,afto
<br />I lE6, .eE u.& F.xy of Fiury oft of tb. folbwi4
<br />Ddblnbn Pmil^rt r.o! Nodfuio! Fcds.l lcguLrbN (TnL 40, Pai6)
<br />-Rc$d
<br />tdr6of fldihior
<br />I cdify $d lh. a.da.l r.suldioE Egsdins sbolor rooyd e. od 4,pli..bL h ini! Falal
<br />-l.qlirylh.Ilr.qd
<br />6.pdi.rih d .d, rh.ttoE hro,orio i'MEI I tarE ro oE9ly rih.llcitr..d cou y
<br />odi46 rd Sl.rc Lr$ r.li6g ro boilduu .ld hatly .dhriz r.!.erdi!6 o
<br />atl,vc nErion.n pmpsry ror 'Bl.d
<br />Apphcdr d a8o Stndw:
<br />vQ \#3-
<br />'))"")'):)7tli
<br />I
<br />fii@l
<br />Lsrdr'r AdilE. _
<br />CU/L Se
<br />I