<br />Appliances
<br />Metal Fire Place
<br />Evaporative Cooler
<br />Furnace
<br />ssor
<br />Misc. Equipment
<br />Duct Work
<br />Pre-lnsulation
<br />lnsulation
<br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled
<br />Rouqh Ductwork
<br />Vents
<br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer
<br />Besidential Banqe
<br />Other
<br />Hood
<br />Type I Hood
<br />Type ll Hood
<br />Grease Duct
<br />Fire Damper
<br />Openings
<br />lnstallation
<br />F.D. Drop Test
<br />Above Hard Lid
<br />Above T-Bar I
<br />Rough Mech.I /tz//,f
<br />Final Test //
<br />Meter Release o
<br />FINAL I ht /tl --.#7 ?., -/
<br />t t r.!, tfinn cd.r Frry ol Ftrt rL l E.&,'l nw . C.I,-rm Litc t* fo. dr &,llo*bg llen (S.c.mll.!
<br />BBi6r !n ProLri,tr C.d.l: tut Ciy d Cdlry whth Equllr r lqd lr 6.rd.t d6, i,q,Et .l.mlirh r E?.t Dy
<br />!ialr., l. Il3 irll].e..t$ Eqoid rlr lPplio lor sh lEmir ro l5L. iieEn itd.,mr ri lroltEiliEs.d Flfun
<br />to rh. Fnvni,nr of rlE C.nlrErf,t Licln-d L.* (Clqrd L Cmba rth S.dir ,m of Diynir. ] ol dE ABie* rn
<br />Protusirn; Cod.)or rlrl lEd d! i.rcrpr dE!6!ndd r h-t for rli.lLtld.&r9d'n Any vbbrinofssii,nr0l1.5 b, sy
<br /> lor . FEir obFrl UE .pplir lo..ivilFcltofbrmE u Ew hldrld doll.r {lr{D,.
<br />-1.aosEofrlEFoFnr,dmy.,ptlG.willl*.t..Brtinl@rqalrin*i!.btlEht.ndrorlEariilnoi.d motu fd sl (Se.m44 BciB rd PrDtlirE C.d. Tln C!flr8d r LitE Lr dc. 'd {'ply io u orE of
<br />rh. F!Cd, r,lb hill d bFuB dEqt !n *ho d6 at srt hi@f o lEEll lhludr hn n hd os cn?hF6.
<br />FoviLd u{ .Et arFi.Ecln G d irai.d .t oltr.d fo. e!. ll horc, dr hlildi'r d irFetEr t -r, riih c !E
<br />ot(rtpLrirl dE 0*6 Blilb ri[ lrE tlr hrth ofFwi'! dr lE d aE.ln nll h ,6 iI.oG h. Fr'Fry t ilE F!F..of
<br />l. &oaErofrrE rhFny. .n.r.turiv.ty co rkrin8 wnh l..trerl.odd.n ro onru1 rlt FDF| (Sa 7o{. aEis
<br />rn Ptl'asrrr Cd. Th. Co xror\ Len* Li* &F d +ply ro.n orE.f li.Fny sho hoildr or irrpmEr lh.r6n.
<br />r.d rho $dr-t ft* fth F,Fs *Ih. Odd.n n dn<n l|tnEtll k' rlE Qmrretoir Li..ns b*)
<br />-l
<br />m.r.mF urir sdirtr- B. & P.C fMrhnE o
<br />D.l. O,E:
<br />w0nxrar$ ( (rtrPF\sart(N
<br />I hc..ny .mrh und.r p. lry of FJory oE orr,r
<br />'lnbwins
<br />.k<l&rit'ns:
<br />-lh.r!nwlll
<br />ixrh r C.nifttr. of CoE n ro S.trlnnc ad Etd @rDaHrao.. B Fovi!.d br by Selion !7lD of lt
<br />r,6.. C.d.. [a llE Ffo.llre of tlt Er aq rnill dr Fril i irEd.
<br />_l hrw lnd rill minrrin rort6'orp.N.rirn in$rN. r Equird by Sd-rih lml of rlE L&r Co&. rd ll,E Ffl,rlrN of
<br />lh. rdt fq rhih lhir Fmi ir iird M, 6t6' slFnrlin iffi 6i, !n pokt nudlB &:
<br />-
<br />I rrnilJ_ r rrnrlEFrl(lmrrfrh.*.rlntrrhrhrh6nntrNA\uql.I\hrllR{.flqrl,rrn!Frvrmlhtnhrtur
<br />$ r't\nrrshtrrn)rh.s, [i .ont{n\rkB Lr \ nr ( xh l,trtru rniilrcrhlitlnr'uldt('ff\uhfrrr"h
<br />r, trtr^ ., 'n{-..-nsrrn' Irnr i\xrn\ ol S(rx t?lr) .l rhc l-rhr tirlr. l \h'11 kr0rw h .un{nl a [h rh)r tBtr nrn!
<br />WAININC: tIhE ro tu *dtn @np.ndih 6!r i. i! unL*nll .d ilrll .td e d!?bF lo dbl rqris rn
<br />civil fm3 up ro * lEirntd rlE!.,n 6lh r (tto.@). h ddai,n ro th. oi ol onF..ri.rc d.!ry. D Flvldcd lor llr
<br />Sdin 1075 01lt. Lt . C.rL. ira.r rn rtdar':66
<br />ulEUsEDsluuAtitrxUEIjTAIIIE
<br />I hftt, rtfn u"dd Ful, of Fla, rta I u t:lE.d
<br />'Ddct Frrtrio. of ctaG 9 (ffit! *tn Salbn ,m) of DivLio. l
<br />ol fi. BBiH nn PreftsiE C.&. .d by lt.r i h lirl lbc i.l cfb.r
<br />cNlarqraLa[n&-atiB(I
<br />I h,.rm ldb rdrly ot Fr6! rL o'ar ir @diarbr ladit.tdy to lE F6.dE of (h. wt tr * thl FnI ir
<br />Ltud lse- 38r. Cir. c.r.
<br />I n4at.nm ur& FMly ol Fiury oE of lh. folhwinS d..brli'n.
<br />D(tuUbn Ftrhni'Arb.(or Norifr.rion F.d.h! Rc3lLrhN (Tnh 4,, Pd6)
<br />-R.a{iFd
<br />Lrrrddf Ndiftlin
<br />l.r'r'l!rhrt rh.l. crrlr.8uL nnr rrrMItr{ x\tf,{o\ rrnr^.,l xrr nn rmlf,rhk n) , h^ pi,)rn
<br />-l
<br />.qiily drr I lrE pd lnir Sli..rion !d !lrl. rlE tlE .ioE dhn ir csrr I ry,t lo 6npt, wirh lll CIy .!n Couly
<br />dtl,lrei .id s|rl. Lr*r Elrlt ro toildinS .onnn.riotl. rn lEEby rl,horiz E}r.*mii6 ol rhn cn, od cGri, to .116 l4oi dr
<br />lthE Gnraor.d prrrEiry ld ir1{.<1i[ p!r!(a
<br />\11,1, ,r .\r( \i!,.iL '.
<br />a
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.