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SITE.WORK DATE COMMENTS renoN <br />,ully6fFjurylhdIn*.nq,lEomlhc(odr..r.'Lic.B.t!*lorlh.fouowin8rdth(S<.?0llt <br />&lills .,!d Proldion Cod.) Anr Cny o, Cou,ny unth Gtuic . Fnr b @'EDcr, .na, inFoE &e'6h ot r.'li' di <br />srruduc, rhr ro ir! isudcc. !b. .ntun6 rh. rpplicer lor ruch p.mir ro lil. a lrsrEd rllrod! rh, h. or J'. G licoMd p@dt <br />b rF! rhE of tlI Conn*rd, ti...!.d Ll* (C1u9(6 9, Com*i.! rhn Sdion 7000 ot Dnriotr ll of rlE &!ilE ed <br />PmfBioB Codc) or lnll hc or !h. it .r.mpl lhd.frcm Md th. bari! for rh. all.s.d .t@O,on Any vioLlion ofs..1ion 701 I 5 by lny <br />rppl(rd for r Fmi rubi* rlE rtplkdl lo. rivil Flhy of ml mE Oe li$ hudtql dolh3 (!50O) <br />-1, <br />s oec of lh. FDFlr. ( by olphr6 $ilh uq6 s lhct iL @mFsi6a $iI do llE *tt t'd th. $ti@ i Dl <br />itn.d.d r ofis.d for sL lsd 70,14. Bdir6 od PloldioN ('o& Th. codndd . l-i(x@ tr{ &'d nol spl} lo d o*c oa <br />rhc p.bF! wls hriLl tr itrp.o!6 rlEq !d sh. d6 *h $lt hirelln tdlf or ieusl hit or lE os dployG. <br />prold.d th.r $ct imFoccr.emr iddrd.d dolH for sl.. l( h6!, dE blildidg d i4.oEEr n$B*ihnffi td <br />oforpldiot\ 1lE oer6 Bojl& trill $. hda olFoeiig dli n or !lI. dA d hild or itrFov. U. proFly for tlt FrPo* of <br />-1. <br />E o*E of rh. FrFty, @ d.ldir.l, .otu&n! whh li(oed c.lrtrl6 <br />'o <br />Nnhd th. F.j.<l lsc. ,or'{. tt6ilB <br />Md Plblsn cod.: Th.Comr*ror'r Li.dc Llw do6 Nr rIrl,booEns *ho builrL.r inProv6lhqen, <br />dd *ho @'dBl! lor sh Foj.rr] with r Coirrclorlr) ltcmd Pll urn lo rh. aollInclq ! Ltqe lr$). <br />_l s..rdnpr u(lq Sdrhn .ll & l'( tuthLr.&qlt <br />Dire Otrrcr. <br />\\oRxljRs'( orlPil\sr I lo\ <br />llligrlS4ll9! <br />I ho.h\ ailnmutrd( Frlr! ol IEjm .rc .lln. linlN mt dsl!!rionr <br />-l <br />hlvc d wrll @.rab r ( 6inc c olcoogt 10 Scla.lNur. lor mrk.r. comp.n,ltion, s pro\ idcd tot by sein,n l?00 of lh. <br />Llbor Codq l lh. Ffi]l]r@. olllE usrl fin *nkh th. Fnn it iBU.d <br />-l l6t .nd *illrui rir E!.tdr .oEp6!l6n itffi.. s r.qurtd by sdhn 1700 of lh. t hor Co&. for rh. FfIfuc or <br />rh. sort fo, ut(h iha Fnil it isr.d. My *dldr @nP.Eiio. ituur'N 6it -d Polt) numlE e <br />\.,., <br />A,^<^'co.., Zp*)4 <br />VJaadl <br />-l <br />cdrify rh, in rh. Ffollll.e of rlE sorl fo. *hth rhn Fnil is is.d- l3h.ll ml dploy mi F$n iI uy oa6 <br />s Nro b.$mrubier to lh. m d onFtrii.n h$Eotcditonir, &d !s6rfii ial3holld b.(otu qtt !| 'drh.sorrB' onFlxb. povbioBoaS.dion l?00 oalhc tib.r Co&. I Cdl fonh*irh omd, *nhftEpllv.ioc <br />wARNIt(; Frltr to su. rqtd' onFBiit. o!6ts. ir oL$tuI. &d {dl sbj.ll e onplor6 to aihiul FtiB tnd <br />civil fin* up !o oE hurdcd rhousd d.ll4 (, in &jdilion lo lh. cor of .omp.erion, dth,3d a p.ov'd.d fot th. <br />Sarrn 1()76 of rh. l,tnr Crd.. nr6d rrd .Im ! fc <br />>G* <br />I hs.ty .frm ud.r rEdD or Fjur, rld I o$ioi 6a(.l[FselonIffiins unh s<ti,.70ml of Dnnion l <br />ol rh. llBins ed t\ol6i.B cod., ai my <br />l'v" <br />-l>7r0 <br />trl*^l <br />I hmby .frm ondd FEhy of Fju.y lhd lh@ i! <br />is.d{s6 lo97.cie ( ) <br />B a!d() tor ltc FI('man.. olrh. $otl [r \hFhlhs !.mri 6 <br />ATSIICANLDEqJAAIIA! <br />I hddy!trm! jdp..dtyolFrjurto@of rh. rolbwinS deludions <br />D.rbh6. Pmirr-Arb.do3 NdificdEn r.d6.l R.suhrb6 ( rnk {0, Pd6) <br />R.quiEn tnrd of ttoriftrion <br />I cdrfy th.l rh. t d.r!l Esulatbd r.srdirg dbGror rm\.| o. en qrliclbb io lh! troj.t <br />l.diryrhd I hn. r...j thi.pplirlion En nd.lha lh<.!o\. infomdi.n i! cod.rl I ts.a lo cooply \ nh .ll Cil, .nd County <br />nln@6 dd sur. r*. rckii8 ro t{ildiq. codru.rioi. .n hs.t't lurhrriz r.Fadiiv6 o f lh! Cny !d (bu.ry ro al6 l4on llE <br />f.{ppll.inr o. <br />^ <br />si8n.r ure. <br />ittnn oanrt: La o /"h>"/,/u <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loorfu enVlnsulation <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req \ <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />FINAL <br />Certificate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />ID/SIG. <br />Flood Zone Certif. <br />flho!. 'ncnli,,ned l]lop€.I.- (tr insp.dn,n putlr)s <br />I