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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />OWN',R BIIILDER DALCARATTO <br />I n6.q rfm ur& Frly oa pqJur, rhd I m qdB frcm rlE (olnn.l@ L,c6* L.* fo,lll. folhwt{ lmn (Sc 7011., <br />&!ind ad PrclBsion Co<L) Any Cny or CMy uhth r.qutB . Fdi lo 6dod, .16, mProE &ali.l' or lq.n dy <br /> Fsb hr iBllm. .Lo E+n6 dt Qpli.,ll ft}. tuch Fhi ro nL r riSxd nrdEd lhd h. ot Jr i lic.lgl lrtulr <br />ro rrt rrD$6 of dE*ld r Lrd!.d tr* ((1l4rs 9. Cotrrllldils *iO S<rio. ?0(D of Divilion I ot rlE BGiB od <br />PDft..i.u Co<L) 6 ln.r lE r rlE i qaqJl thdrfioi .nd lh. b-a fd rlE.lh.d daFsn Any voLion of S!dn. ?011.5 bv.!r-" <br />.rplker for . Fnn su6l3 rlE +plicld ro . oeil Fuit of mr mcrhe fiv. hur&.d &'llr! Irt@) <br />-1, <br />B o*G orrhc FrFrt, o. oy mpbr6 silh qra6 6 thcn sk @,tFMiotr "ill6 lll *td !d d. nME 6 mr <br />i.rdi.l or o|Ia.d ad slc (Sa.?04.t. BsiB dd holBi'B co&: n!. ao,nndd't ljc* lrw d(6 ftn .p?ly lo u orE of <br />rh. Frpqry wla, UIrd 6r inF.c $mrn. !n *',n d.E sn q!,t hielr or ha*laor rtmusfi hit o, hs o$ dphv€ <br />rrovidol lhll such imFlruE ! 4 mr idddcd or or*al tu rl.. rl hq6s, $. hrid$g or lr',tr)ffi 6 eld wihm on. yd <br />oa@qll6iorl tlE o$M A{il& will hlvc llE hrdn ol proviis rht lE or sh. .lid ml hild ot oFott lhc FDFry ror tlE lu!o* ol <br />& - "** r,* ^*r. u .x.h!'<t ins wnh lic.rrd conrruloG ro.o6rtu<l rh. F.j.<i ls( 7044. B6ind <br />!d PDrsi, Co&: Th. Co.lncloar ticd. ljn'dd.ot.pply ro u 0*.6 otFoFny uho b!il& or impro!6 rfi6$n. <br />ed $h. olnrs.r! for sh FoJ<i! wnh r codd.(s) lkd!.d p{Ml lo lh. Codrd* t l.t@ l.w) <br />I B .tmpl ur& Srritn-, B <br />DESJAAIIA! <br />I hs.b lmft urd, Fultt of FjuD oE ol lh. rolb* iqB dalun66: <br />I -d r ill mi u. C.ni6.d. of coMr to s.lf-lEu. fd $dt6a .mpdqrion. 6 F\ld.d for t'r sdbn 17m otin <br />l,to Coda for itc F{olllrm. o t $c hd for sllih E Finn ii irq,cd <br />- - I h!\. &d *ill d.intain' .omr.s.tnrn 6 r.qur.d by serirn lTtxr oarhc I ibor Co&. for rh. pdfomocc ol <br />rhc u ork tor *hrh rhis pdnn i! ie.d My wotltd, conDdldion 'Burec .mi6 d pllli(! nuarbc &.: <br />Policy Nlmbs.-ErriR: <br />S<rrn 1076 of$. bbor Codq iddd rd fdr.r't fG <br />t9'lto/t$18 <br />,,,,,, lt.l lof Eot& <br />rrLL6iir, 'hd <br />i. lh. Faollt4. orrrE worl rtr u'hah rhB F6n n &u.d. I ildl mr 6ehy uy pa&. in [, tffi <br />$ 6lo tEor $bj6l to lh. *!*6'conpqehn L*! of Cdifoni( Dd rsr dlt if Lbuld beom $bj<t to ll! <br />q!d6'rcnpeEdionFovilio6ofsdio.luooolllElrtdCod.,ltdLtod*iti@npry*nh 5i FlvnFG <br />w RNlNc: F ilG ro s@ $orla'onFE lFn cordrs. i! dhsful. dld idl abr6i r drploF <br />'o <br />oniEl Fdi: ed <br />.ni! nn6 !p r. oE hlrdr.d lhousd &lle (tl($.rool i. lddnio. b E o{ or conF!.|i.( il, g6 a ForiLd torrh. <br />Ull}l.Lll(A,\t&l(ltlAtrg.,lBAua! <br />I ncb, !flirm und6 poalry o I Fjury lhd I M li.nEn undd Flvilion of Chlrld I {coMa.ins wnh sd iotr 70(x)) oI D ilion l <br />of rhc B!.i.B ed PbaeioB Cod., ed my I'ca$ n in full fira ed .IIer <br />collIf,llcIIoNJ.EaulGAGEIiS <br />I Mr .llm undd FrXy of Fru r* rhi lha. s . codtudion l.ditg .sd] for 0t Ff!t1rs. or dE rorl hr trrt.h thit Fm. a <br />is.d tss 1007. cir c.) <br />-l <br />.dit rhn th. Hcrsl r.s!L!,lios r.gsdinE Bb..b3 .mo\.l E rct ap?lt.bL lo thB p$J.<r <br />& .criry rr,,l r U c ,aa rr,i rp?ltd6n !n ,.r. lhd rlE .h'r. hro'nio. a .olE I .{c ro .omply u,'lh nl ( n, .d Count, <br />od!@6 d{ Sl!l. Lr*! cliIt b &ild,u co'dtuclbr .d lE.5) rurligM r.p.@rrtr d of th! ( 1} dd ('.d, ro 6la upon tlE <br />.tn!. nFrrcMd D.nF!] l0 Nlqrhn F,!6 -/ <br />^ppron,or"n'rsrarrnn ,l/l,rrL{r",rjr/ -,, tLl PlltJt <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Siqns (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Flojl-- <br />Bondinq /,eriu nd itg, UFER j-?-6- t1 0t r--t <br />TransformEs- <br />Torqueing <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Soffit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meler Release q- <br />Rough 9.4, t9 LLT <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL alb lt4 I Yst>? /ot <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc t-l__/t <br />I <br />rorrrcnrntrpaarr, tlLH LU <br />Sub-Panels <br />AEU(AAI.DEOJAAI]AX <br />I h6try .IIm oRlE poehy of p<jury on. of 0E nnb* ing ddltr.riom: <br />D.molaion P.mirs-Asb6rd Nor ific.rion !_.ddil R.suhin! (Tnl.40. P.n6) <br />-Rqund <br />L€rl6 of Nolificarion <br />I